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thac0 sucks and needs to die in a fire!

taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 288
edited September 2013 in Archive (General Discussion)
3e is not revolutionary, it IS thac0 only without the stupid. (if you want something different look at gurps, WOD, etc)
3e AC = 20 - 2e AC
BAB = 20 THAC0

Every time someone complains about thac0 the immediate response I see is "you are too stupid to do subtraction".
No, we are not too stupid to subtract. The problem is that D&D authors simply can't keep thac0 straight since it is too counter intuitive.
1. THAC0 is explained in the most obtuse and unnecessarily complicated manner in 2e player guide. It is simpler than they make it out to be
2. items have the most confusing and inconsistent notation. This is a huge problem.

For example, here are the notations I have seen thus far in Baldur's Gate in game or in manual:

a. +X bonus; this reduces your AC (which is good) by X

b. -X bonus; this reduces your AC (which is good) by X

c. +X penalty; this increases your AC (which is bad) by X

d. -X penalty; this increases your AC (which is bad) by X

e. AC X; this alters your AC by 10-X; for example, AC5 item will givec you -5 to ac (which is good). An AC 15 item will alter your AC by +5 which is bad. It is often unclear which portion of the change comes from magical source and which from a mundane source

f. +X Protection (leather armor); what does this mean?

g. -X Protection (leather armor); what does this mean?

h. -X penalty (manual, two handed weapon proficiency); penalty to damage? to thac0? both?

i. -X AC against missile weapons (sword and shield proficiency); lowers your AC by X which is good.

This is just awful.
Ideally beamdog would get rid of thac0 in favor of BAB... but since this will never happen they should at least go through and standardize the notations on items to make them consistent.

PS. the main purpose of this thread is not to request beamdog replace thac0 or the notation, but to clarify my position of "when someone complains about thac0 they aren't too stupid to do subtraction, they are horribly confused by inconsistent notation and poor explanation"
Post edited by taltamir on


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I think we are sort of stuck with it. Its unfortunate that you have weapons that list themselves getting "+3" thac0, when really its -3, but somehow "arrow -3" doesn't have the right ring to it :)
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 288
    edited September 2013
    Nic_Mercy said:

    It's not about causing outrage. What you want can't ever happen with BG2:EE (at least not officially) because the fundamental mechanics of the game are not allowed to be changed and it might not even be possible to do so on such an old engine even if the legal obstacles were removed.

    Because thac0 IS effective the same thing as BAB, you can swap them out without altering the engine:
    1. change the user readable description of items (not a single line of engine code has to be changed for that)
    2. modify 2 lines of code in the character viewer UI to convert the internal engine thac0 value to bab value.

    Although the code WOULD be cleaner if you actually changed the actual underlying engine from thac0 to bab rather than using the above cosmetic alteration.

    Also, you are correct that we will never see thac0 dumped from BGEE; thank you for reminding me about the legal issues.

    but there is no reason (technical or legal) to not go through item's text description and changing their descriptions to be consistent.

    For example, "Bracers of Armor AC7" can be renamed to "Bracers of Armor -3" and their description changed from "AC: 7" to "-3 Armor bonus" (armor bonus because it counts as armor, not as a shield).
    Full plate armor should have its item description changed from "AC: 1" to "-9 Armor bonus", etc
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 288
    edited September 2013
    TJ_Hooker said:

    I think you're overthinking it. An item of AC: X simply sets your base AC to X. So bracers of AC 7 means your AC starts at 7 (instead of 10), and from there you add the various bonuses/penalties.

    1. The problem with this theory is what happens when you use multiple items with the "AC: X" notation.
    2. Setting your base to X and then calculating from there is completely obtuse, unintuitive, and confusing. Compared to clearly stating what CHANGE it makes. Oh, it makes sense once you mastered the rules, but half the people quit the game in frustration before mastery occurs
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    this thread scared me
    in a PNP game i'm playing, i have an archer/ranger named THAC0 & i was wondering how he had raised such ire
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 288
    rexreg said:

    this thread scared me
    in a PNP game i'm playing, i have an archer/ranger named THAC0 & i was wondering how he had raised such ire

    Heh :)
    No hostilities intended towards people both real and fictional.
    Speaking of characters named thac0, there is this one goblin from the comic Goblins whose name is thac0.
    I wonder how common a name it is in D&D fiction
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    For the most part, +'s are bonuses and -'s are maluses and you just have to know which way the stat moves to improve and adjust accordingly. You must use context. It's not ideal.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Not to offer an official view or anything, but Volo does say something about THAC0 in the game's manual.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    i am familiar w/ the Goblins comic...i like Dies Horribly
    wonderful comic strip & worth the read
    THAC0 is a **gasp** 4th ed. Ranger...i was protesting the rules choice when i named him...
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    edited September 2013
    my group(s) primarily play 3.X/PF as default...the intuitive nature of the rules is wonderful...
    that being said, slipping back into 2nd ed. AD&D rules is pretty easy...THAC0 makes total sense to me; i couldn't count the hours i used it...& remember, it was a step up from the original AD&D tables...

