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In-App purchase of characters

iwuguyiwuguy Member Posts: 1
edited July 2012 in iPad (Archive)
So, I wonder what these will cost. I would hope that in order to bring the iPad version up to par with the PC version we will not have to pay more than the 19.99 total of the PC version...thoughts?


  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Oster tweeted about the subject. Each character will cost $3.00
    The price with the bonus content will be the same as the PC version, so no loss no gain :)
  • iwuguyiwuguy Member Posts: 1
    Alright, that is comforting to hear, thanks!
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    PhillipDaigle has already confirmed that if you buy all the DLC of the iOS/Android versions that you'll end paying the same as those that buy the PC/Mac version.

    On twitter TrentOster has mentioned that the each of the DLC character will cost 3$.
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    The iPad is a totally different ball game, smart move to make it a bit cheaper in order for it to reach as many as possible. Glad it's the same price for the same content across platforms
  • deathtoelvesdeathtoelves Member Posts: 7
    So why does the iPad version cost slightly less than the Mac version? What's the downside?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    The difference between the Mac and the iPad version is that several content that will be included in the base package of the Mac version, will be paid DLC on the iPad version:

    - The NPC Neera
    - The NPC Dorn
    - Portrait pack
    - Voiceset pack
  • deathtoelvesdeathtoelves Member Posts: 7
    I knew about needing to make in-app purchases. But I'll forgo the portrait pack and the voiceset (cause I'm cheap) and have the same game for a few bucks cheaper. Aww, who am I bs'ing, I have an airbook, I'm buying the Mac version (the iPad is my daughter's).
  • SamielSamiel Member Posts: 156
    To be fair the pricepoint of most iPad titles has always been relatively low, especially for games. It is one of the reasons why the platform is so strong. Stumping up a few bucks to try out a game, it's no massive loss if you end up not liking it, compare that with a new pc or console title costing magnitudes more, and you end up trying out fewer games.

    The markets operate on very different paradigms, and I wouldn't want to see Baldur's Gate losing out on many potential new converts by it effectively pricing itself out of the market from what most iPad users are willing to pay. Granted you're getting a much more in-depth, and longer game for your money, but your not going to be able to make that argument to people who are just casually checking in the appstore, check the price and go "whoa I was looking to spend 6 bucks tops!".

    The bottom line is I want them to be able to sell this to as many people as humanly possible to increase the chances of Baldurs Gate III getting made. (I'll personally be buying this on my iPad and PC, so I can use the cloud features to keep playing on the go). My only real worry with this pricing decision is it must therefore be impossible to play it multiplayer with someone who hasn't gotten all the in app purchases and you have.
  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    @Greenman019 Yup, such pricing is a smart move - it isn't scary for hours of quality gameplay and if newcomers feel it's worth it, they can buy additional content. Many people were pissed off about DLCs, but they're quite good for platforms like iPad (and later, PC) and $3 isn't much. It's not like charging 800 Beamdog points, where you can buy 1600 for $15, something that BioWare began to do.
    @deathoelves The PC release date is known, you will probably get the game earlier if you use PC.
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    It's neither here nor there really, how many of us have been screaming for a good RPG on the ipad? one that we can sink our teeth into, and now we get the greatest RPG of all time... for under 20 dollars! I spent more than that on DLC alone for Fall out and Mass effect! I have been playing BG on and off for the last 10+ years and now it's getting revamped, i can honestly say that a portable version will be on any and all subsiquent ipads i own, i purchaced an ipad just for this game! lol, i guess you could say BGEE has cost me the better part of $600! AND I CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT!!!!
  • SleetSleet Member Posts: 5
    My only real worry with this pricing decision is it must therefore be impossible to play it multiplayer with someone who hasn't gotten all the in app purchases and you have.
    I hope it's the case that if you start the adventure and have bought the DLC, you will see it. If someone is online with you and does not, they will still be able to see/interact, but unable to control etc.

    I have pre-purchased and will get the iOS or android version at some point for mobile play. :)
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    BG is the mother and father of RPGs, $10 is a steal, the promise of nr new content and quests its extra!
  • divisionsdivisions Member Posts: 4
    How much of disk space will be required for BGEE iPad ?
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2012
    Trent mentioned this in a tweet:
    "We're projecting around 1.2G for iPad. Just to be sure, try and save 1.5G, you know how projections can go."

    Of course that size may grow as they add more features and for future DLC expansions.
  • divisionsdivisions Member Posts: 4
    Thank you for the information:)
  • SleetSleet Member Posts: 5
    Thanks. Good to have a 64GB iPad. :D
  • ErrandwolfeErrandwolfe Member Posts: 11
    They should hook new players with a free demo app instead IMO. Thats how they got me back when it first came out. Would never have tried it without the free demo disc. :)
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Even BG 2 had a demo....
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Trent said they looked at something like this but they decided against it because they wanted to put all their resources into the main game, which I can understand, there's a lot of new content there, not the least of which is the port to iPad and android!
  • ErrandwolfeErrandwolfe Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2012

    Trent said they looked at something like this but they decided against it because they wanted to put all their resources into the main game, which I can understand, there's a lot of new content there, not the least of which is the port to iPad and android!

