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[MOD] Custom NPC Kits



  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    As I said before, this was part of a mod for BGEE that never actually got to the point where I would be checking things like editing saving throws. In hte official release, sure, but this mod has never gotten to that point.

    The extra 0 in 0x0273, etc. is irrelevant. Kit is a 4byte thing, but the kits I was adding were only numericaly 2 bytes each, so setting 0x244 to 0 and adding the kit number to 0x246 worked because the first 2 bytes would be zero anyway. Or at least that's what I think I was trying to do.

    WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0
    WRITE_BYTE 0x246 ~KIT_NUM~ // changes kit to the kit with KIT_NUM in the ID row of KITTABLE.2da

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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Divine Spellcasters Kit Description update!

    Yeslick - Alaghar of Clanggedin Silverbeard

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Axes.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - Gains the bonus Attacks per Round for weapon specialization.
    - (7th) May make an additional +1/2 Attack per Round.
    -- (13th) This bonus improves to +1 Attack per Round.
    - (7th) May turn Undead.

    - (1st) Command: (2/day) As the first level priest spell.
    - (3rd) Spiritual Hammer: (1/day) As the second level priest spell.
    - (5th) Strength of One: (1/day) As the third level priest spell.
    - (7th) Defensive Harmony: (1/day) As the fourth level priest spell.
    - (15th) Blade Barrier: (1/day) As the sixth level priest spell.

    - Major Access: All, Combat, Guardian, Law, Protection, Sun, War.
    - Minor Access: Charm, Creation, Divination, Elemental (earth), Healing, Necromantic, Travelers, Wards.

    - May not become proficient in any weapon style other than Dual Weapon.
    - Cannot turn undead until 7th level.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level.
    - No access to spheres of Animal, Astral, Chaos, Elemental (air), Elemental (fire), Elemental (water), Numbers, Plant, Summoning, Thoughts, Time and Weather.

    Branwen - Battleguard of Tempus

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Clubs, Flails, Maces, and Warhammers.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Sword and Shield Style.
    - Gains +1 hitpoint per level.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage with melee weapons.
    - (7th) May make an additional +1/2 Attack per Round.
    -- (13th) This bonus improves to +1 Attack per Round.

    - (1st) Identify: (3/day) As the first level mage spell of the same name.
    - (1st) Rage: (1/day) As the Berserker ability of the same name.
    - (3rd) Prayer: (1/day) As the second level priest spell Chant, except it has a casting time of 1.

    - Major Access: Animal, Chaos, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, War, Weather
    - Minor Access: All, Guardian, Summoning, Sun, Wards

    - May not become proficient in any ranged weapon or in any two-handed weapon.
    - May not become proficient in any style other than Sword and Shield.
    - Cannot turn undead.
    - No access to the spheres of Astral, Charm, Creation, Law, Numbers, Plant, Thought, Time and Travelers.

    Quayle - Hoodwinker of Baravar Cloakshadow

    - May achieve specialization (++) in Clubs, Daggers and Shortswords.
    - May achieve proficiency (+) in Crossbows, Darts, Slings and Shortbows
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Single Weapon Style and mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to hit and damage against Goblins and Kobolds.
    - Gains +25% to Move Silently and Hide. This bonus improves by +5% every other level. (Stealth is available through the Innate menu).
    - (3rd) Gains a +2 bonus to saves vs. spells.

    - (1st) Spook: (1/day) As the first level mage spell.
    - (3rd) Mirror Image: (1/day) As the second level mage spell.
    - (5th) Invisibility: (1/day) As the second level mage spell.
    - (10th) Improved Invisibility: (1/day) As the fourth level mage spell.
    - (13th) Mislead: (1/day) As the sixth level mage spell.
    - (15th) Prismatic Spray: (1/day) As the seventh level wizard spell.

    - Major Access: All, Chaos, Charm, Creation, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Thought, Wards.
    - Minor Access: Combat, Divination, Sun, Travelers.
    - Can cast arcane spells from the school of Illusion as priest spells.

