[MOD] Custom NPC Kits

There is a lot of redundancy within NPCs in BG1 and BG2. Think Imoen/Alora [BG1], Faldorn/Jaheira [BG1], Nalia/Imoen [BG2] and the trinity of Keldorn/Anomen/Mazzy [BG2]. Unfortunately, one of the NPCs is often far superior (how many times have you taken Alora over Imoen?) and thus the other sits in their predetermined spawning point and is never utilized.
Similarly, the generic classes of BG1 (and even some of the NPC classes in BG2) leave little to talk about in the story-telling department. Imoen learns her thief skills by adventuring and skulking around Candlekeep, whereas Alora learned hers through a life of burglary in Baldur's Gate. Despite the difference in their lives and talents, the two characters share an identical, generic kit.
I was inspired by Gibberlings 3's NPC Kitpack (http://gibberlings3.net/npckit/) which gave some of the characters a much needed kit upgrade that incorporated their background and gave them unique abilities.
My goal with this mod is to do something similar to G3's mod, but expand it so that most (if not all) of the NPCs in the games receive kits that are both more appropriate to their background and make them more interesting to bring along. In doing so, I hope to encourage the use of some of the oft forgotten characters.
Here's a brief list of the classes I've sketched out the characters.
* Ajantis - Squire of the Radiant Heart
* Alora - Burglar
* Branwen - Battleguard of Tempus
* Coran - Scout
* Dorn - Blackguard
* Dynaheir - Hathran
* Edwin - Red Wizard [Conjurer]
* Eldoth - Charlatan
* Faldorn - Shadow Druid
* Garrick - Thespian
* Imoen - Adventurer
* Jaheira - Harper Avenger
* Kagain - Mercenary or Battlerager
* Khalid - Bladesinger
* Kivan - Seeker
* Minsc - Rashemi Barbarian
* Montaron - Assassin
* Neera - Wild Mage [or Wild Sorcerer]
* Quayle - Cloaked Beguiler
* Rasaad - Sun Soul Monk
* Safana - Swashbuckler
* Shar-Teel - Harrier
* Skie - Acrobat
* Tiax - Zealous Seeker of Cyric
* Viconia - Nightcloak of Shar
* Xan - Duskblade or Eldritch Knight
* Xzar - Blood Mage
* Yeslick - Alaghor of Clangeddin Silverbeard
Inspiration from these classes are drawn from a variety of sources, including
* G3's Song & Silence
* G3's NPC Kitpack
* The Faiths of Faerun mod
* G3's Divine Remix
* Various 3E sourcebooks (including Player's Handbook 2, Complete Arcana, Complete Divine and Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting)
* Various Pathfinder class archetypes
Opinions? Thoughts? Suggestions?
Similarly, the generic classes of BG1 (and even some of the NPC classes in BG2) leave little to talk about in the story-telling department. Imoen learns her thief skills by adventuring and skulking around Candlekeep, whereas Alora learned hers through a life of burglary in Baldur's Gate. Despite the difference in their lives and talents, the two characters share an identical, generic kit.
I was inspired by Gibberlings 3's NPC Kitpack (http://gibberlings3.net/npckit/) which gave some of the characters a much needed kit upgrade that incorporated their background and gave them unique abilities.
My goal with this mod is to do something similar to G3's mod, but expand it so that most (if not all) of the NPCs in the games receive kits that are both more appropriate to their background and make them more interesting to bring along. In doing so, I hope to encourage the use of some of the oft forgotten characters.
Here's a brief list of the classes I've sketched out the characters.
* Ajantis - Squire of the Radiant Heart
* Alora - Burglar
* Branwen - Battleguard of Tempus
* Coran - Scout
* Dorn - Blackguard
* Dynaheir - Hathran
* Edwin - Red Wizard [Conjurer]
* Eldoth - Charlatan
* Faldorn - Shadow Druid
* Garrick - Thespian
* Imoen - Adventurer
* Jaheira - Harper Avenger
* Kagain - Mercenary or Battlerager
* Khalid - Bladesinger
* Kivan - Seeker
* Minsc - Rashemi Barbarian
* Montaron - Assassin
* Neera - Wild Mage [or Wild Sorcerer]
* Quayle - Cloaked Beguiler
* Rasaad - Sun Soul Monk
* Safana - Swashbuckler
* Shar-Teel - Harrier
* Skie - Acrobat
* Tiax - Zealous Seeker of Cyric
* Viconia - Nightcloak of Shar
* Xan - Duskblade or Eldritch Knight
* Xzar - Blood Mage
* Yeslick - Alaghor of Clangeddin Silverbeard
Inspiration from these classes are drawn from a variety of sources, including
* G3's Song & Silence
* G3's NPC Kitpack
* The Faiths of Faerun mod
* G3's Divine Remix
* Various 3E sourcebooks (including Player's Handbook 2, Complete Arcana, Complete Divine and Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting)
* Various Pathfinder class archetypes
Opinions? Thoughts? Suggestions?
Post edited by Aquadrizzt on
/// DYNAHEIR \\\
Lawful Good // Female // Human
STR 11 // DEX 13 // CON 16
INT 17 // WIS 15 // CHA 12
Hathran (Sorcerer Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 1 star in Club, Dagger, Flail, Mace, Spear, Staff, and Warhammer.
- May place 1 star in Crossbow, Dart, and Sling.
- May place 1 star in Single Weapon Style and Dual Weapon Style.
- May wear robes and elven chainmail.
- May only wear their Rashemi Mask in the head slot.
Class Features
- At 1st level, you are granted a mask. This mask cannot be removed and improves further at 3rd level, 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter (11, 15, etc.).
- At 1st level, gains spellcasting abilities. Hathrans cast and learn spells identically to sorcerers, but have a unique spell list.
- At 6th level, gains Weave Attunement.
- At 10th level, you may use Fear once per day as a special ability. You can an additional use at 15th and 19th level.
