Modern games : 5 hours gameplay, no storyline, mediocre soundtracks, 79.99$ BGEE: 70-100 hours gameplay, maybe even more, best storyline, majestic soundtrack, 19.99$ Hmm...worth it !
The way you put it totally misses the point. And it was an overexaggeration anyway.
Missing the point? Yes, a bit. Overexaggeration ? Don't think so. There are some nice upgrades that worth 20 bucks, two things come in my mind now, and that's the matchmaking multiplayer and better mod support. I wouldn't say i would have paid more than 20 bucks, but that's the right price imo.
I'd pay a thousand dollars for BG3, that being said, BGEE is worth less than 20 bucks, easily. If you can't afford 20 bucks, but still have access to the internet then you probably depend on someone else for food/shelter/income and can probably find some way to work up the 20 dollars. Honestly I smoke more than that in a day, so buying BGEE was a no-brainer for me. Also please show me a mod that adds a functioning bug free multiplayer experience and match making?
@Shaewaros: Nobody is forcing you to buy the game, yo. But such a pessimistic attitude certainly shows how little support you're willing to offer for Oster's work. Bravo.
@Shaewaros: Nobody is forcing you to buy the game, yo. But such a pessimistic attitude certainly shows how little support you're willing to offer for Oster's work. Bravo.
I don't really agree 100% with him, but i don't really agree with this either.
I support BG:EE but i am not hiding that i was expecting more.
Beamdog is a small company as we said, not capable of more etc, but there are arguments just waiting to be unleashed when you say those things. And they hit hard trust me.
I've read a lot of opinions on forums and some of them argued that if they had such limitations they shouldn't bother with the project, unless they found some funding.
I don't know how to respond to that, the only thing i can say is that, i believe all of us hope this sells well, so we can come closer to BG3 and see a unique RPG by this team.
But this and the disappointment for others things not possible to implement will coexist, until BG2:EE.
Because you can support BG:EE, but if all the work is done now for the UI, the graphics (whatever is being done with them), and we have only bug fixes and new npcs/quests for BG2:EE, we're gonna have the same problems and arguments again.
Sooner or later, the devs will need to find a way to touch the subjects they are unable to touch now. And the later it is, the more the risk of people not caring in the end.
I'll say it again, BG:EE will probably go well, but BG2:EE will need something more, in my humble opinion.
So there's no need to be ironic to people that don't believe this is worth it, i think i can understand where they're coming from.
In the end, releasing BG:EE and BG2:EE to get funds for something grander is ok. But if you don't have funds to actually create something new graphically, and need these remakes to sell so you do have the funds, well, let's just say you just increase the risk of it not selling well by a lot.
People that find this remake/enhancement not worthy will always exist. What troubles me, is that in many forums, with the exception of this one and spellhold studios, this opinion is heard a lot, and i mean a lot. In the end, people don't care if you're limited, they evaluate what they see, and if they think that what they see that it doesn't add that much, they won't bother. And trust me, having the game look exactly like it was in 2000 is not very encouraging for new players, even old fans.
Anyway, i agree that before we "judge", if you can use this word for something like this, we need to wait to see the exact full content they will release, and of course the DLC and support for it.
Some of us might be a bit more critisizing, but we have a lot of faith in this team, and that is why we expected more. You don't expect something out of someone who has no ability to deliver. So i hope we're clear on this.
I can understand a lot of the criticisms voiced in this thread as there are a lot of mods available that are fantastic. However, to me, the three new NPCs and supporting an effort to create BG3 is well worth $18 (pre-order) to me.
The only thing I'd like to point out about your post is that, well, I don't see graphical improvements that you (and a lot of others) would want to see being something easy to add to BG2EE either unfortunately. Even with most of the work on the engine being done with BGEE, the half-year until BG2EE's release won't allow for such an undertaking.
Personally, what I expect for BG2EE is a lot of new content.