    - May not wear armor heavier than Studded Leather (or Elven Chainmail).
    - May not use shields
    - May not become proficient in Clubs, Flails, Maces, Warhammers or any two-handed melee weapon.
    - May not become proficient in Sword and Shield or Two-Handed Weapon Styles.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level.
    - Cannot turn undead.
    - No access to the spheres of Animal, Astral, Elemental, Law, Necromantic, Numbers, Plant, Summoning, Time, War and Weather.

    Tiax - Strifeblade of Cyric

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Longswords and Daggers.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Single Weapon Style and mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - Gains +25% to Move Silently and Hide. This bonus improves by +5% every other level. (Stealth is available through the Innate menu).
    - Gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage against creatures of Good alignment.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to saves vs. spells.
    - Is immune to fear and morale failure.
    - (3rd) Can backstab at a x2 multiplier.
    - (7th) Can backstab at a x3 multiplier.
    - (11th) Can backstab at a x4 multiplier.
    - (15th) Can backstab at a x5 multiplier.

    - (15th) Maddening Touch: (1/day) As the fifth level wizard spell Confusion, except it has a range of touch and a -4 penalty on the save.

    - Major Access: All, Astral, Chaos, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Necromantic, Summoning, Sun, Time, War, Weather.
    - Minor Access: Divination, Elemental (any), Numbers, Protection

    - May not become proficient in any weapon other than Daggers or Longswords.
    - May not use any weapon other than Daggers or Longswords.
    - Cannot turn undead.
    - No access to the spheres of Animal, Creation, Healing, Law, Plant, Thought, Travelers and Wards.

    Viconia - Nightcloak of Shar

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Darts and Slings.
    - Is immune to blindness.
    - Has permanent Infravision.
    - Can turn undead.
    - Has a +1 bonus to casting speed at night.

    - (3rd) Blindness: (1/day) As the first level mage spell.
    - (13th) Shadow Door: (1/day) As the fifth level mage spell.
    - (15th) Power Word, Blind: (1/day) As the eighth level mage spell.

    - Major Access: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Necromantic, Protection, Sun (reversed), Thought, Time.
    - Minor Access: Creation, Elemental (any), Healing.

    - May only become proficient in any priest weapon other than Darts and Slings.
    - May not wear armor heavier than Chainmail.
    - No access to the spheres of Animal, Chaos, Law, Numbers, Plant, Summoning, War, Wards and Weather.

    Faldorn - Shadow Avenger

    - Gains a +2 bonus to movement speed. This bonus improves by +1 every 5 levels.
    - Has a base Armor Class of 7. This decreases by 1 every 3 levels (minimum 0 at 21st level).
    - Has an improved unarmed attack progression as follows:
    -- (1st) d6
    -- (5th) d8+1; fists are treated as +1 weapons
    -- (10th) d10+2; fists are treated as +2 weapons
    -- (15th) 2d6+3; fists are treated as +3 weapons
    -- (20th) 2d8+4; fists are treated as +4 weapons
    -- (25th) 2d10+5; fists are treated as +5 weapons
    - (3rd) Gains an extra 1/2 attack per round while unarmed. This increases by 1/2 unarmed attacks per round every 3 levels (maximum 4 attacks at 18th).
    - (5th) Gains immunity to poison and disease.

    - (1st) Rage: (3/day) As the Berserker ability of the same name.

    - Major Access: All, Animal, Chaos, Combat, Guardian, Plant, Protection, Summoning, War.
    - Minor Access: Divination, Elemental (any), Healing, Weather.

    - May only become proficient in Clubs, Spears, Staffs, Darts and Slings.
    - May not become proficient in any weapon style.
    - May not wear armor heavier than Leather (or Hide).
    - May not use shields.
    - May not wear helmets.
    - No access to the spheres of Astral, Charm, Creation, Law, Necromantic, Numbers, Sun, Time, Thought, Travelers and Wards.

    I'm having trouble coming up with a kit for Jaheira. My initial feeling is that the kit should be more spellcasting focused than Faldorn is to create a difference of use between the two but I'm not sure how to approach it.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Some more comments on the above kit descriptions.

    Branwen gets Identify because one of the Tempus kits from W&PotR granted them the ability to identify any weapon they encounter by wielding it.

    Quayle and Tiax both get an innate Stealth ability that utilizes some scripting to allow them to stealth as if they were thieves. I have a working prototype but I still need to refine it. I also feel that it might work for Viconia too but I feel that 3/5 priests having stealth seems off and Tiax and Quayle both make better use of it than Viconia would.