- At 12th level, gains Improved Weave Attunement.
- At 14th level, you may use Greater Command once per day as a special ability. You gain additional uses every 10 levels.
- At 20th level, gains Greater Weave Attunement.
WEAVE ATTUNEMENT: Using your attunement with the Weave, you are able to utilize more magical energy than other spellcasters. This ability further improves at 12th and 20th level. (This ability is tied to your mask, and will cease to function should you somehow remove it.)
At 6th level: You gain two extra 1st level spells per day, 1 extra 2nd level spell per day and one extra 3rd level spell per day.
At 12th level: You gain two extra 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spells per day and 1 extra 4th, 5th and 6th level spells per day.
At 20th level: You gain two additional spells per day of every level.
Hathran Spell List
1st: Charm Person, Chromatic Orb, Cure Light Wounds, Command, Detect Evil, Friends, Identify, Infravision, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Scatterspray, Shield, Sleep
2nd: Blur, Detect Invisibility, Invisibility, Hold Person, Knock, Know Alignment, Luck, Mirror Image, Moonbeam, Resist Fear, Slow Poison, Vocalize
3rd: Cure Medium Wounds, Detect Illusion, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Flashburst, Haste, Moonblade, Non-Detection, Remove Curse, Remove Magic, Remove Paralysis, Protection from Normal Missiles, Zone of Sweet Air
4th: Fireshield (Blue), Fireshield (Red), Cloak of Fear, Deathward, Greater Malison, Ice Storm, Imrpvoed Invisibility, Minor Sequencer, Neutralize Poison, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self, Protection from Evil: 10' Radius, Stoneskin
5th: Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Domination, Free Action, Hold Monster, Moon Path, Negative Plane Protection, Protection from Normal Weapons, Spell Immunity
6th: Chain Lightning, Cure Critical Wounds, Contingency, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone, Greater Command, Improved Haste, Mass Cure, Pierce Magic, Protection from Magical Weapons, Restoration, Stone to Flesh, Spell Deflection, True Seeing,
7th: Delayed Blast Fireball, Khelben's Warding Whip, Mantle, Power Word: Stun, Pristmatic Spray, Project Image, Protection from the Elements, Raise Dead, Spell Sequencer, Spell Turning
8th: Blade Barrier, Conjure Fire Elemental (priest), False Dawn, Heal, Improved Mantle, Incendiary Cloud, Physical Mirror, Pierce Shield, Simulacrum, Spell Trigger, Wondrous Recall
9th: Absolute Immunity, Chain Contigency, Fire Storm, Freedom, Greater Restoration, Power Word: Kill, Resurrection, Shapechange, Shield of the Archon, Spell Trap, Spellstrike, Symbol: Fear, Symbol: Death, Time Stop, Wish
Rashemi Mask
- 1st Level: +1 AC, +5% Magic Resistance
- 3rd Level: Protection from Evil.
- 6th Level: Grants Weave Attunement class ability.
- 7th Level: Vocalize, +10% Magic Resistance (total: +15%)
- 11th Level: +1 AC (total: +2), +1 Casting Speed
- 12th level: Grants Improved Weave Attunement.
- 15th Level: +1 Casting Speed (total: +2), +10% Magic Resistance (total: +25%)
- 19th Level: +1 AC (total: +3)
- 20th Level: Grants Greater Weave Attunement.
/// Quayle \\\
Chaotic Neutral // Male // Gnome
STR 8 // DEX 15 // CON 11
INT 17 // WIS 10 // CHA 6
Cloaked Beguiler (Sorcerer Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 1 star in Club, Dagger, Longsword, Shortsword and Staff.
- May place 1 star in Crossbow, Dart, Shortbow and Sling.
- May not place any stars in any weapon style.
- Can wear robes and armor up to Studded Leather.
- May only equip the Shadowcloak in the cloak slot.
Class Features
- At 1st level, a cloaked beguiler gains spellcasting abilities. Cloaked beguilers cast spells in a manner similar to sorcerers.
- At 1st level, gains Armored Mage.
- At 2nd level, you may use Surprise Cast once per day. Additional uses are gained every 4 levels.
- At 3rd level, gains Cloaked Casting.
- At 8th level, gains Improved Cloaked Casting.
- At 10th level, gains Silent Spells.
- At 15th level, gains Swift Casting.
- At 20th level, gains Improved Swift Casting.
ARMORED MAGE: You do not suffer from arcane spell failure while wearing light armor.
SURPRISE CAST: Your next spell casts instantly.
CLOAKED CASTING: You cast spells more quickly while invisible. This ability further improves at 8th and 14th level. This ability only functions while wearing the Cloakshadow.
At 3rd level: you gain +1 casting speed while invisible.
At 8th level: you gain +2 casting speed while invisible.
SILENT SPELLS: You are able to cast spells even when silenced. This ability functions as a permanent Vocalize ability.
SWIFT CASTING: You can cast spells more quickly. These bonuses stack with the bonuses from Cloaked Casting.
At 15th level: you gain +1 casting speed.
At 20th level: you gain +2 casting speed.
Cloaked Beguiler Spell List
1st: Armor, Blindness, Charm Person, Chromatic Orb, Color Spray, Identify, Invisibility, Magic Missile, Reflected Image, Silence*, Sleep, Spook
2nd: Blur, Deafness, Detect Invisibility, Glitterdust, Horror, Invisibility: 10' Radius, Knock, Luck, Mirror Image, Resist Fear, Vocalize
3rd: Clairvoyance, Detect Illusion, Dire Charm, Dispel Magic, Haste, Hold Person, Invisibilty Purge*, Non-Detection, Silence: 15' Radius*, Slow
4th: Confusion, Domination, Emotion: Hopelessness, Free Action*, Greater Malison, Improved Invisibility, Minor Sequencer, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self, Stoneskin
5th: Breach, Chaos, Chaotic Commands*, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Oracle, Phantom Blade, Shadow Door, Spell Immunity
6th: Contigency, Improved Haste, Mislead, Pierce Magic, True Sight, Wondrous Recall*
7th: Limited Wish, Mantle, Mass Invisibility, Power Word: Blind, Project Image, Spell Sequencer, Spell Turning
8th: Improved Mantle, Maze, Pierce Shield, Power Word: Stun, Simulacrum, Spell Trigger, Symbol: Fear, Symbol: Stun, Time Stop
9th: Absolute Immunity, Chain Contingency, Freedom, Imprisonment, Power Word: Kill, Spell Trap, Spellstrike, Wish
- 1st Level: May cast Invisibility on self 3x per day.
