I like to play Shou-Lung (Fantasy China) inspired characters in Baldur's Gate. I am looking for a picture in the style like the below:

But with less armour. Anyone know any good links?
PS: Sorry my Chinese is not good enough to clearly ask what I want in Chinese... but I can more or less read Chinese, so please do reply in Chinese if that's more convenient!)

But with less armour. Anyone know any good links?
PS: Sorry my Chinese is not good enough to clearly ask what I want in Chinese... but I can more or less read Chinese, so please do reply in Chinese if that's more convenient!)

Great recommendation. I found a nice set of pictures that would work pretty well for BG-style portraits. Unfortunately most of the men of 三國志 wear a lot of armour or look a bit older than I'd prefer, so I'll keep looking. Still it's great to have found a nice set of portraits that I can use for other characters later.
Thanks that girl pic is quite nice. My Charname is supposed to be young, male and looks a bit clean-cut.
I've stopped actively looking for pics for now, cos I am no longer sure that I want to run a Kensai next, cos they cannot even use bows.
I wish there was a fighter kit that prohibited armour, but allowed missile weapons. I might just go for the standard Fighter kit, in which case armour won't be a major problem.
I'll leave the fun of searching to you.
Ah... thanks. That's a good idea.
I can't believe I never thought of 仙剑奇侠传. I know it's a popular game, and watched the first few episodes of the TV series cos Liu Yifei is ridiculously cute, but otherwise that show's too cheesy for me.
(I'm an international student form China in Southampton University, you said you were raised in UK?)
I only watched it cos Liu Yifei was in it, and I loved her in 天龙八部 and 神雕侠侣. I don't know if 仙剑奇侠传 TV series reflected the game, but it was made to appeal to kids I think, I couldn't stand it after 3 episodes, despite all the lovely girls in it.
Mumei Zhang
Captain Hammer!