Will there be any leniancy on time-related quests concerning Jahiera, Viconia ect..

This isn't more of a request but rather I think something that should be fixed. You always had to wait ridiculously long for the time-related aspects of their romances to trigger. Resting didn't help, either. I'm hoping they *FIX* that. Because as a fan, it's practically broken.
It wouldn't even count how many hours you've been playing. Only how many hours straight you've played. I played Baldur's Gate II like 4 times, and not once did I ever complete a romance.
EDIT: In another aspect, I'm talking about a part of the game that didn't age well.
This is something about the romances that didn't age well compared to how modern games rpgs (bioware, mass effect) did it.
It wouldn't even count how many hours you've been playing. Only how many hours straight you've played. I played Baldur's Gate II like 4 times, and not once did I ever complete a romance.
EDIT: In another aspect, I'm talking about a part of the game that didn't age well.
This is something about the romances that didn't age well compared to how modern games rpgs (bioware, mass effect) did it.
But I guess that goes to show how different playing styles can be.
I guess I can agree in some respects that the romances haven't aged so well, mostly the fashion in how you have to help each romance NPC overcome some large emotional problem and then eventually get to sleep with them as a kind of reward/culmination of the entire thing. It doesn't feel very relaxed or modern.
On the other hand, such a turn of events seems relatively reasonable in Aerie's and Jaheria's romances given what they've been through, and Viconia's romance (which has always been my favourite) doesn't really adhere to that concept.
The only thing I feel would be needed is probably just more romantic content, more and varied RP-style interaction with your love interest - the vanilla romances sometimes feel a bit restricted in comparison to more extensive NPC ones (Fade and Dynaheir are good examples) where the romance becomes a more integrated part of the game.
Then again, there's an important balance between making a romance involving and having it take over too many aspects of the game (Saerileth is arguably an example of the latter).
Also, there are romance accelerator scripts available that I believe will drastically cut down on the romance talk time - that seems like a much better option than shortening the baseline.
I guess one could argue that with the progress made in Baldur's Gate and gaming in general, and the overall higher "skill level" of contemporary gamers, people could probably be expected to complete the game more quickly than they used to. As such, shortening the time between "love talks" is probably not the worst idea.
It was insanely frustrating to play 40+ hours, respond 'correctly' to all the relevant dialogue options, only to have the romance be left 'hanging' because I (obliviously) missed the timer trigger.
edit: (...too lazy to do it myself...)
I've played BGT several times and it had many romance timers decreased. It spoiled everything for me. The end of Jaheira romance, for ie, took place BEFORE Bodhi had a chance to interfere. It was a very strange feeling, especially compared with the vanilla longevity. In the vanilla BG2 the end of Jaheira (the apperaring of Elminster) took place when the party came to the surface from the Underdark. It was the best time, I think.
The fact some people find these romances too long means they just tend to play quickly. But there're also people who like to explore every piece of any map, do every quest available etc. I'm from these people. If you don't rush you'll take pleasure from these romances.
Personally, I even liked that it took time. It resembles a real life where all the personal decisions are far from being quick. The wait only makes the appetite better.
My problem is specifically with the Jaheira romance.
There are two areas where the romance seems to freeze. First, Dermin does not always appear when he should (why, I'm not sure). Second, Terminsel does not always appear to give your PC the note. These problems seem to be associated with the timer, as far as I can tell, and the need to sleep outdoors.
I'm not sure they're outright bugs, but they make completing the Jaheira romance damn hard, if not impossible.