- 5th Level: May cast Undetectable Invisibility (regular Invisibility + Non-Detection) on self 3x per day.
- 10th Level: May cast Etherealness (Improved Invisibility + Non-Detection) on self 3x per day.
- 15th Level: May cast Improved Etherealness (Improved Invisibility + Non-Detection + Improved Haste) 3x per day.
/// Edwin \\\
Lawful Evil // Male // Human
STR 9 // DEX 10 // CON 16
INT 18 // WIS 9 // CHA 10
Red Wizard [Conjurer] (Mage Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 1 star in Club, Dagger, and Staff.
- May place 1 star in Crossbow, Dart, and Sling.
- May not place any stars in any weapon style.
- Can wear robes and elven chainmail.
- May only equip Edwin's Amulet in the amulet slot.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains Specialist Wizard ability.
- At 1st level: gains spellcasting abilities. Red Wizards cast spells in a manner similar to wizards.
- At 1st level: gains Conjurer's Defense.
- At 5th level: gains Unsummon, usable two times per day. Additional uses are gained every 5 levels.
- At 10th level: gains Rapid Summoning.
- At 12th level: gains Scribe Tattoo.
- At 15th level: gains Conjurer's Endurance.
- At 20th level: gains Conjurer's Immunity.
SPECIALIST WIZARD: Your focus on Conjuration has allowed you to master that school of magic. This ability has the following effects:
- You cannot cast any spells from the Divination or Evocation schools.
- You gain two additional spell slots per spell level. This ability only works if you have at least one spell slot of that level.
- You cast Conjuration spells with +1 casting speed. (This increases to +2 at 7th level and +3 at 14th level.)
- When summoning elementals, you automatically succeed on the contest of wills.
CONJURER'S DEFENSE: You gain a bonus to saves against spells. This bonus begins at +1 at 1st level, and increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, up to a maixmum of +6 at 20th level.
UNSUMMON: You are able to banish particularly weak casters summoned creatures.
At 5th level: The creature must succeed on a Save vs. Spell or be unsummoned.
At 10th level: The creatures must succeed on a Save vs. Spell -4 or be unsummoned.
At 15th level: The creatures must succeed on a Save vs. Spell -8 or be unsummoned.
RAPID SUMMONING: You are able to summon creatures in an instant. All summoning spells that spawn creatures have a cast time of 1. This overrides the Specialist Wizard benefit that reduces all Conjuration casting times by 1.
SCRIBE TATTOO: You are able to scribe the magical tattoos of the Red Wizards. By sacrificing spell slots and experience, you can create a variety of tattoos to be worn in various slots. These tattoos are only usable by mages.
CONJURER'S ENDURANCE: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution, as well as an additional hitpoint per level. This ability retroactives awards hitpoints.
CONJURER'S IMMUNITY: You gain permanent immunity to all offensive Conjuration spells.
/// Xzar \\\
Chaotic Evil // Male // Human
STR 14 // DEX 16 // CON 10
INT 17 // WIS 16 // CHA 10
Blood Magus (Mage Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 1 star in Club, Dagger, and Staff.
- May place 1 star in Crossbow, Dart, and Sling.
- May not place any stars in any weapon style.
- Can wear robes and elven chainmail.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains spellcasting abilities. Blood Magi cast spells in a manner similar to wizards.
- At 3rd level: gains Blood Sacrifice, usable twice per day. Additional uses are gained every 4 levels.
- At 5th level: gains Blood's Resilience.
- At 7th level: gains Improved Blood Sacrifice.
- At 9th level: gains Bloodseeking Spell, usable three times per day. Additional uses gained every 5 levels.
- At 10th level: gains Improved Blood's Resiliencen.
- At 11th level: gains Greater Blood Sacrifice.
- At 15th level: gains Greater Blood's Resilience.
- At 18th level: gains Infusion of Blood.
- At 20th level: gains Bloodwalk, usable once per day.
BLOOD SACRIFICE: You can utilize your blood as the focus for spells.
At 3rd level: deals 4 damage to you, but improves your casting speed by 2 for the next round.
At 7th level: deals 6 damage to you, but improves your casting speed by 3 for the next 3 rounds.
At 11th level: deals 8 damage to you, but improves your casting speed by 4 for the next 5 rounds.
At 15th level: deals 10 damage to you, but improves yoru casting speed by 5 for the next 7 rounds.
BLOOD'S RESILIENCE: Your work with blood and necromantic magic has strengthened you against such effects.
At 5th level: you gain a +2 bonus to saves vs. death
At 10th level: you gain permanent Negative Plane Protection.
At 15th level: you gain an additional +2 bonus to saves vs. death. (total: +4)
INFUSION OF BLOOD: Your work with blood has lent you unnatural durability and endurance. You gain a 20 permanent hitpoints and 15% resistance against Slashing and Piercing damage.
BLOODWALK: You teleport into, and burst out of, target creature. You deal 10d6, plus one for every level of Blood Magus you have. Damage is halved if the creature succeeds on a save vs. death.
Your list sounds very good and it will make charname more unique, just because the NPCs don't have the same class as him. But I'm not sure if it is possible to have all the different spell-lists and weapon restrictions. If this is possible it would be awesome. Go for the eye's !