    Viconia doesn't have that many powers because, simply put, the three priest kits for Shar don't translate well into BG. Then again, she is the only priest who can turn undead when you pick her up (unless you pick up Yeslick really really late in the game.) I still feel like she could get some other cool powers; I welcome any suggestions.

    Yes, Faldorn is now a glorious monk-barbarian-druid hybrid. Most of this was inspired by her portrait and I think it makes her suitably different than whatever spell-heavy kit I give Jaheira.

    Jaheira is difficult because she doesn't really follow a deity that I can base specialty priest abilities off of. Silvanus, who she references in one of her voiced lines, has druids as his specialty priests and Greenlords/Greenladies (priest kit from W&PotR) are both really lame and not well-suited to BG2. (I know how often everyone has said that what BG really needs is the ability to talk to animals once per day. What a game changer...)

    Suggestions, comments and criticism welcome as always.
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072

    They're quite OP for my taste but very creative work in any event.

    I figure Jaheira should have some kind of Harper kit. That's what I'll likely do for her anyway.

    I should tell you that I ran into a lot of trouble with the whole 'drop them to level zero and change their kit' technique - so much so that I abandoned it. But maybe you'll succeed where I failed!

    Any suggestions as to how to balance them more? I am fine with these kits being more powerful than kits available to PCs (in fact, the entire point of this mod was to make all NPCs decently appealing instead of having 3 equivalent NPCs of which one is supremely better), but I don't want it to be too ridiculous.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2014
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Axes.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - Gains the bonus Attacks per Round for weapon specialization.
    - (7th) May make an additional +1/2 Attack per Round.
    - (7th) May turn undead.

    - Major Access: All, Combat, Guardian, Law, Protection, Sun, War.
    - Minor Access: Charm, Creation, Divination, Elemental (earth), Healing, Nec

    - May not become proficient in any weapon style other than Dual Weapon Style.
    - Cannot turn undead until 7th level.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level.


    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Clubs, Flails, Maces, and Warhammers.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Sword and Shield Style.
    - Gains +1 hitpoint per level.
    - (7th) May make an additional +1/2 Attack per Round.

    - (1st) Identify: (3/day) As the first level mage spell of the same name.
    - (1st) Rage: (1/day) As the Berserker ability of the same name.

    - Major Access: Animal, Chaos, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, War, Weather
    - Minor Access: All, Guardian, Summoning, Sun, Wards

    - May not become proficient in any ranged weapon or in any two-handed weapon.
    - May not become proficient in any style other than Sword and Shield.
    - Cannot turn undead.


    - May achieve proficiency (+) in Clubs, Daggers and Shortswords.
    - May achieve proficiency (+) in Crossbows, Darts, Slings and Shortbows.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Single Weapon Style and mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to hit and damage against Goblins and Kobolds.
    - Gains +25% to Move Silently and Hide. This bonus improves by +5% every other level. (Stealth is available through the Innate menu).
    - (3rd) Gains a +2 bonus to saves vs. spells.

    - Major Access: All, Chaos, Charm, Creation, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Thought, Wards.
    - Minor Access: Combat, Divination, Sun, Travelers.
    - Can cast arcane spells from the school of Illusion as priest spells.

    - May not wear armor heavier than Studded Leather (or Elven Chainmail).
    - May not use shields.
    - May not become proficient in Clubs, Flails, Maces, Warhammers or any two-handed melee weapon.
    - May not become proficient in Sword and Shield or Two-Handed Weapon Styles.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level.
    - Cannot turn undead.


    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Darts and Slings.
    - Is immune to blindness.
    - Has permanent Infravision.
    - Can turn undead.
    - Has a +1 bonus to casting speed at night.

    - (3rd) Blindness: (1/day) As the first level mage spell.
    - (13th) Shadow Door: (1/day) As the fifth level mage spell.
    - (15th) Power Word, Blind: (1/day) As the eighth level mage spell.

    - Major Access: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Necromantic, Protection, Sun (reversed), Thought, Time.
    - Minor Access: Creation, Elemental (any), Healing.

