Pre-Order Numbers

I think this question might be more suitable for some of the people inside the production engine, so here's for hoping one of them catches this!
Will there be any official numbers for pre-orders? Maybe for first day, and then onward? I'm just curious to see how much buzz has been generated and how it translated to people actually getting into the frey and purchasing the game ahead of time.
Will there be any official numbers for pre-orders? Maybe for first day, and then onward? I'm just curious to see how much buzz has been generated and how it translated to people actually getting into the frey and purchasing the game ahead of time.
They just have to say the date , they plan to start working on BG III
Personally, I actually think that BGEE will probably sell more on iOS and Android.
I don't think its our role to look into their pockets.
I'd be happy with a statement like "did well, better than expected" or "about what we expected", or "below expectations".
My educated guess would be that the orders are somewhere between 2000-3000, give or take 500.
A lot of statistical assumptions there, but I'm fairly confident with my estimate. Could be wrong, but even this number is positively high!
Edit: phone spelling awkwardnes
But I truly hope we can amass enough people through word of mouth, and other avenues, to properly sell the game!
But on topic.. Who cares.. We will hear if its a succes or not. Just a matter of time :O)
I've never really cared about other people's money, nor do I fully grasp your jest, given that's the case...
And second, dude its humor... Guess im the only one who saw that movie...... Sry.
It's kind of a shot in the dark when order numbers are concerned. The only thing we have (and will get most likely) is the badges for pre-orders, which number at ~850 right now. Then based on some statistical knowledge and assumptions, we can make out a rough estimate as to how many people will order the game, and have done so.