In regards to weapon restrictions, I am a huge fan of the UAW feature from BG2 Tweaks, not only does it make more sense ("no you are a mage, that unenchanted warhammer resists your attempts to wield it") but it also removes the headache of usability flags.
The way I would implement weapon proficiency is: any character can wield any weapon provided they meet the strength criteria, /however/ they can only put proficiency points in certain weapons dependent on their class. So while yes, you could have a mage with high strength wielding the Flail of the Ages, they wouldn't be as good as a cleric with a point in Flails.
Lawful Neutral // Male // Elf
STR 13 // DEX 16 // CON 7
INT 17 // WIS 15 // CHA 16
Duskblade (Sorcerer Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 2 stars in Dagger, Katana, Longsword, Scimitar and Shortsword.
- May place 1 stars in Axe, Club, Flail, Mace, Staff and Warhammer.
- May place 1 star in Crossbow, Dart, Longbow, Shortbow and Sling.
- May place 2 stars in Single Weapon Style, Sword and Shield Style and Two Weapon Style.
- Can wear robes and armor up to Scale Mail.
- Can use all shields.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains spellcasting abilities. Duskblades cast spells in a manner similar to sorcerers.
- At 1st level: gains Martial Training.
- At 3rd level: gains Armored Mage.
- At 4th level: gains Quick Cast, usable once per day. Additional uses are gained every 4 levels (8th, 12th...).
- At 5th level: gains Arcane Channeling.
- At 7th level: gains Improved Armored Mage.
- At 11th level: gains Greater Armored Mage.
- At 13th level: gains Improved Arcane Channeling.
MARTIAL TRAINING: A duskblade's training blends the martial with the arcane. This bestows the following effects:
- +4 hitpoints per level up to 10th level. +1 hitpoint per level after 10th.
- +1 to THAC0 at 1st level and every 3rd level (3rd, 6th, 9th...)
- -1 spell per day from 1st through 5th level spells.
- -2 spells per day from 6th through 9th level spells.
ARMORED MAGE: A duskblade is proficient in casting spells while wearing armor.
- At 3rd level: you have can ignore arcane spell failure from leather and studded leather armor.
- At 7th level: you can ignore arcane spell failure from shields.
- At 11th level: you can ignore arcane spell failure from chainmail and scale armor.
QUICK CAST: Your next spell has casts instantly and cannot be interrupted.
ARCANE CHANNELING: You can channel some short range spells through your melee weapons. All spells of touch range that you know now apply their effects to your weapon and activate on the next hit with your weapon.
At 5th level: your touch range spells now apply their effects to the next hit with your equipped melee weapon.
At 15th level: your touch range spells now apply their effects to all hits with your melee weapon during the round.
Duskblade Spell List
1st: Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Color Spray, Identify, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Spook
2nd: Aganazzar's Scorcher, Blur, Detect Invisibility, Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Melf's Acid Arrow, Strength, Vocalize
3rd: Flame Arrow, Haste, Hold Person, Protection from Cold, Protection from Fire, Remove Magic, Slow, Spell Thrust, Vampiric Touch
4th: Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fire Shield (Blue), Fire Shield (Red), Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin
5th: Breach, Chain Lightning, Cone of Cold, Disintegrate, Hold Monster, Phantom Blade, Sunfire
6th: Contingency, Improved Haste, Mislead, Pierce Magic, Protection from Magic Energy, Protection from Magical Weapons, True Sight
7th: Delayed Blast Fireball, Finger of Death, Mordenkainen's Sword, Prismatic Spray,
8th: Bigby's Clenched Fist, Maze, Spell Trigger, Symbol: Death, Symbol: Fear, Symbol: Stun
9th: Bigby's Crushing Hand, Black Blade of Disaster, Chain Contingency, Power Word: Kill, Spellstrike, Spell Trap, Time Stop
The other three cleric-types:
// Yeslick \\
Lawful Good // Male // Dwarf
STR 15 // DEX 12 // CON 17
INT 7 // WIS 16 // CHA 10
Alaghar of Clanggedin Silverbeard (Cleric Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
- May place 5 stars in axes.
- May place 2 stars in any other melee weapon.
- May place 1 star in Dart and Sling.
- May place 2 stars in any weapon style and 3 stars in dual weapon style.
- May wear any armor except robes.
- May use all shields.
- Must equip the Holy Symbol of Clanggedin Silverbeard in one ring slot.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains spellcasting abilities.
- At 1st level: gains Holy Symbol of Clanggedin.
- At 3rd level: gains Silverbeard's Strength ability, usable once per day. Additional uses are gained every 3 levels. This ability improves significantly at 8th and 15th level.
- At 7th level: gains +1/2 attack per round.
- At 10th level: gains Clangeddin's Blow ability, usable once per day. Additional uses gained every 5 levels.
- At 13th level: gains +1 attack per round.
- At 19th level: gains +3/2 attacks per round.
Major Spheres: All, Combat, Guardian, Law, Protection, Sun, War
Minor Spheres: Creation, Divination, Elemental (earth), Healing, Necromantic, Travelers, Wards
Unique Spells:
- Silverbeard (1st)
- Rockburst (2nd)
- Weapon Storm of Clanggedin (4th)
SILVERBEARD'S STRENGTH: The Silverbeard's favor grants you increased strength. The spell lasts for a number of rounds equal to your level.
- At 3rd level: Strength is set to 18/00.
- At 8th level: Strength is set to 19.
- At 15th level: Strength is set to 20.
CLANGEDDIN'S BLOW: On your next successful melee hit, you do triple damage.
At level 1:
- +1 to hit and damage .
- +1 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spell per day.
At level 25:
- +1 Strength.
- +3 to hit and damage.
- +1 spell per day per level.
// Jaheira \\
True Neutral // Female // Half-Elf
STR 15 // DEX 17 // CON 17
INT 10 // WIS 14 // CHA 15
Harper Avenger (Druid Kit)
Weapons and Armor Proficiency
- May place 1 stars in Club, Dagger, Darts, Scimitar, Spear, Staff and Sling.
