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Valve is making a SteamOS!!!

terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232

I make no secret of my fondness for Steam: love it or hate it, Steam kept the PC alive as a viable market platform in the absolute blackest dark years it had ever had. I've held for years that Valve just needed to kick Microsoft to the curb completely and roll their own OS, and I am finally vindicated.

What I desperately hope to see in SteamOS is a UI that is a spiritual successor to the Windows Desktop. A UI that maintains that versatility in multitasking that has been the bedrock of the former since '95, but works equally well on TV with controller as it is with small screen and M/KB. This may seem like a pipe dream, but it all has to come down to config - give the user the options to optimize it for either experience.

Secondly, the fact that it has Workshop is good, but SteamOS has to have the versatility to be the place that mods are developed, not merely implemented. This may require something like WINE for legacy tools, but SteamOS has to become the platform that those developing the mod tools develop for. If Valve does that, the game is wrapped, and Redmond can be burned to the ground for all I care. If Steam can provide those things, I would make it the single-boot option and never, ever look back at the diseased corpse of the Windows OS.


  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    I actually like Steam how it is right now. Let it just be focused on games and be a virtual gaming shop. No need to exaggerate or get greedy (a mistake a lot of big gaming companies seem to be making as off lately). As for 'WindowsOS corpse', are you referring to Windows 8? If so, just install Windows 7 and be a happy panda.
  • terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232
    Valve looks pretty set on this. Moving down the page it says it's going to be available for download soon, so this isn't just some idea they're floating by their customers - it's apparently imminent.

    And using Windows 7 forever is not an option, any more than using a 360 because you don't want an always-online Xbone is. SteamOS gives me hope for a future for computing that isn't dominated by the blundering stupidity of Microsoft, the nannying of Apple, or the chaos of Android.
  • JamesJames Member Posts: 110
    Have no opinion on their merits as a gaming platform but as a way to to run a business they are pure briliance
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Sounds like an excellent idea. Good for them :)
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    If it's as clunky and unresponsive, with frequently requested features constantly ignored, no thanks. I absolutely despise Steam, and had several game not FORCED me to use it, it would not have a place on my PC.

    The keeping everything up to date is nice and all, but it's a resource hog, even when nothing's happening but still has to run in the background when you play games through it, and it's interface is clunky and slow to navigate (I hate it as much as the redesigned PSN, which went from fast, easy to navigate and streamed-lined (still accessible via certain games), into a clunky and slow POS that rivals Steam in clunkiness. I had to track down a game I have no interest in actually playing, just be it lets me access the old version of the store (which has everything the new one does, but runs MUCH better)).
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @ZanathKariashi: Despite your usual flow of negativity in your posts, I for once have to agree with you on Steam's clunkiness. Even on my old fast laptop it still took a long time to load properly, and browsing through featured games on the front page just is a pain for me right now, because it loads so slowly. I also get the occassional errors here and there and pages which just refuse to load properly, like the pages for the Command & Conquer games, which are just glitched for me. I don't mind Steam as a gaming platform, but GoG is still superior in offering games without the additional logging in and loading BS. I get the feeling more and more companies are shoving out unfinished software and games, only for the $$$ and not for giving the customer an actual quality service. Just look at Windows 8, which was originally intended for tablets and smartphones. They rushed the OS also on their PC's, not even testing whether it's actually practical on PC's, which, for most people, it isn't.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    Doesn't it say tv OS, not PC? Guess we won't be replacing windows
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    Steam is not clunky, I've been using it for many years, playing multiplayer daily and most probably much more hours than you. Using all of its features that make playing online (or not) much better. It's not slow, does not crash etc, etc. Now that this is clear, I find their recent wish to move to the living room disturbing and I hope it does not change their ideologies. Big picture is already something I stay far away from.
  • terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232
    edited September 2013

    The keeping everything up to date is nice and all, but it's a resource hog, even when nothing's happening but still has to run in the background when you play games through it,

    If Steam is using enough resources to have a significant effect on your PC, you probably need to add RAM or take a long, hard look at your HD. I have a decent rig, no liquid-cooled, 8-core SLI'd Titans here. It still barely notices Steam running, in or out of game. And a large part of the reason Steam has issues is because of Windows, not the other way around.

