Edwina picture/name

I know it's a tiny mod, but can we have something like The Gibberling's Three BG2 Tweak Pack's Female Edwina added to BG2:EE at the appropriate time? Essentially, all it does is change Edwin's name to Edwina, changes his portrait to Wendy Yung's absolutely perfect Edwina picture (seen below), and changes her name to Edwina.
The amazing picture: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/327/7/3/bg2_edwina_by_enkida-d4h37io.jpg
The amazing picture: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/327/7/3/bg2_edwina_by_enkida-d4h37io.jpg
Additionally, this change is part of the story and not an option, so he(she) should have his(her) own portrait.