- May place 1 star in Sword and Shield, Single Weapon, Dual Weapon and Two-Handed.
- May only wear non-metallic armors (leather, hide, ankheg and dragon plate.)
- May wield bucklers and small shields.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains spellcasting abilities.
- At 1st level: gains Harper Knowledge.
- At 3rd level: gains Deneir's Spirit.
- At 5th level: gains Lliira's Heart.
- At 7th level: gains immunity to Poison.
- At 11th level: gains Tymora's Smile, usable once per day.
- At 15th level: gains Lurue's Voice.
- At 17th level: gains 20% resistance to acid, cold, electricity and fire damage.
- At 19th level: gains Mystra's Boon.
Major Spheres: All, Animal, Creation, Elemental (all), Healing, Plant, Time, Sun, Wards and Weather.
Minor Spheres: Combat, Divination, Protection, Travelers
Unique Spells
- Harper's Call (5th)
HARPER KNOWLEDGE: Harpers gain a +30 bonus to lore, due to their worldly experience.
DENEIR'S SPIRIT: The Lord of Scribes allows the Harper Avenger to memorize 1 additional spell per level.
LLIIRA'S HEART: Harper's connections to the Lady of Joy grant them immunity to fear and charm. gb
TYMORA'S SMILE: Lady Luck smiles upon Harpers. For a number of rounds equal to their class level, the Harper Avenger gains a +3 bonus to luck.
LURUE'S VOICE: The Unicorn Queen grants the Harper Avenger the ability to always speak (as if under the effects of Vocalize). In addition, the Harper Avenger gains a +2 casting speed.
MYSTRA'S BOON: The Lady of Magic has granted her blessing upon the Harper Avenger. You gain a +25% Resistance to Magic and a permanent +2 bonus to all saves.
// Faldorn \\
True Neutral // Female // Human
STR 12 // DEX 15 // CON 11
INT 10 // WIS 16 // CHA 15
Shadow Druid (Druid Kit)
Weapons and Armor Proficiency
- May place 2 stars in Club, Dagger, Darts, Scimitar, Spear, Staff and Sling.
- May place 2 stars in Sword and Shield, Single Weapon, Dual Weapon and Two-Handed.
- May only wear non-metallic armors (leather, hide, ankheg and dragon plate.)
- May wield bucklers and small shields.
- Can only equip Circlet of the Shadow Druids in the helm slot.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains spellcasting abilities.
- At 1st level: gains Call Wolf Companion. This ability improves significantly at 8th and 16th levels.
- At 5th level: gains Avatar of Nature's Wrath. This ability improves at 10th, 15th and 20th levels.
- At 9th level: gains Nature's Refuge. This ability improves at 13th and 17th level.
Major Spheres: All, Animal, Chaos, Elemental (all), Plant, Summoning and Weather.
Minor Spheres: Combat, Healing and War
CALL WOLF COMPANION: You are able to summon your animal companion once per day. Your companion lasts until dismissed or the duration expires.
- At 1st level: you summon a regular wolf. This wolf improves every odd level.
- At 8th level: you summon a dire wolf. This wolf improves every odd level.
- At 16th level: you summon a dread wolf. This wolf improves every odd level.
AVATAR OF NATURE'S WRATH: Your conviction to the Shadow Druid beliefs has taught you how to channel your beliefs into a different form.
- At 5th level: you gain the ability to shift into an Avatar of Nature's Wrath once per day. While in this form, you the following benefits:
- Your attacks do 2d4 damage.
- +1 to hit, damage and Armor Class for every 4 levels of Shadow Druid, starting at 2nd (+1 at 2nd, +2 at 6th...) up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This bonus also counts as an enchantment bonus for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.
- +1 to hit, damage and Armor Class against living humanoids for every 4 levels of Shadow Druid, starting at 4th (+1 at 4th, +2 at 8th...) up to a maximum of +5 at 20th. This bonus stacks with the generic bonus.
- +1 to movement speed.
- Immunity to Entangle and Web.
- You cannot cast spells.
- Upon exiting the form, you are winded.
- At 10th level: you can now use this ability twice per day. You gain the following additional benefits:
- Attacks now do 2d6 damage.
- +1/2 attacks per round
- Regenerate 1 hit point per round while shapeshifted.
- Immunity to Slow and Paralysis.
- At 15th level: you can now use this ability three times per day. You gain the following additional benefits:
- Attacks now do 2d8 damage.
- +1 attack per round. (This replaces the +1/2 attack per round.)
- You gain +10% Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing Resistance.
- You are fatigued instead of winded upon exiting the form.
- At 20th level: you can now use this ability four times per day. You gain the following additional benefits:
- Attacks now do 2d10 damage.
- +4 to saves.
- Regenerate 2 hit points per round while shapeshifted.
- +25% Crushing, Piercing, and Slashing Resistance.
- You are no longer fatigued upon exiting the form
NATURE'S REFUGE: Your disdain for civilization has made you more resilient against spells that affect humanoids. As you advance in power, your attunement with nature also grants you immunity to some of its ravages. This has the following effect:
- You are immune to Hold Person, Polymorph and all charm effects.
- At 13th level: you gain immunity to poison and disease.
- At 17th level: you gain a +2 bonus to all saves.
- +10 Hit Points
- +2 to Armor Class
- +1 to hit and damage against living humanoids
I've also revised Xzar to be more true to his original kit. His kit is now a "True Necromancer."
Chaotic Evil // Male // Human
STR 14 // DEX 16 // CON 10
INT 17 // WIS 16 // CHA 10
True Necromancer (Mage Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 1 star in Club, Dagger, and Staff.
- May place 1 star in Crossbow, Dart, and Sling.
- May not place any stars in any weapon style.
- Can wear robes and elven chainmail.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains Specialist Wizard ability.
- At 1st level: gains spellcasting abilities. True Necromancers cast spells in a manner similar to wizards.
