If a linux version for BG:EE is possible that just would be the best news EVER. I'm glad I preordered, because it's something I've been secretly hoping for! I've been playing on wine, but it's just sometimes frankly tedious to make the game properly working, with too often regressions between two updates. So, if nothing blocks BGEE Linux, please make it, dear devs! Even if it takes longer to have it available, I'm more than ready to wait!
A Linux version would be nice but not necessary. I'm currently playing a modded GOG Baldur's Gate Trilogy installation in Linux and it works great. It can be a bit finicky to install but once you've worked out the kinks it's fine. The only real benefit would be improved multi-threading for better performance with cpu intensive AI mods like SCS. If you've a problem with wine versions just use PlayOnLinux. It allows you to install, play and control what wine version you use for each game from an intuitive interface.
It's not necessary, but more than welcomed. I've been using Wine, PlayOnLinux, and I've always had strong performance issues (also by using some WeiDU tricks, like biffing the override/other) with BG and other games. And I often had troubles with OpenGL, screen resolution, sometimes even issues with sound. I know Wine performance may vary greatly from one computer/version to another, but it has been a pain to have a nice game experience. So, a true native version would be REALLY great.
Well if they don't create a Linux version and you want to play you could try compiling wine version 1.5.14 with the two .diff patches from http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17956 to your PlayOnLinux wine directories (for me /home/radwulf/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-amd64). Do this in combination with the generalised biffing mod and it should run as well as in Windows even with mods. As for other problems I can play it with no problems with both my integrated and discrete graphics chips and have no real problems in other areas. That being said I can sympathise with your wine issues and BG *is* quite finicky in wine for a first time install. Linux native games are always welcome.
If there is no other choice, it's of course what I will try!
It's just that I will always prefer a native version to the wine solution. I mean, I'm not afraid with all the configuration stuff, but it's just I love sometimes when things are simple. I admit that the guys who are developing wine are doing an amazing work, it's not here the problem. It's just that performances issues (and Baldur's Gate is typically the game I love to play on my netbook, because it's the computer I'm simply using the most, and the hardware requirements are low) are very frustrating. And as I love to suffer, I love mods too, and biffing can't do wonders in this case. GemRB was a much much better (fast and smooth) and enjoyable solution for me to play with some mods, despite the fact it's still a work in progress.
That being said, I admit my situation is probably not the most common one. But, running the game without having to use wine would be the best thing since... well, since Baldur's Gate was created!
I would love, LOVE, a linux version. I gave up on wine years ago. To much hassle. I dual boot windows just for games. If there's no linux version I'll be perfectly happy running it in windows. If there is a linux version, well, I'll have one less reason to boot into windows!
Tried to, didn't work. The installer is pure dotnet, which from what I've read requires mono or dotnet. I think the right way is to install dotnet via winetricks, which I haven't been able to do yet.
I installed dotnet2 via winetricks, and then dotnet3.5 via the BGEE installer, managed to get the installer working, but wine BGEE.exe gives errors. Guess I'll wait for the linux version.
I have played all of the BG titles under wine without a problem. But the BeamDog client does not seem to work nor does the installer for BGEE. I'd like to see a solution sometime soon. Still too early for an entry on wine HQ.
I think we're pretty much screwed, until they release the linux version. It looks like dotnet3.5 under wine is a no-go (I'd be happy to be proven wrong), and that's what both beamdog and the BGEE installer use.
It was to be expected that if a linux version is possible, I would still take some time. We just have to be patient and hope that everything will work according the plans.
Don't despair, maybe they've begun working on it and are just waiting for the legal papers to come in. I wouldn't think doing a linux version is much more work (if it works on android, then surely it's not that hard to make it work on linux). Distribution is much more tricky though, I hope they don't botch it.
Trent Oster @TrentOster
I've seen a draft of the amendment to add the Linux version, but we've got some revisions to make.
Trent Oster @TrentOster
Linux is still in negotiation. The amendment is still going back and forth. Android is in active development and trailing a little.
(Sorry, couldn't resist).
*Slinks out of thread*
I just got a new version of the Linux agreement and on first read it seems ok. #BGEELinux looks plausible.
: )
I hope it was cheap wine!
Trent Oster @TrentOster
@Were_badger We're still sending contract revisions back and forth for the Linux version.
It's just that I will always prefer a native version to the wine solution. I mean, I'm not afraid with all the configuration stuff, but it's just I love sometimes when things are simple. I admit that the guys who are developing wine are doing an amazing work, it's not here the problem. It's just that performances issues (and Baldur's Gate is typically the game I love to play on my netbook, because it's the computer I'm simply using the most, and the hardware requirements are low) are very frustrating. And as I love to suffer, I love mods too, and biffing can't do wonders in this case. GemRB was a much much better (fast and smooth) and enjoyable solution for me to play with some mods, despite the fact it's still a work in progress.
That being said, I admit my situation is probably not the most common one.
I hope too they can make it to linux as soon as possible ! :-)
Trent Oster @TrentOster
The Linux version is still in Legal drafts. It is getting closer though