    Doesn't it say tv OS, not PC? Guess we won't be replacing windows

    It's an OS for PCs hooked up to TVs. Again, look at the bottom of the page: Available for download soon. And as I stated already, if it can do the two things I mentioned in addition to what it already looks to do, then I'll no longer have any need for Windows.

    Also, anyone who wants to add me on Steam can add Terzaerian to your buddy list. :) Post your Steam s/n if you're so inclined to make some BG steambros.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    So basically Valve wants to compete with the Xbone from Windows?
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited September 2013
    I personally feel this is more Valve telling Microsoft to get their shit together or else they're gonna lose the only reason to even have Windows as the OS... Linux can currently do everything except games (thought some games do have Linux support), so if Microsoft continues down the line Windows 8 went, then it'll be more viable to have a machine with 2 OSes, SteamOS for games and a regular Linux for everything else.

    Only real problem I can see with the whole SteamOS is a potential lack of compatibility with old games...
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    The first thing I thought was, "zero security". I have no doubt that it will be the best gaming performance OS, and for that I would reformat my alienware laptop for it. But I'll use my mac for banking thank you very much.
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    Steam will roll out their own consol too
  • alnairalnair Member Posts: 561
    @Lateralus You can hardly find a more secure final-user-oriented OS than Linux, which is what SteamOS is based upon.
  • oldsailor1oldsailor1 Member Posts: 2
    I guess we will see what it really is when it is released for download. Microsoft seems to be set on making PC Gaming go away so they are not going to be a friend of gaming PC folks anymore. Quote Kaltzor [ I personally feel this is more Valve telling Microsoft to get their shit together or else they're gonna lose the only reason to even have Windows as the OS... Linux can currently do everything except games (thought some games do have Linux support), so if Microsoft continues down the line Windows 8 went, then it'll be more viable to have a machine with 2 OSes, SteamOS for games and a regular OS for the everything else. ]
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Hmm, I'm kinda used to Windows, though, knowing I basically grew up with this OS. I utterly despise Macs. No offense to those who use them, it's just not a system for me. Linux I have even ever barely heard of either, and the lack of gaming support worries me a lot. So yeah, not many other viable options out there for me right now. I have to admit that it certainly was kind of a big shock when I read about Edward Snowden's reports on the Windows OS and how it leaks information through backdoors in software....Yet, I'm kinda stuck with what I have right now. :/
  • alnairalnair Member Posts: 561
    edited September 2013
    @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud I had basically the same opinion until 10 years ago, having been using only Windows since its 3.1 release.

    Then I discovered Linux... and believe you me, 10 years ago it wasn't nearly as ripe as it is today. But with just a bit of patience it's easy enough to learn how not to feel lost around it, and then anyone can realise that it's not just better than Windows but also easier.

    Nowadays I have to use OS X for work (it's not possible to develop for iOS on other platforms), and at first I felt uneasy and sorely missed Linux. But once again, one just has to get accustomed to the environment to enjoy all the nice things it provides.
    Apple products still are way overpriced, though :)
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    My first OS was a Windows 3.1 or 3.11, can't remember which since they're quite similar... I somewhat knew about years ago, the first Linux machine I saw had Red Hat on it...