- At 1st level: gains Death's Embrace.
- At 5th level: gains Animate Dead, usable twice per day.
- At 10th level: gains Improved Death's Embrace.
- At 10th level: gains Swift Animation.
- At 15th level: gains Horrid Wilting, usable twice per day.
- At 18th level: gains Energy Drain, usable twice per day.
- At 20th level: gains Necromancer's Immunity.
SPECIALIST WIZARD: Your focus on Necromancy has allowed you to master that school of magic. This ability has the following effects:
- You cannot cast any spells from Enchantment or Illusion.
- You gain two additional spell slots per level. This ability only works if you have at least oe spell slot of that level.
- You cast Necromancy spells with +1 casting speed. (This increases to +2 at 7th and +3 at 14th level.)
- +2 bonus to Armor Class and THAC0 against undead creatures.
DEATH'S EMBRACE: Your work with necromantic magic has strengthened you against such effects.
- At 1st level: grants a +2 save vs. death.
- At 10th level: grants a +4 save vs. death and permanent Negative Plane Protection.
SWIFT ANIMATION: You are able to animate the dead at a moment's notice. All spells that animate the dead having a casting time of 1.
NECROMANCER'S IMMUNITY: You are immune to all offensive Necromancy spells.
Lawful Good // Male // Human
STR 17 // DEX 13 // CON 16
INT 12 // WIS 13 // CHA 17
Squire of the Radiant Heart (Paladin Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 3 stars in Bastard Sword and Longsword.
- May place 2 stars in all other single-handed melee weapons.
- May place 1 star in Two-Handed Sword, Halberd, Spear and Staff.
- May place 1 star in any ranged weapon.
- Receives 2 stars in Sword and Shield style.
- May only wear the Full Plate and Great Helm of the Watcher.
- May use any shield, including the Shield of the Watcher.
Class Features
- At 1st level: receives Full Plate of the Watcher, Great Helm of the Watcher and Shield of the Watcher.
- At 1st level: can use Detect Evil at will.
- At 1st level: gains Divine Grace.
- At 1st level: gains Smite Evil, usable once per day. Additional uses gained every 4 levels (4th, 8th, 12th...). This ability improves significantly at 10th level.
- At 3rd level: gains Lay on Hands, usable once per day. Additional uses are gained at 6th and 9th level. This ability improves significantly at 6th and 9th level.
- At 4th level: gains spellcasting abilities.
- At 7th level: gains +1/2 attack per round. This increases to +1 attack per round at 13th.
- At 11th level: gains Aura of the Watcher. This ability is always active and improves at 17th level.
- At 15th level: gains Improved Helmite Equipment.
Major Spheres: Combat, Healing, Protection
Minor Spheres: Divination, Guardian, War, Wards
SMITE EVIL: During the round when this ability is activated the Paladin gains +2 bonus to attack rolls, and any melee hit against an evil creature causes 1d6 additional points of magic damage. For every 4 levels, the additional damage increases by 1d6, up to 5d6 at 16th level.
- At 10th level: any evil creature struck must make a save vs. spell or have all illusions on them dispelled.
DIVINE GRACE: Your devotion to the causes of Helm, Torm and Tyr have granted you uncanny resilience and bravery.
- At 1st level: gains +2 bonus to all saves. Gains immunity to blindness.
- At 2nd level: gains immunity to fear.
- At 5th level: gains immunity to charm.
LAY ON HANDS: You heal your target for 2 hitpoints per level, up to 40 hit points at 20th level. This ability removes blindness.
- At 6th level: this ability also removes disease.
- At 9th level: this ability also removes poison.
AURA OF THE WATCHER: Helm grants the Squire an aura of protection that extends 15 feet.
- At 11th level: allies within the aura gain +2 to Armor Class and cannot be blinded.
- At 17th level: allies gain +2 bonus to all saves.
- Full Plate of the Watcher
-- At 1st level: Full Plate; +1 Constitution; permanent Protection Against Evil
-- At 15th level: Full Plate +3; +1 Strength; +1 Constitution; permanent Protection Against Evil; permanent Free Action
- Full Helm of the Watcher
-- At 1st level: Helmet; +1 Charisma; immunity to Blind
-- At 15th level: Helmet; +1 Wisdom; +1 Charisma; immunity to Blind; +1 spell per level
- Shield of the Watcher
-- At 1st level: Medium Shield; +1 AC
-- At 15th level: Medium Shield; +2 AC; reflects beholder blasts
Neutral Good // Male / Human
STR 18/93 // DEX 15 // CON 15
INT 8 // WIS 6 // CHA 9
Rashemi Berserker (Fighter [Barbarian] Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 4 stars in any melee weapon.
- May place 2 stars in any ranged weapon.
- May place 2 stars in all weapon styles and 3 stars in Dual Weapon Style.
- May wear up to scale armor.
- May wield all shields.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains immunity to backstabbing and sneak attacks.
- At 1st level: gains Rage, usable once per day. Additional uses are gained every 4 levels. This ability improves at 10th and 19th level.
- At 3rd level: gains Runescar (Hands).
- At 5th level: gains Ritual Scarring.
- At 8th level: gains Runescar (Arms).
- At 13th level: gains Runescar (Chest).
- At 18th level: gains Runescar (Face).
RAGE: While raging, the Rashemi Berserker is affected as follows:
-At 1st level: +2 damage, +2 AC, +2 movement speed, +2 saves vs. breath. Duration: 10 rounds.
-At 10th level: Bonuses increase to +3. Duration: 12 rounds.
-At 19th level: Bonuses increase to +4. Duration: 14 rounds.
The Rashemi Berserker also suffers a -2 to hit and loses the capacity to perform complex actions.
When the rage ends, the Rashemi Bersker suffers a -2 to hit, damage, AC and movement speed for 5 rounds.
RUNESCAR: Rashemi Berserkers are taught to scribe runes into their flesh, allowing them to channel small amounts of magical energy.
