Racial restrictions on romances kinda make sense in the context of FR - but only if you have a wide range of races with different prejudices. The Elf Squad really does leave a lot to be desired - why can my Dwarf get no love?
Of the three İ'm most excited about Neera. Wild mage is an excellent choice. Though as a romance option i'd prefer a human female for a change but half-elf is fine too. Just don't make another female elf. And don't make her a crybaby. Yes i hate Aerie...
I believe new characters gonna exist in Baldur's Gate 2 too, so an evil thief can be added there.
In BG1 we have Montaron (and only him sadly), but if the stupid NPC complains about reputation get fixed and now neutral NPCs stay in the party when rep is 1/2 i believe we finsh getting a solution the same way.
Safana could easly fill the thief place (and fill other needs too, there will be romance in BG?) and Skie can be used togheter with Eldoth, that is evil, too. By the way, no way to carry Skie to BG2(just kill Eldoth in the plot line plz)?.
She's an interessing NPC, annoying but that's the fun about her, many NPCs from BG2 would fell happy in tease her, Viconia and Edwin in mind? XD.
The game is not lauched yet, Team BG has time to change this mistake and put Neera as a human (or any other special race that main char can't chose, no problem for me:)
@KittyFuu We have one of the three who could be interested in a non-straight relationship"
Probably Neera?
A few people have suggested Neera but I have to say, Rasaad seems like the obvious choice. Of course i know no more than any of you but to me, Neera doesn't seem likely.
On the one hand I've to say that I wished for some diversity given the fact there are 3 romancable female elves already. BUT:
On the other hand her backstory and personality are what really matter. Also there is much diversity in the elven race itself (Avariel, Aquatic Elves, Drow, High Elves ...) ... btw: Does someone know which subrace Neera is ? Maybe I just missed it, but I couldn't find anything ...
Those of us who play male characters have three possible groupies who fight over us in BG2 like college freshmen over the last pack of ramen in the gas station. And all of them are either full-blooded elves or halfbreeds, in addition to being bereaved, psychologically damaged basket cases. We don't need another elf-blooded spellcaster going all moon-eyed over us.
...then you could just...not romance her? I'm guessing there'll be a lot more to enjoy about her character than that.
While it's pretty certain Dorn is evil and Rasaad is good, i'm not too sure about her. I'm probably going to try her but I don't know in what type of party just yet...
@KittyFuu We have one of the three who could be interested in a non-straight relationship"
Probably Neera?
A few people have suggested Neera but I have to say, Rasaad seems like the obvious choice. Of course i know no more than any of you but to me, Neera doesn't seem likely.
Expecting Neera to be "exactly like Aerie" because they're both elves or part elf seems pretty far-fetched. The three elven romances in BG2 are very different in my opinion, and I don't see how it would automatically bring large variation to make the love interest a human instead; that stuff is all in the writing. An average human female for instance is likely have a lot more in common with an average elf female than with a drow like Viconia.
I also personally certainly prefer emotional talk and moony-eyedness to the "let's be greedy and powermonging and go on killing sprees together" kind of evil romance.
If the bisexual romance option turns out to be the only female added, as opposed to one of the males, it'll look bad for the company image, in my opinion. So, for that reason, and for the sake of staving off the tide of lesbian-playing-men that plagues the RPG fanbase, I hope that it's one of the new male characters. None of them are going to be as captivating as Jaheira or Viconia as romance options anyway - too much sentimentality bred among original BG fans there, I would imagine. I know I'm a victim!
@Shin So you are saying there being at least one human female romance option would not add variety? I can't agree on that. For role playing purposes, playing as a human character i'd feel much more comfortable to hit on a human female rather than an elf not to mention a drow. That being said i agree that all the previous female romance options are completely different. So in the end what i'm really curious about is how Neera's character will be like. Surely you can be interesting and attractive without being an exotic beauty.
I for once, would not mind if a special race was atribued to Neera, she's a sorcerer no? Half-dragon comes in mind. But what i'm saying? She's an already done character, it's no use complain anymore.
And speaking in special races, to fill the evil thief quote (a pure one please), a doppelganger would be nice, there's a lot of them in Baldur's Gate and at least one should be smart enough to know who to ally himself/herself (well... with them you never know), and being able to shift, ppl get their hetero/homo romance as well and stop fu***** the patience with this stuff.
