Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
This discussion was created from comments split from: Where would you like to find Neera/Dorn/Rassad in BG 2 EE?.
It's a question of stats and skills, not personality. To compare him with mazzy...
Also, it's more about roleplaying, than things that make big effects. In that way, Anomen is very ineffective, and unuseful. His main appeal is his messing everything up, and bringing havoc on himself. If you want max combat abilities, use an editor, and max out all your characters' stats, and give all your characters all the skills.
As a fighter he IS very good. 18/52 is a nice value for strengh, 16 constitution is also a decent value for a tank (better than jaheira), being a cleric be asured that his stats are going to raise before battles. one gloves of dexterity solve the problem. and being neutral he can cast both evil aligned and good aligned spells.
Being a dual-class fighter/cleric Anomen can go for grandmaster in any weapon he can use.
The other clerics options of the game are Aerie and Viconia, none of them able to fill the role of a battle cleric. Jaheira as i said is an equiparable alternative for Anomen, but then it's a matter of taste. Late game anomen hit points grow well and a harm spells with his thac0 really hurt.
Ps: if wisdom is such a big problem to you, make him pass in the Radiant Heart test and he get +4 wisdom bonus (reaching 16 wisdom).
The main issue between fighter/ - cleric x druid - is the iron skin x blade barrier and only that.
By the way Anome is the best undead turner of the game, viconia convert undeads and aerie being multi-class evolve too slow to blast the most powerful undeads. At high levels i don't even fight lichs anymore, i just send anomen near them with turn undead and they're blasted to pieces.
(cernd is one of the weakest characters of the game, just saying).
Most of the points raised are relative to personal taste of character buildings, so @gcg, i got it, you don't like Anomen. Ok, you're part of a huge group of Anomen haters (and believe me many in this forum hate him probally more than you). I like him from a roleplay perspective but the like/dislike can't blind us to facts, Anomen is a powerful character from a power game perspective.
I'm not saying that therefore other characters are weaker than him, but for a battle cleric role, Anomen is unique. Viconia and Aerie can't substitute him in that role and the only character with the same function is jaheira being a fighter/druid multi-class.
Edwin has low HP, so higher A/C is important for him, if your other party members don't need higher dexterity.
Viconia is just as good at turning undead. Multiclass is only a few levels behind at high levels. A couple of spell enhancements can protect against lich spells.
Cernd can theoretically turn into a greater werewolf later in the game, and has a lot of spell slots. Aerie can use wizard protections, like stoneskin, mirror image, flame shield, ghost armor, haste, protection from missiles, protection from normal/magical weapons, spell barriers, and sequencers too, in addition to priest spells and be a much more powerful frontliner, but she's better casting spells.
Anomen has one sheep in his fold. He seemed like that kind of guy.
Back to the topic,
Coran was maybe the toughest party NPC in Baldur's Gate 1. Showing up as an unarmed guy that gets killed like a noncombat common sort seems like a poor of use of him. Maybe he could at least fire some shots and run away.
At the end of the day, all the NPCs are good. None of them perform poorly, the decision should be about the personalities you want to combine. If you are looking for the best party in the game, you're eventually going to get bored, even if it is a game as excellent as BG2. Variety is the spice of life. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the funniest interaction I ever witnessed in the game was between Cernd and Keldorn. Who knew?
Lets leave that discussion for another thread. If Jaheira does indeed get draw upon holy might and hold person (neither of which I recall her getting) those are both bugs. The divine characters (aerie, anomen, jaheira, and cernd) had kind of wacky spell books (Anomen had fire seeds, Cernd had champions strength, etc). Viconia is better as a defender than Anomen? Based on what? Her magic resistance? Anomen has much better constitution (as well as extra health because of his fighter levels), his dexterity can be addressed by the dexterity gauntlets, and he can eventually achieve grandmastery.
2.) Anomen is the strongest divine caster in the game, he might not have as many spells as Viconia but he is a much stronger fighter and when you get to the high levels he'll have more spells than he can use.
3.) Cleric -> Druid in BG2 and he got better stats than Jaheira so it's pretty much auto win to Anomen here.