RUNESCAR (HANDS): Two uses per day. Deals d4 + 2 damage to self. Upon activation, the Berserker may select any available effects; effects are learned every level until 8th.
- 3rd: True Strike (all melee attacks in the next round automatically hit)
- 4th: Divine Favor (+3 to hit and damage for 10 rounds)
- 5th: Keen Edge (Doubles critical chance for 10 rounds)
- 6th: Fervor (+1 attack per round for 10 rounds)
- 7th: Magic Weapon (+2 to hit, overcomes damage reduction for 10 rounds)
RUNESCAR (ARMS): Two uses per day. Deals d6 + 2 damage to self. Upon activation, the Berserker may select any available effects; effects are learned every level until 13th.
- 8th: Protection from Evil (+2 to AC, +2 to saves against evil creatures for 10 rounds)
- 9th: Resistance to Hot/Cold (+25% cold and fire resistance for 10 rounds)
- 10th: Death Ward (immunity to death magic and level drain for 10 rounds)
- 11th: Stoneskin (gains damage reduction 10/- for 5 rounds)
- 12th: Spell Resistance (gains 25% Magic Resistance for 10 rounds)
RUNESCAR (CHEST): Two uses per day. Deals d8 + 2 damage to self. Upon activation, the Berserker may select any available effects; effects are learned every level until 18th.
- 13th: Cure Wounds (heals 3d8 + 15)
- 14th: Bear's Endurance (sets Constitution to 25 for 10 rounds)
- 15th: Bull's Strength (sets Strength to 25 for 10 rounds)
- 16th: Restore (removes poison and Restoration)
- 17th: Polymorph (offers several forms)
RUNESCAR (FACE): One use per day. Deals d10 + 2 damage to self. Upon activation, the Berserker may select any available effects; effects are learned every level until 20th.
- 18th: True Seeing.
- 19th: Improved Invisibility.
RITUAL SCARRING: You gain +1 to AC and 1/- damage reduction. These bonuses improve by 1 at 10th and 15th level (+2 AC, 2/- DR at 10th...).
Chaotic Good // Male // Elf
STR 18/12 // DEX 17 // CON 14
INT 10 // WIS 14 // CHA 8
Vengeful Seeker (Ranger Kit)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
- May place 5 stars in Longbow and Shortbow.
- May place 1 stars in any melee weapon, Crossbows, Darts and Slings.
- May not use weapon styles.
- May wear up to studded leather armor and elven chain.
- Cannot use shields.
Class Features
- At 1st level: gains Ranger Abilities.
- At 1st level: gains Seeker's Prowess.
- At 4th level: gains spellcasting abilities.
- At 7th level: gains Seeker's Arrow, usable once per day. Additional uses are gained every 5 levels.
- At 11th level: gains Evasive Archer.
- At 13th level: gains Barrage, usable once per day. Additional uses are gained every 6 levels.
- At 17th level: gains Breaching Arrow, usable once per day. Additional uses are gained every 7 levels.
- At 20th level: gains Arrow of Death, usable once per day.
Spheres: Animal, Healing, Magic, Plant, Weather
RANGER ABILITIES: As a ranger, you gain access to the following abilities
- Favored Enemy: +4 bonus to hit against ogres
- Stealth: grants ability to Hide in Shadows. You gain 30% chance, +5% every other level.
- Tracking: You gain some information about the surrounding area. Each round, you get a 30% chance to detect hidden creatures with 30 ft. While tracking, you suffer a -2 to hit and a -4 to movement. Tracking lasts 6 rounds.
- Wild Empathy: You can attempt to charm an animal. The animal must save vs. spell or be charmed.
SEEKER'S PROWESS: Your gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage with all ranged weapons. This bonuses increases by +1 every 4 levels, to a maximum of +5 at 16th level.
SEEKER'S ARROW: You shoot an arrow with otherworldly accuracy. You gain a bonus to hit equal to your level (maximum +20).
EVASIVE ARCHER: You gain a +2 armor class bonus against missile weapons. This bonuses improves by +1 every 3 levels, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
BARRAGE: For a number of rounds equal to half your class level (maximum 10 rounds at 20th level), you can make three additional attacks per round. This ability only functions if you are wielding a bow.
ARROW OF DEATH: You shoot an arrow that ensures death. If the creature fails a save vs. death, it is immediately killed. If it saves, it still takes 10d6 damage.
Just a fwe thoughts
I think Minsc kit is too powerful, and Xan kit must be bladesinger, that's why he got a moonblade.
Currently implemented kits
- Xan: Bladesinger
- Dynaheir: Hathran of Rashemen
- Xzar: Zhent Necromancer
- Edwin: Red Wizard Summoner
- Yeslick: Alaghar of Clanggeddin Silverbeard
- Quayle: Hoodwinker of Baravar Cloakshadow
- Branwen: Battleguard of Tempus
- Tiax: Strifeblade of Cyric
- Viconia: Nightcloak of Shar
- Faldorn: Shadow Avenger
- Jaheira: Harper Druid
Most of the other kits are sketched up and will probably be implemented in a couple months.
I find the Hathran kit especially appealing too my being. Maybe it's because of the fact that Hathran is my favorite PrC in PnP (I've had a total of 3 Hathran Archivists, one of which I am currently playing with in my circle).
I would most certainly give up a little more of my sanity to have a taste of its wonders... I wonder if it truly is possible to call forth Exues by stuffing live black chickens in clay pots until they die of crushed insides.
Please I beg you before I slip into batshittery, could you please provide me with the files for the Hathran kit?
Hathran, Hathran, Hathran - oh, what would I do without Place Magic abuse!? Hathran, Hathran, Hathran - Circle Magic slaves ahoy! Hathran, Hathran, Hathran - to call forth the spirits of joy! Hathran, Hathran, Hathran - making all other casters useless since the dawn of time!