    I did not until Windows 8 consider even possible futures for PC, but when Microsoft lost it and made that thing... Linux started looking like a good choice. Never thought it would get to that specially as someone who grew up as a PC gamer... Linux was always that other OS that didn't have the support for the Software you wanted to use...
  • alnairalnair Member Posts: 561
    I think my first Windows was a 3.11, actually, since I remember wondering what "for workgroups" even meant :)

    I've been exposed to Windows 8 too little to be sure, but... wasn't Vista even worse? Anyway, I'm not a gamer (IE games are the only ones I care about) but I sincerely hope SteamOS can vanquish that last psychological barrier for people sick of Microsoft products :)
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    alnair said:

    @Lateralus You can hardly find a more secure final-user-oriented OS than Linux, which is what SteamOS is based upon.

    Ok. Well i dont have any money anyways so id go all in :)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited September 2013
    I really don't believe a new OS will change the face f the market as it is today. Those who are not satisfied with Windows and are changing OSs are a minority.

    Actually I think it's safe to say most people do not even know there are other computer OSs out there.

    So Valve has a lot of weight in the market and may be able to push their OS, but I don't think it will be the downfall of any established OS out there.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    I don't think that Steam expects people to wipe their machines and install SteamOS as their desktop OS. I think they want to develop it because:
    * It is a critical part of developing a Steam box to play PC games on your TV
    * It has the side benefit of providing a console-like software platform to target games to, avoiding issues of hardware and OS compatibility.
    * It can be optimized purely for gaming
  • alnairalnair Member Posts: 561
    edited September 2013
    Cerevant said:

    I don't think that Steam expects people to wipe their machines and install SteamOS as their desktop OS.

    That would be extreme wishful thinking on their part :)
    As for me, I only hope that people who were clinging to their Windows desktop because of gaming (a small minority, of course) will see this as the sign they were waiting to ditch it altogether.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    edited September 2013
    alnair said:

    I think my first Windows was a 3.11, actually, since I remember wondering what "for workgroups" even meant :)

    I've been exposed to Windows 8 too little to be sure, but... wasn't Vista even worse? Anyway, I'm not a gamer (IE games are the only ones I care about) but I sincerely hope SteamOS can vanquish that last psychological barrier for people sick of Microsoft products :)

    I never really had any issues with Vista, and didn't really notice any change going from it to 7... And while I don't have anything specifically against Microsoft products, they focused too much on everything except Desktop PCs (which is the majority of their consumer base) with Windows 8... The Metro UI and all else that Windows 8 brought might work for tablets and smartphones, but it most definetly is bad for desktop PCs...

    If they make Windows 9 which takes away all the new "fancy" things that 8 brought in and make the OS actually functional again, then it will remain a relevant OS, otherwise Linux is might just take over.

    P.S. With Microsoft now trying to push Surface 2, even after the first one gave them a "tiny" loss of 900M $... I don't see anything good coming out of there...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    alnair said:

    @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud I had basically the same opinion until 10 years ago, having been using only Windows since its 3.1 release.

    Then I discovered Linux... and believe you me, 10 years ago it wasn't nearly as ripe as it is today. But with just a bit of patience it's easy enough to learn how not to feel lost around it, and then anyone can realise that it's not just better than Windows but also easier.

    Nowadays I have to use OS X for work (it's not possible to develop for iOS on other platforms), and at first I felt uneasy and sorely missed Linux. But once again, one just has to get accustomed to the environment to enjoy all the nice things it provides.
    Apple products still are way overpriced, though :)

    Linux is great from a security standpoint but I found when using it that I was spending a lot more time than I would with Windows having to tinker around to get things to work. Thats not the fault of Linux mind you, often its just an unfortunate compatibility issue, but I wouldn't describe Linux as easier to use than Windows.