    - May only become proficient in any priest weapon other than Darts and Slings.
    - May not wear armor heavier than Chainmail.


    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Longswords and Daggers.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Single Weapon Style and mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - Gains +25% to Move Silently and Hide. This bonus improves by +5% every other level. (Stealth is available through the Innate menu).
    - Is immune to fear and morale failure.
    - (5th) Can backstab at x2 multiplier.
    -- (7th) Can backstab at x3 multiplier.

    - (15th) Maddening Touch: (1/day) As the fifth level wizard spell Confusion, except it has a range of touch and a -4 penalty on the save.

    - Major Access: All, Astral, Chaos, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Necromantic, Summoning, Sun, Time, War, Weather.
    - Minor Access: Divination, Elemental (any), Numbers, Protection

    - May not become proficient in or use any weapon other than Daggers or Longswords.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
    - Cannot turn undead.

    Are these a step in the right direction at the very least?
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Got almost everything working. The "fun" part is that usability flags are horrendous. Yeslick is a terrifying whirlwind of destruction with his mastery in Axes, the only issue is that he can't actually wield them...

    I had solutions to this in the first iteration of coding this project (namely, you set all items usability flags to "usable by all" and then have each kit receive a hard coded set of restrictions in the 2da.) Unfortunately, this method introduces other issues, such as class-specific items being usable by an class.

    The alternative is the "all characters can use all non-restricted items if they meet the ability requirements" but that might be too much of an interference for some people...

    Oh and I'm finally running into that delightful level 1 vs level 0 dilemma.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited November 2014
    So I've been struggling with a unique feeling kit for Jaheira for years now. I think I might have found a nice off-the-wall idea for her, but I suspect that there might be some push back.

    Jaheira's new base class is not druid, or cleric... or fighter.

    It is Paladin and she is now a Harper Feyknight.

    - May achieve specialization (++) in Clubs, Daggers, Scimitars, Spears and Staffs.
    - May achieve proficiency (+) in Darts and Slings.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in any Weapon Style.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
    - Casts spells from the Druid spell list (using Paladin progression).
    - Is immune to Poison and Entangle.

    - (1st) Nature's Wrath: (3/day) As the first level druid spell Entangle, except it only affects a single target.
    - (1st) Lay on Hands: (1/day) As the paladin ability, except that it also cures Poison and Disease.
    - (9th) Harper's Call: (1/day) As the fifth level priest spell Raise Dead, except the raised creature is raised with only 1 hit point.

    - Does not get Detect Evil or Protection from Evil abilities.
    - May only wear non-metallic armor or helmets.
    - May only use non-metallic shields.
    - May not turn undead.

    I'm not sure if this a good idea or if it would be viewed as too intrusive for most people. If it is, I could always convert all of this onto a druid kit with very little lost.
    Post edited by Aquadrizzt on
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Got some more concept work done! This post includes Mages, Priests and Warriors. Rogues are being worked on, albeit slowly. You will notice a lack of the following characters: Khalid, Dorn, Rasaad. The reason for this is that Dorn and Rasaad already have nicely thematic kits and because I cannot come up with an interesting, relevant and thematic kit for Khalid. I would appreciate suggestions for Khalid's kit.


    Ajantis: Squire-Paladin of Helm [Paladin]

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Bastard Swords. May become proficient (+) in any other weapon.
    - May become specialized (++) in Sword and Shield style.
    - May wear any armor.
    - May use shields.
    - Gains immunity to Blindness and a +2 to hit evil creatures.
    - May use Detect Evil ability three times per day.
    DETECT EVIL: As the first level Priestspell.
    - May use Protection from Evil ability once per day. Additional uses are gained every 3 levels after 1st.
    PROTECTION FROM EVIL: As the first level Priest spell.
    - May use Lay on Hands ability once per day.
    LAY ON HANDS: Heal twice your level in hit points and remove blind.
    - At 3rd, gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
    - At 5th, gains a +1 bonus to weapon speed.
    - At 7th, may use True Seeing ability once per day.
    TRUE SEEING: As the fourth level Priest spell.
    - Hit Die: d10

    Kivan: Elven Archer [Ranger]