    @taltamir...upon re-reading your post, i wish to chime in i've never, ever heard anyone referred to as "too stupid" to use THAC0...& i've been playing a good 30 yrs...
  • setsunaluvrsetsunaluvr Member Posts: 29
    I like it fine as it is. The more time goes on, and more editions D&D goes through, the more I realize that 2nd ed was the best of the batch. I weep every time I look at the 4th ed PHB on my bookshelf. Worst forty bucks I ever spent.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    taltamir said:

    TJ_Hooker said:

    I think you're overthinking it. An item of AC: X simply sets your base AC to X. So bracers of AC 7 means your AC starts at 7 (instead of 10), and from there you add the various bonuses/penalties.

    1. The problem with this theory is what happens when you use multiple items with the "AC: X" notation.
    2. Setting your base to X and then calculating from there is completely obtuse, unintuitive, and confusing. Compared to clearly stating what CHANGE it makes. Oh, it makes sense once you mastered the rules, but half the people quit the game in frustration before mastery occurs
    1. Simple: If you wear two items with "AC:X" notation, they don't stack. The better one trumps. So, if you wear Bracers of AC 7 and Leather Armor (AC 8), you have AC 7 from the bracers. If you wear the Bracers of AC 7 and Robes of the Archmagi (AC 5), your AC is 5.

    2. Once you get your base AC from the armor/bracers/robes you're wearing, apply Dex and other item bonuses/penalties. Most other items give bonuses to AC, e.g., RIngs of Protection. So, its not really that confusing. You don't even have to consult a table to check if your armor nullifies your Dex bonus.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    edited September 2013
    taltamir said:

    PS. the main purpose of this thread is not to request beamdog replace thac0 or the notation, but to clarify my position of "when someone complains about thac0 they aren't too stupid to do subtraction, they are horribly confused by inconsistent notation and poor explanation"

    You are completely right good Sir, but this is the flavour of Old Games.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited September 2013
    elminster said:

    I think we are sort of stuck with it. Its unfortunate that you have weapons that list themselves getting "+3" thac0, when really its -3, but somehow "arrow -3" doesn't have the right ring to it :)

    My understanding it's more that it's +3 to hit rolls, which can be considered also as a -3 to THAC0 and the game seems to lump everything onto THAC0.

    +X to hit and -X to THAC0 both achieve the exact same thing.

    Also, in general sense of roleplay, I find THAC0 to make more sense than AC of the later editions... THAC0 is the characters ability to hit with a weapon, it's a check against the characters skills basicly... Where as AC is just are you able to cut through something armor or not...
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    I'll agree that THAC0 is a terrible way of describing the combat system and that BAB is a much simpler way of describing the the same system.

    However it would be a pretty big job to change all of the in-game descriptions that refer to attack & armor bonuses just to make things a little easier to follow. While it would be nice, I can't really see it happening.
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 424
    taltamir said:

    Nic_Mercy said:

    It's not about causing outrage. What you want can't ever happen with BG2:EE (at least not officially) because the fundamental mechanics of the game are not allowed to be changed and it might not even be possible to do so on such an old engine even if the legal obstacles were removed.

    Because thac0 IS effective the same thing as BAB, you can swap them out without altering the engine:
    1. change the user readable description of items (not a single line of engine code has to be changed for that)
    2. modify 2 lines of code in the character viewer UI to convert the internal engine thac0 value to bab value.

    Although the code WOULD be cleaner if you actually changed the actual underlying engine from thac0 to bab rather than using the above cosmetic alteration.

    Also, you are correct that we will never see thac0 dumped from BGEE; thank you for reminding me about the legal issues.

    but there is no reason (technical or legal) to not go through item's text description and changing their descriptions to be consistent.

    For example, "Bracers of Armor AC7" can be renamed to "Bracers of Armor -3" and their description changed from "AC: 7" to "-3 Armor bonus" (armor bonus because it counts as armor, not as a shield).
    Full plate armor should have its item description changed from "AC: 1" to "-9 Armor bonus", etc
    Unfortunately while "fundamentally" they may be similar. The fact is BAB is a mechanic of 3e. The BG series is a 2e game. Legally speaking it will never happen. That means even cosmetic changes like you suggest aren't going to be allowed. A fan made mod could happen and maybe you should suggest that, but Beamdog CAN'T make such a fundamental change even cosmetically. The discussion pretty much ends there.

    There actually are legal and technical reasons not to do as you suggest. First and foremost adding in references to 3e mechanics without permission can be a legal issue. I am fairly sure Beamdog needed approval to add those new kits which are 2e conversions of 3e prestige classes. And those conversions were probably looked at closely to ensure they were within 2e parameters before that approval was given. The D&D license holders are usually very picky about which edition is used in a product and often want to maintain the integrity of an old title, especially one as popular as the BG series.