Justify quoted point for a playable doppleganger in the edition ppl like more (for P&P at least i think):
"Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition (2003-2007)
The doppelganger appears in the revised Monster Manual for this edition (2003).[13] In 3.5 Edition, their type was monstrous humanoid. If used as a player character race, their favored class is Rogue.
The doppelganger appeared as a player character race in Races of Destiny (2004).[14]
The changeling, offspring of doppelgangers and humans, appears as a player character race in the Eberron Campaign Setting (2004)."
Changeling also appeared in Races of Destiny, I think? Else it was one of the Monster Manuals.
A 3.x Doppelganger wouldn't really work as a PC, what with starting hit dice and all (unless they would add a Doppelganger class specifically for that character).
A Changeling works quite well, though, since they lack LA and Starting Hit Dice.
Naturally, BG is 2nd, not 3rd, but you'd still want the characters to remain somewhat in balance.
I'm looking forward to have Neera in the party. I wanted another mage option a little different from the stoic Dynaheir and the rock bottom pessimist Xan. As a romance option, she seems interesting. I'm pretty sure she won't be like Aerie (she was pretty dichotomous in the personality spectrum), though I hope she isn't anything like Merril (ignorant, naive) from Dragon Age 2 or Neeshka from NWN2. Reading the little paragraph about her on the website gives me the impression that she has a fun personality but also has a sense of responsibility. I don't really care if she is another elven blood to be honest. It would have been interesting if she were a halfling or something, but as a potential LI, I think half-elven tends to always be a good compromise between anything.
Still, I'm going to pick Neera up, and see what she'll be like. Hopefully enjoyable.
@KittyFuu We have one of the three who could be interested in a non-straight relationship"
Probably Neera?
In BG1 we have Montaron (and only him sadly), but if the stupid NPC complains about reputation get fixed and now neutral NPCs stay in the party when rep is 1/2 i believe we finsh getting a solution the same way.
Safana could easly fill the thief place (and fill other needs too, there will be romance in BG?) and Skie can be used togheter with Eldoth, that is evil, too. By the way, no way to carry Skie to BG2(just kill Eldoth in the plot line plz)?.
She's an interessing NPC, annoying but that's the fun about her, many NPCs from BG2 would fell happy in tease her, Viconia and Edwin in mind? XD.
The game is not lauched yet, Team BG has time to change this mistake and put Neera as a human (or any other special race that main char can't chose, no problem for me:)
On the other hand her backstory and personality are what really matter. Also there is much diversity in the elven race itself (Avariel, Aquatic Elves, Drow, High Elves ...) ... btw: Does someone know which subrace Neera is ? Maybe I just missed it, but I couldn't find anything ...
Neera is a half-elf. Don't know what elf race though.
I'm probably going to try her but I don't know in what type of party just yet...
Can we assume she is neutral?
I also personally certainly prefer emotional talk and moony-eyedness to the "let's be greedy and powermonging and go on killing sprees together" kind of evil romance.
So, for that reason, and for the sake of staving off the tide of lesbian-playing-men that plagues the RPG fanbase, I hope that it's one of the new male characters.
None of them are going to be as captivating as Jaheira or Viconia as romance options anyway - too much sentimentality bred among original BG fans there, I would imagine. I know I'm a victim!
So in the end what i'm really curious about is how Neera's character will be like. Surely you can be interesting and attractive without being an exotic beauty.
And speaking in special races, to fill the evil thief quote (a pure one please), a doppelganger would be nice, there's a lot of them in Baldur's Gate and at least one should be smart enough to know who to ally himself/herself (well... with them you never know), and being able to shift, ppl get their hetero/homo romance as well and stop fu***** the patience with this stuff.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppelganger_(Dungeons_&_Dragons)
Justify quoted point for a playable doppleganger in the edition ppl like more (for P&P at least i think):
"Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition (2003-2007)
The doppelganger appears in the revised Monster Manual for this edition (2003).[13] In 3.5 Edition, their type was monstrous humanoid. If used as a player character race, their favored class is Rogue.
The doppelganger appeared as a player character race in Races of Destiny (2004).[14]
The changeling, offspring of doppelgangers and humans, appears as a player character race in the Eberron Campaign Setting (2004)."
A 3.x Doppelganger wouldn't really work as a PC, what with starting hit dice and all (unless they would add a Doppelganger class specifically for that character).
A Changeling works quite well, though, since they lack LA and Starting Hit Dice.
Naturally, BG is 2nd, not 3rd, but you'd still want the characters to remain somewhat in balance.