@Mornmagor: See, that is exactly my issue with people like Shaewaros. It's this 'I expected a lot more' attitude that rubs me the wrong way. What's happened to patience nowadays? Give Oster's team time to grow, for God's sake. They aren't a big company like EA, who can throw games at your feet at the click of a finger. If you want quality, you'll have to have patience. Nowadays most gamers are so impatient. I've seen enough of this attitude on the Bioware Social Network. Everything always has to be better, faster, more impressive...Oster only recently started the Enhanced Edition project, if I can call it like that, so give them time. Sure, we all want to see more content added to the game and I'm certain we will see more extras. But that is something for the future. For now, let's just be happy with what we get.
It's overpriced for those of us who have the game (such as myself), but remember that many people didn't buy it and many people's copies got lost/destroyed. While I won't be buying it any time soon, I'm excited about the revival of one of my favorite game series.
I don't get the Whole over priced thing, it costs a 6 cents to produce 1 cadburys chocolate bar, after you take into account fuel costs and actual packaging. We are talking just plane chocolate here, not the swanky fruit n nut or peppermint filled one. At a cost of $1 to purchase said bar from the shop, that is hardly value for money. Where are all the people arguing about the price of chocolate!
So what do you spend your average $20 on that is SO much more valuable, I want to know? The developers need money, and they could easily go asking for like $50 and probably get it because a lot of people adore this game and it's been dormant for like 10 years! They are being gracious for only asking for $20. And if you think the characters are "useless," fine, go get the iPad version or whatever that's only $10 so you don't have "useless" characters.
@Mornmagor: See, that is exactly my issue with people like Shaewaros. It's this 'I expected a lot more' attitude that rubs me the wrong way. What's happened to patience nowadays? Give Oster's team time to grow, for God's sake. They aren't a big company like EA, who can throw games at your feet at the click of a finger. If you want quality, you'll have to have patience. Nowadays most gamers are so impatient. I've seen enough of this attitude on the Bioware Social Network. Everything always has to be better, faster, more impressive...Oster only recently started the Enhanced Edition project, if I can call it like that, so give them time. Sure, we all want to see more content added to the game and I'm certain we will see more extras. But that is something for the future. For now, let's just be happy with what we get.
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud I somewhat agree with what you say, it's just that, if people say " i expected more ", there is a possibility that there was indeed a greater expectation. They weren't able to know beforehand the limitations of Beamdog, and you can't blame them if they believe that this is not worth it. Personally, i didn't expect a lot more, just something more, a specific something, it didn't happen, i'm still here though, but if i try to imagine this from a more general scope, i actually want Oster's team to grow, do others feel the same way? New players that are exactly as you describe, used to see content immediately, will they share the same view? Because it is they, that will decide if Oster's team will grow in the end.
It's not a general thought, it's Baldur's Gate, something specific. This is the title that arguably shaped many RPGs into what they are today, or anyway gave a direction, you touch it, people are going to expect a lot.
We are looking at the subject from two different points, you are using the argument of patience, but patience is for you and me a way to become better persons, the gaming industry probably won't care. They see numbers. And to be honest, Baldur's Gate was popular, but not that popular, and i don't know what Beamdog will perceive as a "success", for numbers. These "impatient" gamers of today as you describe them, are not impatient at all. They have no obligation to wait for a company to become big so they can deliver, if they believe they are not delivering from the get go.
You can be sure that i will give them time, but this patience that you describe, although i agree with it, has no value today for an industry. You don't sell well, they don't give you contracts. They don't wait for you.
Let's hope for the best however.
@Tanthalas i imagine it's gonna be hard to implement something like that for BG2:EE indeed. I don't know if it's gonna be necessary, it depends on what they actually add, and of course i don't know what solutions for things they can't touch they will come up with in the end. I'm pretty sure they have their ideas.
He's quite right, we're being absolutely fucked over and I don't doubt it at all. On the other hand, I'm getting willingly fucked over. I know it's a con, but a con I will buy.
He's quite right, we're being absolutely fucked over and I don't doubt it at all. On the other hand, I'm getting willingly fucked over. I know it's a con, but a con I will buy.
Yeah, we're being "fucked over" because Beamdog would like to see a return on its investment in new artists, new voice actors, new music, etc. Those bastards. How dare they try to make a profit on something they spent time and money to produce?