    - May achieve grandmastery (+++++) in Longbows and Shortbows.
    - May become proficient (+) in Daggers, Longswords, Shortswords, and Scimitars.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - Favored Enemy (Ogre): Gains a +4 damage bonus against ogres.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to hit against dwarves and orcs.
    - May use Trueshot ability three times per day.
    TRUESHOT: For 2 rounds, gain a +2 bonus to hit with ranged weapons.
    - At 3rd, gains a +2 bonus to hit with Longbows and Shortbows.
    - At 5th, gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class vs. Missiles and a +2 bonus to saves vs. breath.
    - At 7th, may use Manyshot ability once per day.
    MANYSHOT: For 5 rounds, gains +2 attacks per round with ranged weapons.
    - Hit Die: d10

    Minsc: Rashemi Berserker [Fighter]

    - May achieve high mastery (++++) in any bladed weapon. May become specialized (++) in any other melee weapon.
    - May become specialized (++) in any weapon style .
    - May wear Leather, Studded Leather, Chain and Scale armor.
    - May use shields.
    - Past Experience (Ranger): Gains specialization (++) in Dual Weapon Style and a +4 bonus to damage against gnolls.
    - Gains immunity to Confusion, Fear and Feeblemind.
    - At 3rd, gains a +2 bonus to movement speed.
    - May use Rage ability three times per day.
    RAGE: As the Berserker ability of the same name.
    - At 7th, gains a +2 bonus to damage and +1 Attack per Round while below 25% Hit Points.
    - Hit Die: d10

    Kagain: Deepwarden [Fighter]

    - May achieve grandmastery (+++++) in Axes and Hammers. May become specialized (++) in any other one-handed melee weapon.
    - May become specialized (++) in Sword and Shield style and achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear any armor.
    - May use shields.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to hit with Axes and Hammers.
    - May use Detect Trapsability three times per day.
    DETECT TRAPS: As the second level Priest spell.
    - At 3rd, becomes immune to backstabs and a +1 bonus to saves vs. breath.
    - At 5th, gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class.
    - At 5th, may use Forceful Blow ability once per day.
    FORCEFUL BLOW: Target foe in melee range must make a save vs. breath or be knocked back and stunned for 3 rounds.
    - At 7th, every time you strike a foe, you get +1 Attack per Round for 2 rounds.
    - Hit Die: d10

    Shar-Teel: Amazonian Ravager [Fighter]

    - May achieve grandmastery (+++++) in Halberds and Spears. May become specialized (++) in Axes, Clubs, Daggers, Longswords and Shortswords.
    - May become specialized (++) in Longbow or Shortbow.
    - May become specialized (++) in Two Handed Style and Single Weapon style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to hit with Spears and Halberds.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to hit against humanoid men.
    - At 3rd, gains a +2 bonus to movement speed.
    - At 5th, gains a +4 bonus to damage against humanoid men.
    - At 7th, gains a +2 bonus to hit and damage for 2 rounds whenever you are struck by a humanoid man.
    - Hit Die: d12


    Yeslick: Alaghar of Clangeddin Silverbeard [Cleric]

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Axes. May become proficient (+) in any other one-handed melee weapon.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear any armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - Gains the Warrior bonus Attacks per Round for specialization and at 7th and 13th levels.
    - At 7th level, may turn undead.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
    - Hit Die: d8

    Branwen: Battleguard of Tempus [Cleric]

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Clubs, Flails, Maces, and Warhammers.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Sword and Shield style.
    - May wear any armor.
    - May use shields.
    - May cast divine spells.
    - May use Identify ability three times per day.
    IDENTIFY: As the Mage spell of the same name.
    - May use Rage ability once per day.
    RAGE: As the Berserker ability of the same name.
    - May not use ranged weapons.
    - May not turn undead.
    - Hit Die: d10

    Quayle: Hoodwinker of Baravar Cloakshadow [Cleric]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Shortswords, Crossbows, Darts, Slings and Shortbows.
    - May become proficient (+) in Single Weapon Style and Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast divine spells.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to hit and damage against Goblins and Kobolds.
    - Gains a +25% bonus to Move Silently and Hide in Shadows. (+5% every other level)
    - May cast arcane spells from the school of Illusion as Priest spells.
    - May use Stealth ability once per day. Additional uses are gained every level.
    STEALTH: Emulates the Stealth ability of Rogues.
    - At 3rd, gains a +2 bonus to saves vs. spells.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
    - Cannot turn undead.
    - Hit Die: d8

