Neera is bugged

Neera can be bugged in v1.2 Beta. After her Red Wizard assailants are defeated with either Edwin, Baeloth, or both in the party, she simply keeps repeating her "clicked on" noise, her circle goes white, but she cannot be talked to or do anything. There appears to be no fix in the game other than to kill her.
It's also worth noting that Baeloth is not teleported like the rest of your party when her Wild Magic triggers (in the scripted approach of the Red Wizards), possibly because it's unusual to have Baeloth in your group when encountering her, as he requires level 5.
Screenshot attached.
It's also worth noting that Baeloth is not teleported like the rest of your party when her Wild Magic triggers (in the scripted approach of the Red Wizards), possibly because it's unusual to have Baeloth in your group when encountering her, as he requires level 5.
Screenshot attached.
I did notice that Khalid didnt teleport forward on my playthrough. So might not be specific to Baeloth. He was the closest to Neera at her first conversation trigger, so might be related to that somehow. She still talked to my main not him, but all the new NPCs do that in EE I've noticed regardless of who's closest.
You can technically complete it, therefore, by removing Edwin from your group right before talking to Neera, finishing the fight, and then immediately talking to Edwin to get him back in. He even has dialogue when you're accepting Neera to your group; he says something to the tune of "her or me, pick". If you pick her, he leaves your group, but will immediately rejoin even if Neera's present.
So the bug is more complicated than I thought.
During the fight, if you don't kill the last enemy close to the area where Neera is located when you first meet her (For example, due to an enemy that ran away in fear) she won't resume her conversation once the fight is over and the last enemy is dead
'She tried to cast magic missile, but instead a load of squirrels appeared. When I re-loaded and repeated, my whole party got silenced. FIX THIS PLS.'
Any blues wanna confirm this bug?
If you get there early, she will be level 1.
At level 1, she has 4 HP, and an AC of 6, meaning any hit will kill her, and even a character with a THAC0 of 20 has a good 40% chance to hit her.
That's why she asks you and your party for help. Making sure she survives should be your priority, not the game's
That character should be invulnerable until you can actually ... you know, control her movements ?
I'll summon @LiamEsler to ask the feasibility of this
Having to reload every time a stiff breeze comes along and kills her isn't fun, it's just annoying.
Is Neera correctly invincible during that first fight now ?
Can anyone test this ?