4.) When it comes to it clerics are pretty much buff machines with a few offensive spells. So when you're going to fight they normally have to stand back a little bit, or tank while not doing much damage. Anomen with the right buffs and items can stand at the front and be just as efficient as your fighters.
Anomen might be really annoying and have one of the worst personalities in the game. But he is a power house when it comes to gameplay.
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5.) Viconia is evil and has a much worse Turn Undead feature than Anomen.
Viconia - Anomen is a much better fighter than her and a more powerful party member. He sacrifices some spells early-mid game to be a more useful character. And end game when they both have high enough spells, he stomps her.
Aerie - As she is a Mage/Cleric her playstyle is completely different to Anomens.
Jaheira - She is the closest one you can compare to Anomen. But in BG2 cleric is more powerful than druid, and as he is single classed and she is multi classed he will be higher level than her when it comes to divine magic. He also has turn undead which can make some frustrating fights very easy, while Jaheira only get a few shapeshift forms she hopefully won't be using.
7.) Many of your party members can use the girdle of strength, but there are only a rare few that can and will use the gauntlets of dexterity (Keldorn, Anomen). Not to mention it's actually pretty easy to get the gauntlets of dexterity early without paying 10 000 - 13 000 gold.
Anomen is the probably the best melee divine caster in BG2 & TOB, perhaps tying with Jaheira depending on how much you value Ironskins, Insect Swarm and Druid HLAs.
He has a fairly insufferable personality though. I usually leave him behind for this very reason. I do have a "Goody Two-Shoes" playthrough planned with him, Keldorn, Mazzy, Aerie and Nalia though.
What I am finding, however, is that is making him a little marginalised in my current game because Keldorn - with Carsomyr - my dual longsword wielding Charname and Valygar, with his stealth and abilities to wield more weapons are getting most of the action.
I use him as a roid fighter. he's useful without the buffs, but by level 15 cleric you're using DuHM, Righteous Magic and Hold Power, he's hit 25 strength, 15 dex (or using potion of dexterity you have 23 dec) 21 con, added another 15 hp. get him dual-wielding maces and he's monstrous. if he came with pips in flails instead of maces he'd be perfect.
Gauntlets of Dexterity
Belt of Giant strength
Anything else is just silly.
9 dexterity is not just bad, it's downright horrible. And a 17/18/17 statline is much better than a 18/9/17 not to mention with a girdle it's 19/18/17.
He also starts the game with ** in crossbows, so those gauntlets of dexterity were made for him.
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If you're using two handed swords (Carsomyr) then you won't have a shield. With his personal armor he'll have 0 or -1 in AC while if you put a pair of gauntlets on him he will have -5 in AC with a two handed weapon.
There is no question about him, the gauntlets of dexterity + Carsomyr are the two main items on Keldorn and the rest aren't important.
*Edit* To clarify: Anomen is getting these points
I don't play this game anymore on normal difficulty, and if you're walking into SCS or any hard melee combat with Keldorn and using a two handed sword with no aid to his dexterity, you're brutally killed.
And it's quite simple math really.
Girdle -> 19 STR (+2)
Gauntlets -> 18 DEX (+9)
There are no gloves in the game that would be as good or efficient on Keldorn.
He might work out for you with his 9 dexterity and a crossbow, but you're still playing him subpar. Also Anomen can buff his own STR with DUHM so at level 9 he'll have 21 STR from that spell alone, while Keldorn has no way to buff his STR so the belt should go to him instead.
I really don't see how this is even a question. If you can add a pair of gloves to a person to boost their attribute by 8-9 points not to mention it's a crucial attribute like dexterity, i can't see why you wouldn't do it. It's like throwing on a ring of protection +4 minus the saving throws.
I would like to point out to a thread about Keldorn i made earlier .
With the gauntlets of Dexterity he has the second best stats in the entire game, the only NPC that wins him by a few points is Sarevok.
She also has a MUCH better romance, which is more important to be honest.
[Edited] : Jaheira also has a higher constitution, but that doesn't matter for Anomen as clerics don't gain any more health from having 18 or 16.
Just to show how insane the druid level progression is.
Jaheira -> 20F/15D
Anomen -> 7F/34C
So when they both have 6 000 000 experience Anomen is level 34 Cleric while Jaheira is 15 Druid.