Poor Yoshi! (Major Spoilers)

As everyone knows there is a new thief in town: a young lady by the name of Hexxat. Will this make Yoshimo the most redundant NPC of all time?
When BG2:EE arrives will Yoshimo still find a place in your party?
When BG2:EE arrives will Yoshimo still find a place in your party?
- Poor Yoshi! (Major Spoilers)120 votes
- Yes I will still take Yoshimo. I like the guy. And it always takes me by surprise when he turns on me.20.00%
- No. I won't take Yoshimo. Why would I hang out with a guy who I know is going to sell me out.12.50%
- I never took Yoshimo in the first place. He can go dance on the head of a pin for all I care.13.33%
- I've already decided I'm not taking Hexxat. She's got a silly name, funny hair and I don't like her shoes.  2.50%
- I'll take Hexxat and Yoshimo. You can never have too many thieves.  6.67%
- This poll is badly constructed and the answers are loaded.14.17%
- Show me who is winning.30.83%
It depends.
In runs when I'm planning to keep Imoen after rescuing her (which is more often than not), then it'll often continue to make sense to take along Yoshimo until his storyline creates the "natural vacancy" for Imoen to fill shortly afterwards. In occasional runs when I'm not planning to keep Imoen, then there might be room for Hexxat. Actually I've already got a couple of dozen different runs through BG2ee planned out (which will keep me busy for a long time!), and I foresee Hexxat as a definite companion in only one of them, and as a possible companion in one or two others.
Of course, in order to explore her storyline fully, I'll make one of my fairly-early runs through BG2ee one in which Hexxat will have a permanent slot. Probably not in my first couple of runs, however: first I want to see what happens to the other new NPCs whom we met in BGee, and I can't use all of them in one party.
And Yoshimo suffered at this role due to his kit having slightly limited thief skills per level.
I think only 2 thieves with a decent skill distribution are Skie and Jan...
And bringing yoshi surely depends on my current imoen plans so it would differ a lot.
As most people I would try the new one despite her bad hair and shoes.
And also yoshi gives great XP when returning to the city.
I'm taking Hexxat instead of Yoshimo, but not because I know he'll betray me - it's because she's meant to be a better fit for an evil party and I want to play her storyline.
You may be a Paladin of Helm now, but we know you have a lute secretly tucked away somewhere, ready for your Bardic excursions!
Jan Janssen is my main thief and Valygar my backstabber. Jan is just the coolest NPC name ever, its the most common first and last name in the Netherlands (its like John/James Smith in the US)