The problem is that you play/are the PC. They can't profile the PC too much, as it would cause a lot of players to quickly become detached.
Hence it can never be your PC that requires all that nursing, as it would cause quite a few people to think: "What? No, that's not at all what I'm feeling like!" This wouldn't make it an enjoyable experience.
agreed, that's why you have various options to respond- and they can be very broad responses (like they already usually are) and don't even need to reveal anything about PC, which is already detached to some extent (being a fantasy being in a fantasy setting and having all his/her responses already written). never underestimate the power of good writing.
@Edvin cmon men, at least for a time for the more immediate needs , to cast spells of course! By the way i always dreamed in a corruption plot line for aerie, taking the fact she was a slave and tortured and all that. But maybe is just me, i always gave preference to ideas of corrupt/redeem the original NPCs over make new ones.
The problem is that you play/are the PC. They can't profile the PC too much, as it would cause a lot of players to quickly become detached.
Hence it can never be your PC that requires all that nursing, as it would cause quite a few people to think: "What? No, that's not at all what I'm feeling like!" This wouldn't make it an enjoyable experience.
As trinit points out, this is why you have numbered dialogue options and no voice.
True, and I often find none of the options befitting, but that's not my point.
My point is that they couldn't make a romance where the NPC takes care of the PC, because this would force the PC into a certain state of mind that would feel awkward and not at all their character to a lot of players.
Hence it can never be your PC that requires all that nursing, as it would cause quite a few people to think: "What? No, that's not at all what I'm feeling like!" This wouldn't make it an enjoyable experience.
never underestimate the power of good writing.
My point is that they couldn't make a romance where the NPC takes care of the PC, because this would force the PC into a certain state of mind that would feel awkward and not at all their character to a lot of players.