    Viconia: Nightcloak of Shar [Cleric]

    - May become proficient (+) in any one-handed melee weapon.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Darts and Slings.
    - May wear Leather, Studded Leather, Chainmail and Scale armor.
    - May use shields.
    - May cast divine spells.
    - Becomes immune to Blind.
    - Can turn undead.
    - Has a +1 bonus to casting speed at night.
    - May cast the arcane spells Blindness (1), Shadow Door (5) and Power Word: Blind (7) as Priest spells.
    - Hit Die: d8

    Tiax: Strifeblade of Cyric [Cleric]

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Longswords and Daggers.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Single Weapon and Dual Weapon Styles.
    - May wear Leather or Studded Leather armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast divine spells.
    - Gains a +25% bonus to Move Silently and Hide in Shadows. (+5% every other level)
    - Becomes immune to fear and morale failure.
    - May use Stealth ability once per day. Additional uses are gained every level.
    STEALTH: Emulates the Stealth ability of Rogues.
    - At 5th, can backstab at a x2 multiplier.
    - At 7th, can backstab at a x3 multiplier.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
    - Hit Die: d8

    Faldorn: Shadow Avenger [Druid]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Spears, Staffs, Darts and Slings.
    - May not wear armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast divine spells.
    - Has a base Armor Class of 7. This decreases by 1 every 3 levels (minimum 0 at 21st level).
    - May make 1 unarmed attack per round. An additional 1/2 attack is gained every 3 levels (maximum 4 at 18th). Gains improved unarmed attack progression as follows:
    -- Level 1-4: d6
    -- Level 5-9: d8+1; fists are treated as +1 weapons
    -- Level 10-14: d10+2; fists are treated as +2 weapons
    -- Level 15-19: 2d6+3; fists are treated as +3 weapons
    -- Level 20-24: 2d8+4; fists are treated as +4 weapons
    -- Level 25+: 2d8+5; fists are treated as +5 weapons
    - At 5th, gains immunity to poison and disease.
    - Has a -1 casting speed penalty.
    - May not Shapeshift.
    - Hit Die: d8

    Jaheira: Harper Feyknight [Druid]

    - May become specialized (++) in Clubs, Daggers, Scimitars, Spears and Staffs.
    - May become proficient (+) in Darts and Slings.
    - May become specialized (++) in any Weapon Style.
    - May wear any natural armor.
    - May use natural shields.
    - May cast divine spells.
    - Becomes immune to Poison and Entangle.
    - May not Shapeshift.
    - Hit Die: d10


    Dynaheir: Hathran [Sorcerer]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Staffs, Crossbows, Darts and Slings.
    - May not wear armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast arcane spells.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to saving throws.
    - May cast the divine spells Command (1), Cure Light Wounds (1), Silence: 15' Radius (2), Slow Poison (2), Cure Medium Wounds (3), Death Ward (4), Mass Cure Light Wounds (5), Chaotic Commands (6) and Shield of the Archons (7) as arcane spells.
    - Has a permanent -1 penalty to casting speed.
    - Hit Die: d4

    Xan: Bladesinger [Mage]

    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Longswords and proficieny (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Darts, Staffs and Slings.
    - May achieve specialization (++) in Single Weapon style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor and can cast spells while wearing these armors.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast arcane spells.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. spells.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage with Longswords. (+1 every 3)
    - Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
    - Has a -2 penalty to saves vs. death.
    - Has a -2 penalty to casting speed.
    - May cast one fewer spell per level per day.
    - Has a -4 penalty to hit and damage against elves.
    - Hit Die: d6

    Neera: Anarchic Sorceress [Sorcerer]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Staffs, Crossbows, Darts and Slings.
    - May not wear armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast arcane spells.
    - Receives Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (1), Chaos Shield (2), Dispel Magic (3), Confusion (4), Chaos (5), Disintegrate (6), Improved Chaos Shield (7), Improved Mantle (8) and Shapechange (9) as bonus spells.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class vs. Missiles. (+1 per 3)
    - Has a permanent 5% chance of a Wild Surge occuring while casting spells.
    - Hit Die: d4

