I didn't want that 2$ off!!!
This was my third time buying bg1. Cd, gog and most recently the bgEE. You think i wanted 2$ off? Hell no! I waited for that countdown to reach zero because I care. Why didn't I have the option to pay 2$ extra? Dont insult my dedication ever again.
But: Once the game gets released on the apple store we can pay full price - hope is not lost
I can't really think what else they could do as a preorder reward.
Though this is my 4th time purchasing BG1.
I cannot deny the fact that getting extras for pre-ordering is tempting, but if you were to give any ingame bonus i would only agree with some cosmetics (like dyes) and not full functional items which you use to progress.
I pre-ordered because i love this series, and i want to support your project (bring me BG2!). And i'm sure most players who pre-order do it for the love they have for this game and not for items.
Also players who don't pre-order end up paying more, so why give them less?
The only thing i would love to have is a box, personally that would be the biggest pre-order bonus for me
I've been on lots of other game forums where's no feedback whatsoever.