    And then of course, just because something seems simple to do doesn't mean that it actually is. Assuming the legal hurdles could be overcome, you're assuming the cosmetic suggestion you posted could be done easily and without any possible bugs resulting from it. Are you entirely certain of that? Do you personally know the code well enough to make such a change? Is your name Arcanaville? (ok that makes no sense to anyone who didn't play city of heroes but it made me smile ^_^) Then you don't know exactly how easy or difficult it would be to make the suggested change.
  • BattlehamsterBattlehamster Member Posts: 298
    I COMPLETELY agree that 3rd edition is substantially more intuitive and the THACO system is absurd...but I don't see the point in complaining when the system does all the math for you. Its not that you're "too stupid to do subtraction" its more "you don't actually have to do any math". There is no reason to go into a game and hard wire all the core rules for a meager change that amounts to little more than a simple aesthetic change to digital numbers which you rarely see and infrequently change.

    As for the item descriptions, I have to say I agree with points made. Bracers change base AC, not the total AC so they ARE accurate. As for changing THACO mods to say -2 instead of +2 that does make sense as far as THACO consistency is concerned...but at this point as Elminster said, who really wants to run around with a -2 longsword?

  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Speaking as someone who has never, since he was first introduced to THAC0 at the tender age of 6, found it to be a difficult mechanic to work with... yeah, it needs to die. It's not that it's hard to work with. It's that it's unintuitive, and has literally no benefits when compared to its more intuitive counterpart, the attack bonus. It's like writing 5+2 every time you want to write 7. People will know what you mean, but it's still kind of dumb. The principle of elegance in design demands that THAC0 be replaced with its more intuitive mathematical equivalent.

    That said, unless someone has already written (or could quickly write) a program that can systematically replace all THAC0 references without taking hours of time from a more important project, I'd say leave it. Because, like the 5+2 analogy, it's not really doing all that much harm. Spending time and energy on fixing it would probably be more trouble than it's worth.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited September 2013
    When I was younger, I didn't understand THAC0 beyond "lower is better"...

    But nowadays I look at it is and it's a simple system that makes sense.

    Since the attack roll is D20 + Target's AC + Modifiers vs. Your THAC0...

    The game turns the Hit roll modifiers to a THAC0 bonus... Like if you have a +2 Weapon, it's actually a +2 to Hit Rolls, but it can also be treated alternatively as a -2 THAC0.

    It's just adding a few numbers together and seeing if result is higher than your THAC0, it's not infintely complex.

    And most things state if it's a penalty or a bonus anyways to avoid too much confusion... Bonus good, Penalty bad.
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 288
    edited October 2013

    taltamir said:

    TJ_Hooker said:

    I think you're overthinking it. An item of AC: X simply sets your base AC to X. So bracers of AC 7 means your AC starts at 7 (instead of 10), and from there you add the various bonuses/penalties.

    1. The problem with this theory is what happens when you use multiple items with the "AC: X" notation.
    2. Setting your base to X and then calculating from there is completely obtuse, unintuitive, and confusing. Compared to clearly stating what CHANGE it makes. Oh, it makes sense once you mastered the rules, but half the people quit the game in frustration before mastery occurs
    1. Simple: If you wear two items with "AC:X" notation, they don't stack. The better one trumps. So, if you wear Bracers of AC 7 and Leather Armor (AC 8), you have AC 7 from the bracers. If you wear the Bracers of AC 7 and Robes of the Archmagi (AC 5), your AC is 5.
    You appear to be correct. I guess that is one issue off the list.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    That's hardly a problem, though. It's just as easy to write "sets AC to 13" as it is to write "sets AC to 7."
  • bdeonovicbdeonovic Member Posts: 86
    I love how every single post in here is someone putting down the OP for not understanding the rules but completely misses his intent:

    He just wants the manual/rules to be standardized so it is easier to understand the core rules when you start learning them.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    It's funny how 3rd ed uses basically the same mechanic, but presented in a more intuitive way. How long did it take to change it, like 20 years?
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Admittedly there are a lot of item descriptions that could be cleaned up and unified to say either "+1 bonus" or "-1 bonus" rather than the mixed bag it is at the moment. This applies equally to THAC0, AC and Saving Throws. Clarifying the descriptions to uniformly use a + or - as a bonus would be a big plus (pun intended).

    However, changing BG:EE to 3E BAB and AC just isn't going to happen. They're separate rulesets, and you'd confuse as many people by changing them as you would by keeping it the same.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Khail said:

    Playing through BG 1 and 2 as well as Icewind Dale back in the day, thac0 is what they used. I then purchased Icewind Dale 2 and noticed that 3E was going into the game. I was interested in trying this "new" DND so away I went. I felt the game became much to easy, and later trying out some pnp with 3E the amount of OP characters left me in a daze. I prefer the more difficult, obscure, and sometimes annoying 2E for the challenge of it, later editions seemed to lack this feature.

    Three and four multiclass characters, xp penalties, and skill points tried to amp up the complexity.

  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    It's not that bad. It just takes a bit extra math, is all.
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