    Edwin: Red Wizard Summoner [Mage]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Staffs, Crossbows, Darts and Slings.
    - May not wear armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast arcane spells.
    - May cast two additional spells per level per day.
    - Has a +2 bonus to saves vs. death and polymorph.
    - May not cast spells from the schools of Enchantment, Illusion or Necromancy.
    - Hit Die: d6

    Xzar: Zhent Necromancer [Mage]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Staffs, Crossbows, Darts and Slings.
    - May not wear armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May cast arcane spells.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to saves vs. death. (+1 per 3)
    - Gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class vs. undead.
    - May cast one additional spell per level.
    - May not cast spells from the schools of Abjuration or Conjuration.
    - Hit Die: d4
  • silversnuffsilversnuff Member Posts: 16
    Well Khalid's bio says that he is from Calimshan, so possibly a kit with a thematic connection to the desert? Maybe look into some of the older Al-Qadim D&d books for ideas. I also think maybe you should return Tiax's thieving abilities. Have them level-up slowly like his stealth. Otherwise, these are some pretty cool ideas. Looking forward to see how this mod progresses!
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072

    Well Khalid's bio says that he is from Calimshan, so possibly a kit with a thematic connection to the desert? Maybe look into some of the older Al-Qadim D&d books for ideas. I also think maybe you should return Tiax's thieving abilities. Have them level-up slowly like his stealth. Otherwise, these are some pretty cool ideas. Looking forward to see how this mod progresses!

    Unfortunately, restoring Tiax' other thief abilities (especially traps and locks) would require making him a full-fledged Cleric/Thief. One of my goals in this mod was to make each character have a single class kit that makes sense with their background and history. There are quite a few characters (especially among the priests) where their default classes are multiclass (Fighter/Cleric, Illusionist/Cleric, Cleric/Thief, Fighter/Druid) and I was trying to consolidate that down to just a single kit for each. This is due to both thematic reasons and also because multiclass progressions in BG1 are slooowwwwwww.

    Continuing in regards to Tiax, the kits I am basing his custom kit off of (Strifeleader and Blade of Cyric) both do not grant thieving abilities except for Stealth and backstab. If the Ranger's spell progression wasn't super slow, Tiax would actually have a ranger kit.

    There are also 6 thieves and 3 bards in the game, and each of them will be receiving unique kits in that direction as well, so if the concern is thieving ability, there will be plenty of that.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Here are the remaining BG1 NPCs. I have no idea how the balance for these is. Opinions wanted as always.


    Imoen: Adventurer [Thief]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Longswords, Shortswords, Crossbows, Darts, Shortbows and Slings.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May use Bucklers.
    - May use Detect Traps, Open Locks, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, Pick Pockets and Detect Illusions.
    - Receives 40 skill points at 1st level and 25 every level thereafter.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to Luck. (+2 at 7th)
    - Gains a +1 bonus to saves vs. breath (+2 at 7th).
    - May not allocate points to Set Traps.
    - Cannot backstab.
    - Hit Die: d6

    Coran: Scout [Thief]

    - May become specialized (++) in Clubs, Daggers, Longswords, Scimitars, Shortswords, Spears, Crossbows, Darts, Shortbows and Slings.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May use Detect Traps, Open Locks, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, Set Snares and Detect Illusions.
    - Receives 30 skill points at 1st level and 15 every level thereafter.
    - Gains a +2 bonus to movement speed. (+1 per 5)
    - Gains a +10% bonus to Hide in Shadows and Move Silently.
    - May not allocate points to Pick Pockets.
    - Cannot backstab.
    - Hit Die: d8

    Alora: Burglar [Thief]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Shortswords, Darts and Slings.
    - May become specialized (++) in Single Weapon Style and achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May use Detect Traps, Open Locks, Hide in Shadows and Move Silently.
    - Receives 40 skill points at 1st and 25 every level thereafter.
    - Gains a +20% bonus to Open Locks.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. (+1 per 3)
    - May not allocate points in Pick Pockets, Set Snares or Detect Illusions.
    - Cannot backstab.
    - Hit Die: d6