    Eh, thats kind of a lame statement from the devs then. In NO way is a timed, limited demo using the exact game code going to take longer to develop than a stripped version with in app purchases. The in app purchase mechanic alone will take time. I feel a demo of the beginning would do better than a $7 app stripped of the new content...there is a growing group of Apple fans that are getting tired of paying for incomplete apps. For example....on the Mac App store...Sid Meier's Pirates for OS X is $30.00...the ipad version will the all the same content was just on sale for .99 Its all about buyer perception and I feel...if the devs really wanted as many ipad owners as possible to be exposed to this game...they would be better with a free demo and a full version. In the current no way is an iOS game worth the same as a desktop game...even if they are EXACTLY the same. When people find out they don't get the full game for $7...see that they have to pay abother $10-12 to get the same thing for the same price a a full screen 27' Mac will turn many potential upgraders to the full game, off. Just wait and read the reviews on the app the first 24 hrs. when people see they paid $7 for an "incomplete" experience.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    Where are you getting the 7$ from? I thought it was 10$.

    And well, if they say that, they should also take notice that the complete game is 20$ for everyone else.

    I really don't see the logic in saying that an iOS game is not worth the same as a desktop game when they're exactly the same game.
  • ErrandwolfeErrandwolfe Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2012
    Oops. My fault, I thought I saw somewhere it was going to be $6.99 can't find it now. @ $10.00 my concern will be a bigger reality. Seriously, what WotC did with Duel of the Planeswalkers 2013 is how I would prefer this release to be handled. A free app that can be fully unlocked with one purchase. Releasing a stripped version on iOS for 1/2 the cost of the full featured desktop version is not a wise move IMO. I will certainly only be getting the OS X release because of this.

    Also, my reasoning it is not worth the same (even with the same EXACT content) is understanding the App store marketplace and my Sid Meier's Pirates! example. The average app store shopper does not think they are worth the same, and precedent shows this. You can get iOS ports of Nintendo DS games and GBA games for WAY less than $10.00 when the console versions are still $20-$30. With a market flooded with free and .99 apps...the expectation is that iOS games are way cheaper. Not saying it should be that way. Thats just the impression I see.
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    You aren't getting half the game for $10 you are getting 100 percent of the original plus the expansion, plus Rasaad, plus The Black Pits. That's 90 percent of what pc/Mac people get. All that's missing is Neera, Dorn, and a portrait and voice pack. I'd hardly call that stripped.
  • ErrandwolfeErrandwolfe Member Posts: 11
    Well. We'll see won't we. I'm basing my opinion on actual research on iOS releases and their relative costs and how the Mac community seems to respond to apps that cost the same as desktop apps or are missing features another release has which can be accessed via in app purchases. I have even provided an example of what I'm talking about. Just read app store reviews...these are not baseless concerns or undue criticism.
  • ErrandwolfeErrandwolfe Member Posts: 11
    Also...I'm gonna bet people will be critical of the 1.2 G size too...thats 1/16 of MANY peoples ipads...we dont like big apps either ;) (based again, on actual research and review reading)
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Dude, I'd give over 90% of my 16GB pad space to BGEE! It's the reason I grabbed the pad in the first place. It boils down to 1 question, do I want the game or don't I? If peeps want it, they buy it, if they don't, they don't. I don't understand all these posts, making a massive deal out if, let's face it, pocket change and stressing over a game that ain't even out yet, as for the iPad version, I have been waiting for an RPG on the pad, that has HALF the depth of BG. And personally I can't wait till September
  • WolfheartWolfheart Member Posts: 170
    edited July 2012
    I first bought a 16 gb ipad,,, I very quickly realised that my way of dealing with apps/music/audiobooks/books isn't suited for such a limited space... So I sold the old one off and got a 64 gb one ^^* And now I only have 8 gigs free,,, And thats not even with all my audiobooks on it :(

    While Baldurs Gate will be the biggest app I have, atleast it will use its space in a somewhat efficient manner, unlike a certain "Chrono Trigger" I might mention that takes up 600 mb (for a snes era game)...
  • ErrandwolfeErrandwolfe Member Posts: 11
    Well not many people are actually going to be buying an ipad for this game...that is certainly the minority of ipad owners. Also, I am sure the 1.2gigs comes from the retina display...ipad 1 and 2 owners will not want a huge file on their iPads, for graphics they can't even use. Again...this is based on actual complaints in the app store. I'm simply pointing out issues people will certainly have with this release...if the devs do not want to consider them fine...I could care less, like I said I refuse to support this version of the game for many reasons, all of which are reflections of many ipad users, as seen in reviews in the App Store. I own 2 ipads and have had one since they first came out. I have played tons of ipad game and I am pointing out reasons I could see this release not selling as well as it could. If some people here want to support this game blindly, say how everything is great, buy $500.00 ipads to play a $20.00 game, rant endlessly on DRM, good for them. I however feel I represent the majority of App store customs...the fanboys do not. Thing is its not an argument. I am not bringing up a over a bunch of app store will see I am very much in tune with the app store buyers. Or don't then wonder why its not selling and has a bunch of 1,2 and 3 star reviews. But this will be my last post on this forum...its just not a very good community....bunch of winners about DRM, fears a game that isnt even out yet will go offline, people just rabid with fanboyism...enjoy your game everyone.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I honestly don't see what you want them to do about the 1.2GB install. Cut content from the game?
  • WolfheartWolfheart Member Posts: 170
    edited July 2012
    @Errandwolfe If you look at baldurs gate (pc) its rather big on its own (The GoG installer is 1,7GB). While we have gone quite a bit with compression tech, there's still a point where the increase in compression results in a reduction of quality/usability. Better (compressed) movies helps bring the size down, as does using better compression algorithms for the textures/data. I have no idea how much of the data is textures and how much is audio in Baldurs Gate but I wouldn't be surprised if its 36% audio. *Goes off to poke in the datafiles of the old baldurs gate*
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