PC game $19,99, IOS $9,99. Do they think PC players are stupid?

IGN just announced that's what the game will cost. Twice the price for the very same game? Just because it's on a different platform? Why? Because PC players are "used to paying more for games"? Talk about respecting your fans.
I was going to buy this game at launch if only to show my support and maybe contribute to an eventual BG3. Now I won't. Since Beamdog clearly has no respect for me, I have no reason to support them either.
I was going to buy this game at launch if only to show my support and maybe contribute to an eventual BG3. Now I won't. Since Beamdog clearly has no respect for me, I have no reason to support them either.
Dorn, Neera, The Black Pits and Rassad all come with the PC and Mac versions. Tablet version doesn't have Dorn or Neera, but costs less ..
Stupid is stupid does.....
PC Master Race
While it is true that there is a lot of great free mod content out there for BG, there are thing that mods simply can't do yet. Just look around and you'll see modders requesting that hardcoded stuff be softcodded to allow modding access. That alone should already tell you that free mods don't do "everything and more".
The nature of the Appstore is such that it is so easy to buy, and just try stuff out. When BG goes live, it will hit the top of the charts, lots of casual users will see it and will buy it if the price is reasonable. A lot of people would look at a $20 price tag, think "next" and move onto the next new release and buy that instead. We really do need as MANY people to check this out, and I think the iPad and Android platform is going to be where the game sells best.
I wonder if the OP would be happy if they costed it, and worked out via projected profits that it simply wasn't going to be lucrative to even bother with a PC version, if it sold at $10, and just decided "you know what lets forget the PC version". At least this way you have the choice, and ultimately there is nothing to stop you picking up an iPad or Android Tablet, and pay the cheaper price!!
Sure, mods are great and can do many things, but I have never been able to play my game at true 1080p resolution (widescreen mod never worked to my liking) or get the multi-player to work without some sort of client. And importing BG2s interface into BG1 causes it's own set of problems from time to time. In my opinion BG needed this enhancement to keep relevant with ever-changing hardware. 20 bucks is a relatively small price to pay for such a classic.
if you dont like it you can wait for a review. and then decide if the hard working people at overhaul decerve a littel extra for their effords.
dont be such a ...
If the control is OK, I looking forward. Hectic, Action Games like Dragon Age II sucks. Here you have to think how you
develop your Hero's. Die Langsamkeit des Seins . That means, To do slowly with your being. Does't make sense in English.
Let's be realistic here, we know the reason, it's simple greed. Sell it as one complete package for $20.00 and they WILL make $10.00 on every PC sale of the game, put it back where it belongs as alacarte DLC and they chance the possibility that they won't make that extra $10.00 on every PC version they sell.
Oh well, I'm in no hurry to buy it. Hell I still haven't even seen a screen shot of the new (enhanced) UI, and until I do, I'm not rushing over to their site to buy it. Seems a bit strange to me that screen shots of the new UI is not *readily* available (I've searched for it but couldn't readily find any) someplace on their web site.
And for the UI - they still working on it, its not completed yet, also they didn't implement yet the1pp project into the game so it doesn't appear in the screenshots.
Honestly, for the whines-about-every-little-thing bunch, there was no winning this. Price them both a $20, no one buys the mobile version. Price them both at $10, maybe you don't make back enough to justify BG2EE. Price them differently, but keep content identical, you'll get whining because the mobile crowd gets the same for less. Price them differently and cut content from the mobile version, both sides will whine for opposite reasons. There is no way to win with certain people.
The iPad screenshots actually show the new UI.
I'm guessing that they're not showing the PC/Mac UI yet because they're still working on it.