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Shadowkeeper: Creating a gnome F/M/T (Kit Wildmage)

I'm thinking about soloing bg2 as I've never done that before and wanted to try out a gnome F/M/T with the wild mage kit. What would I have to think about while mucking around in Shadowkeeper? Do I just create an elf f/m/t and change stats/race accordingly? And add the wild mage kit? Can I get the wild mage spells in-game?


  • VintrastormVintrastorm Member Posts: 216
    How fun is it soloing with a wild mage? Will I often kiill myself? (I'm thinking about the surges that might accidently kill me)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    i've seen someone do a speed run with a sorcerer for bg2, although he did bring jan jansen with him to hell ( but he didnt have the ToB expansion because he was laying infinite traps, very very tricky) so based on that i think it could be possible to do a solo run with a wild mage, could be fun
  • VintrastormVintrastorm Member Posts: 216
    Should I start as elf and change race in ShadowKeeper or start as gnome and change class? Does it matter? (It's BG2)
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    I think you should start as non human Wild mage to get this working. And create a regular FMT. Then edit to ad F/T to the WM and make your THAC0, HP and thiefskills to match the regular FMT.
  • VintrastormVintrastorm Member Posts: 216
    So gnome kitted Wild Mage it is, and then adding triple class in shadowkeeper and again choosing to kit with wild mage (in SK) . That way I have the gnome staring bonuses etcetera + the wild mage kit correctly added. The only Q is how the racial bonuses to thief skills are added. Will I get them automatically when I level up the first time (and the game balances out the classes) or should I add them in SK perhaps?

    Thank you for your answer @artifical_sunlight. And thank you for yours @sarevok57.
  • @Vintrastorm You could always create a Gnome thief with the same Dex to double check the numbers, but in my experience the game does a good job of factoring racial bonuses after 'keepering.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    Always glad to help out
  • leeho730leeho730 Member Posts: 285
    The only prob may be that multiclass gnome mage become an illusionist by default. Might clash with wild Mage kit?
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