He's quite right, we're being absolutely fucked over and I don't doubt it at all. On the other hand, I'm getting willingly fucked over. I know it's a con, but a con I will buy.
Yeah, we're being "fucked over" because Beamdog would like to see a return on its investment in new artists, new voice actors, new music, etc. Those bastards. How dare they try to make a profit on something they spent time and money to produce?
And how dare they trying to introduce BG to more people!? Inconceivable!
There are some nice upgrades that worth 20 bucks, two things come in my mind now, and that's the matchmaking multiplayer and better mod support. I wouldn't say i would have paid more than 20 bucks, but that's the right price imo.
I support BG:EE but i am not hiding that i was expecting more.
Beamdog is a small company as we said, not capable of more etc, but there are arguments just waiting to be unleashed when you say those things. And they hit hard trust me.
I've read a lot of opinions on forums and some of them argued that if they had such limitations they shouldn't bother with the project, unless they found some funding.
I don't know how to respond to that, the only thing i can say is that, i believe all of us hope this sells well, so we can come closer to BG3 and see a unique RPG by this team.
But this and the disappointment for others things not possible to implement will coexist, until BG2:EE.
Because you can support BG:EE, but if all the work is done now for the UI, the graphics (whatever is being done with them), and we have only bug fixes and new npcs/quests for BG2:EE, we're gonna have the same problems and arguments again.
Sooner or later, the devs will need to find a way to touch the subjects they are unable to touch now. And the later it is, the more the risk of people not caring in the end.
I'll say it again, BG:EE will probably go well, but BG2:EE will need something more, in my humble opinion.
So there's no need to be ironic to people that don't believe this is worth it, i think i can understand where they're coming from.
In the end, releasing BG:EE and BG2:EE to get funds for something grander is ok. But if you don't have funds to actually create something new graphically, and need these remakes to sell so you do have the funds, well, let's just say you just increase the risk of it not selling well by a lot.
People that find this remake/enhancement not worthy will always exist. What troubles me, is that in many forums, with the exception of this one and spellhold studios, this opinion is heard a lot, and i mean a lot. In the end, people don't care if you're limited, they evaluate what they see, and if they think that what they see that it doesn't add that much, they won't bother. And trust me, having the game look exactly like it was in 2000 is not very encouraging for new players, even old fans.
Anyway, i agree that before we "judge", if you can use this word for something like this, we need to wait to see the exact full content they will release, and of course the DLC and support for it.
Some of us might be a bit more critisizing, but we have a lot of faith in this team, and that is why we expected more. You don't expect something out of someone who has no ability to deliver. So i hope we're clear on this.
The only thing I'd like to point out about your post is that, well, I don't see graphical improvements that you (and a lot of others) would want to see being something easy to add to BG2EE either unfortunately. Even with most of the work on the engine being done with BGEE, the half-year until BG2EE's release won't allow for such an undertaking.
Personally, what I expect for BG2EE is a lot of new content.
It's not a general thought, it's Baldur's Gate, something specific. This is the title that arguably shaped many RPGs into what they are today, or anyway gave a direction, you touch it, people are going to expect a lot.
We are looking at the subject from two different points, you are using the argument of patience, but patience is for you and me a way to become better persons, the gaming industry probably won't care. They see numbers. And to be honest, Baldur's Gate was popular, but not that popular, and i don't know what Beamdog will perceive as a "success", for numbers. These "impatient" gamers of today as you describe them, are not impatient at all. They have no obligation to wait for a company to become big so they can deliver, if they believe they are not delivering from the get go.
You can be sure that i will give them time, but this patience that you describe, although i agree with it, has no value today for an industry. You don't sell well, they don't give you contracts. They don't wait for you.
Let's hope for the best however.
@Tanthalas i imagine it's gonna be hard to implement something like that for BG2:EE indeed. I don't know if it's gonna be necessary, it depends on what they actually add, and of course i don't know what solutions for things they can't touch they will come up with in the end. I'm pretty sure they have their ideas.
P.S. Leonidas chocolate rules \o/
On the other hand, I'm getting willingly fucked over. I know it's a con, but a con I will buy.
And how dare they trying to introduce BG to more people!? Inconceivable!