    I'm using OS X actually now as my Windows computer has kicked the bucket. I think for gaming macs are alright but Windows is still king. That said this Steam announcement is pretty sweet. I'm definitely going to be looking into it :)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Cerevant said:

    I don't think that Steam expects people to wipe their machines and install SteamOS as their desktop OS. I think they want to develop it because:
    * It is a critical part of developing a Steam box to play PC games on your TV
    * It has the side benefit of providing a console-like software platform to target games to, avoiding issues of hardware and OS compatibility.
    * It can be optimized purely for gaming

    I agree. My doubt is if are they going after the console market or the android games set top boxes that are popping out everywhere?
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781

    The keeping everything up to date is nice and all, but it's a resource hog, even when nothing's happening but still has to run in the background when you play games through it,

    If Steam is using enough resources to have a significant effect on your PC, you probably need to add RAM or take a long, hard look at your HD. I have a decent rig, no liquid-cooled, 8-core SLI'd Titans here. It still barely notices Steam running, in or out of game. And a large part of the reason Steam has issues is because of Windows, not the other way around.

    Doesn't it say tv OS, not PC? Guess we won't be replacing windows

    It's an OS for PCs hooked up to TVs. Again, look at the bottom of the page: Available for download soon. And as I stated already, if it can do the two things I mentioned in addition to what it already looks to do, then I'll no longer have any need for Windows.

    Also, anyone who wants to add me on Steam can add Terzaerian to your buddy list. :) Post your Steam s/n if you're so inclined to make some BG steambros.
    name: INFILTRATORN7 I guess I could use people to actually trade with and every once in a while play something
  • terzaerianterzaerian Member Posts: 232
    edited September 2013
    Cerevant said:

    I don't think that Steam expects people to wipe their machines and install SteamOS as their desktop OS. I think they want to develop it because:
    * It is a critical part of developing a Steam box to play PC games on your TV
    * It has the side benefit of providing a console-like software platform to target games to, avoiding issues of hardware and OS compatibility.
    * It can be optimized purely for gaming

    All the indications Valve has given is that SteamOS is, as a vanilla install, certainly configured for a console experience, but that the capability to make it into something deeper certainly isn't going to get stripped out. If one can develop mods on it, then there is no longer a reason to use Windows.
    Kaltzor said:

    alnair said:

    I think my first Windows was a 3.11, actually, since I remember wondering what "for workgroups" even meant :)

    I've been exposed to Windows 8 too little to be sure, but... wasn't Vista even worse? Anyway, I'm not a gamer (IE games are the only ones I care about) but I sincerely hope SteamOS can vanquish that last psychological barrier for people sick of Microsoft products :)

    I never really had any issues with Vista, and didn't really notice any change going from it to 7... And while I don't have anything specifically against Microsoft products, they focused too much on everything except Desktop PCs (which is the majority of their consumer base) with Windows 8... The Metro UI and all else that Windows 8 brought might work for tablets and smartphones, but it most definetly is bad for desktop PCs...

    If they make Windows 9 which takes away all the new "fancy" things that 8 brought in and make the OS actually functional again, then it will remain a relevant OS, otherwise Linux is might just take over.

    P.S. With Microsoft now trying to push Surface 2, even after the first one gave them a "tiny" loss of 900M $... I don't see anything good coming out of there...
    You're at where I was about 3 or so years ago, friend - rest assured MS isn't going to make a face heel turn anytime soon. They're doubling down on the Surface with the Surface 2, and while 8.1 adds a Start Button back in it does little to nothing to assuage the serious issues which 8 has. Metro remains the UI which they want you to live in. Taken together, this means that their program to deprecate the desktop environment is continuing on schedule.

    The thing you have to realize: they don't care about their user base. At all. All they care about is ushering as many people as they can into it; after that point, it doesn't matter to them - so you and I do not matter to them.
  • Magnus_GrelichMagnus_Grelich Member Posts: 361
    After everything Steam has done, I don't think I'll be bothering with anything else they poop out.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @Magnus_Grelich: You sound like you've had negative issues with it. 'After everything Steam has done' sounds a bit vague. Care to explain?
    Anyway, for now I'll continue working with Windows 7. It's a good OS, except for the information leaks and lack of safety, of course (the whole NSA thing in the news really opened my eyes). If SteamOS offers a viable alternative, no doubt I'll switch over to their side.
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