HATHRAN: Hathran are members of the Wychlaran, a powerful group of female spellcasters who rule over Rashemen and protect their people from the evil Red Wizards of Thay. Unlike conventional wizards, Hathran are able to produce magical effects by channeling their internal magical energy in a manner similar to sorcerers. Hathrans blend arcane and divine magic, a blessing from the Three, the trio of Chauntea, Mielikki and Mystra.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency
- Melee: May become proficient (+) in Club, Dagger and Staff.
- Ranged: May become proficient (+) in Dart and Sling.
- Styles: May not use weapon styles.
- Armor: May wear Robes.
- Shields: May not use shields.
- Can cast arcane spells from any school.
- Can use both arcane and divine scrolls.
- Gains Hathran spell list in addition to selected spells.
-- 1st: Command, Cure Light Wounds
-- 2nd: Flame Blade, Slow Poison
-- 3rd: Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Silence (15' Radius)
-- 4th: Call Woodland Beings, Death Ward
-- 5th: Mass Cure, Neutralize Poison
-- 6th: Chaotic Commands, Magic Resistance
-- 7th: Conjure Fire Elemental
-- 8th: Regeneration
-- 9th: Shield of the Archons
- Suffers a -1 penalty to casting speed for all spells.~
So could you pretty please post a version of this before I have to turn to macumba - you wouldn't really want to have a black chicken crushed alive in a clay pot because of you, would you?
Because the mages hold a special place in my heart (and because T&B is released so my understanding of mage coding is still fresh), here is a look at the revised mages.
Dynaheir: Hathran of Rashemen [Sorcerer]
- Gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
- May cast arcane spells and gains a set of divine bonus spells.
-- Bonus Spells: Command (1). Cure Light Wounds (1), Silence: 15' Radius (2), Slow Poison (2), Cure Medium Wounds (3), Death Ward (4), Mass Cure (5), Chaotic Commands (6), Shield of the Archons (7)
- Has a permanent -1 penalty to casting speed.
Xan: Bladesinger of Evereska [Mage]
- Hit Die: d6
- May achieve mastery (+++) in Longswords and Specialization (++) in Single Weapon Style.
- May wear Leather and Studded Leather with no chance of arcane spell failure.
- Gains a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. spells.
- Gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage with longswords (+1 per 3 levels).
- Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
- Has a permanent -2 penalty to saving throws vs. death.
- Has a permanent -2 penalty to casting speed.
- May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
- Has a permanent -4 penalty to hit and damage against elves.
Neera: Anarchic Sorceress [Sorcerer]
- Gains access to a set of bonus spells.
-- Bonus Spells: Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (1), Chaos Shield (2), Dispel Magic (3), Confusion (4), Chaos (5), Disintegrate (6), Improved Chaos Shield (7), Improved Mantle (8), Shapechange (9).
- Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class (+1 per 5 levels).
- Has a permanent 5% chance of having a Wild Surge occur when casting a spell.
Edwin: Red Wizard Summoner [Mage]
- Hit Die: d6
- May cast two additional spells per level per day.
- Has a +2 bonus to saves vs. death and polymorph.
- May not cast spells from the schools of Divination or Invocation.
- Has a permanent -2 penalty to saving throws vs. spells.
Xzar: Zhent Necromancer [Mage]
- Gains a +1 bonus to saves vs. death. (+1 per 3 levels).
- Gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class vs. undead.
- May cast one additional spell per level per day.
- May not cast spells from Enchantment or Invocation.
I feel pretty confident about Dynaheir, Xan and Neera, but I wasn't feeling incredibly inspired for Edwin or Xzar so I figured I'd ask for comments and criticism. Primary things I'm worried about are: interesting or unique feel to each option, fair trade-offs within each kit, an overall sense of balance among the group.
In order of your points
- two games' worth of NPCs is just something you have to live with unfortunately
- all NPC .CRE files use the same opening string (i.e. Viconia files are always VICONI[X].CRE), so regex can handle those with a simple VICONI*.CRE if I remember correctly. This one is easy.
- there is a method that you can use to search an array for a kit with a specific name/2da/etc. and then use the proper line to update relevant files. When I find my code I'll paste it over.
Generating CRE files is annoying but I never reached that point with this mod. I always prefer more customization to less, so my solution would just be to enforce that Charname always meets an NPC at level 1 plus however much XP they deserve to be an adequate member of the party. This means that beyond their initial specs (which can be used to provide flavor) the rest of their progression is controllable and avoids characters with useless specs.
WRITE_SHORT 0x0234 1 //sets level to 1
WRITE_SHORT 0x0235 0 //removes other classes
WRITE_SHORT 0x0236 0 //removes other classes
WRITE_SHORT 0x273 1 // sets class to mage
WRITE_BYTE 0x246 ~%QDXZAR%~ // changes kit
WRITE_BYTE 0x247 0x40
WRITE_SHORT 0x0026 4
WRITE_LONG 0x02a0 0x000 //removes known spells
WRITE_LONG 0x02a4 0x000
WRITE_LONG 0x02b0 0x000 // removes memorized spells
WRITE_LONG 0x02b4 0x000
WRITE_LONG 0x02c4 0x000 // removes miscellaneous effects
WRITE_LONG 0x02c8 0x000
This isn't completely implemented because I never quite got the mod to the point where bug fixing was required, but you get the general idea.
To find a kit number and save it as a variable (QDXZAR), you can use something like this:
COPY_EXISTING ~kitlist.2da~ ~override~ //sets kit index
COUNT_2DA_ROWS ~9~ "rows"
FOR ( index = 31 ; index < rows ; index = index + 1 ) BEGIN
READ_2DA_ENTRY "%index%" 5 9 "clab"
SET "QDXZAR" = "%index%"-1
SET "rows" = 0
This code searches through kitlist.2da for a CLAB matching the CLAB you specify (in this case QDXZAR). You can then call this variable elsewhere within the component to add the appropriate kit index.
The slash might be breaking it. Replace that with the code sample and see if it works now. (Also what is the syntax to getting prettyprinted stuff?)