    Skie: Acrobat [Thief]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Shortswords, Darts and Slings.
    - May become specialized (++) in Single Weapon Style and achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May not wear armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - May use Detect Traps, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently and Pick Pockets.
    - Receives 25 skill points at 1st level and 15 every level thereafter.
    - Gains a +3 bonus to base Armor Class. (+1 every 3)
    - Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class vs. Missiles (+1 every 4 after 3rd, max +5 at 19th)
    - Gains a +2 bonus to movement speed. (+1 per 5)
    - Gains a +1 bonus to Weapon Speed.
    - Can backstab at a x2 multiplier. (x3 at 7th)
    - Gains a +20% bonus to Move Silently.
    - May not allocate points in Open Locks, Set Snares or Detect Illusions.
    - Hit Die: d6

    Montaron: Zhent Assassin [Thief]

    - May become proficient (+) in Daggers, Longswords, Scimitars, Shortswords, Crossbows, Darts, Shortbows and Slings.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May use Bucklers.
    - May use Detect Traps, Open Locks, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, Set Snares and Detect Illusions.
    - Receives 40 skill points at 1st level and 20 every level thereafter.
    - Becomes immune to backstabs and Poison.
    - May use Apply Poison ability three times per day.
    APPLY POISON: As the Assassin ability.
    - May backstab at a x3 multiplier. (x4 at 7th)
    - May not allocate points in Pick Pockets.
    - Hit Die: d6

    Garrick: Thespian [Bard]

    - May become proficient (+) in any weapon.
    - May become proficient (+) in any weapon style.
    - May wear Leather, Studded Leather and Chainmail armor.
    - Can cast spells while wearing Leather and Studded Leather armor and while using Bucklers or Light Shields.
    - Begins with 25 skill points in Pick Pockets. (+5 per level)
    - Receives 10 Lore per level.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to saves vs. spells. (+2 at 3rd, +3 at 7th).
    - Can cast arcane spells.
    - Distracting Song: nearby allies gain +1 bonus to Armor Class and saves. Enemy spellcasters in the area have a 10% chance of spell failure. (+2 bonus and 20% spell failure at 7th).
    - Hit Die: d6

    Safana: Siren [Bard]

    - May become proficient (+) in Clubs, Daggers, Scimitars, Shortswords, Crossbows, Darts, Shortbows and Slings.
    - May achieve mastery (+++) in Dual Weapon Style.
    - May wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - May not use shields.
    - Can cast spells while wearing Leather and Studded Leather armor.
    - Begins with 25 skill points in Pick Pockets. (+5 per level)
    - Receives 10 Lore per level.
    - Becomes immune to Charm and Silence.
    - Can cast arcane spells.
    - Siren's Song: foes must save vs. spell (-1 penalty per 5 levels) or be put asleep for 1 turn.
    - Hit Die: d6

    Eldoth: Charlatan [Bard]

    - May become proficient (+) in any weapon.
    - May become proficient (+) in any weapon style.
    - May wear Leather, Studded Leather and Chainmail armor.
    - Can cast spells while wearing Leather and Studded Leather armor and while using Bucklers or Light Shields.
    - Begins with 25 skill points in Pick Pockets. (+5 per level)
    - Receives 10 Lore per level.
    - Becomes immune to Charm.
    - Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class vs. melee. (+1 per 5)
    - Charming Song: foes must save vs. spell (-1 penalty per 5) or be charmed for 5 rounds.
    - Hit Die: d6
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    I've always seen Safana as a Swashbuckler, personally, but that's a cool twist.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Oh yeah @Loub and other interested parties, there is an NPC component of my Tome and Blood mod, available on the forums here .

    The Hathran, Bladesinger and Red Wizard kits are available for Dynaheir, Xan and Edwin, respectively.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited October 2022
    I'm confused. Have the other kits remained mere unreleased ideas or are they available in Tome and Blood / somewhere else?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    This has been vaporware for a very long time, unfortunately. I think you can see the earnest ambition before I learned all the fun little quirks/limitations of the engine.

    Definitely a mod I would revisit with ample time, but nothing will be coming from it any time soon. I don't even know if i still have a hard drive with the files.
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