Mysterious Island and Shapeshifter
Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
Should Shapeshifter have some additional dialogue options on Mysterious Island, due to his "special" condition ?
I wouldn't mind an overhaul, perhaps an idea for a mod.
In general I do think a druid shapeshifter is something different entirely from suffering from lycantrophy, though I agree it could perhaps have some dialogue options perhaps stating just that.
It's been a long time ago so I don't remember exactly but I do believe there's a bit of a start of a romance with what could possibly turned into a fun npc.
All this would however be 'changing original content' so it would have to be modded in and probably won't be included in the EE package.
(I'm currently in Durlags' tower, I'll quickly go and brave the Trackless Sea after that )
And please dont try old moderator tactic "Shut up and go do your own mod"
It does not work.
I'm not saying that you're moderator and I did not mean it as an insult.
( It is rather a matter for thought for some moderators )
I actually known you as one of the more reasonable people on this forum.
Occasionally have some people in FR simple, reasonable and doable ideas about things that should be in the game. Moderators on it then say something like:
" Yeah, that is good idea on mod" or "That can be easily modded"
I consider mod as something that should not be in original game.
Why should WE create mods for things that should be in original game?
It's not just the things that should be fixed in the Enhanced Edition?