Baldur's Gate 3 (SPOILER ALERT)

Seeing as everyone is discussing Baldur's Gate 3 well ahead of time I thought we could all discuss each other's ideas on Baldur's Gate 3. According to the original idea it was to do with a black hound being the form of guilt chasing the character, which seemed more like an Icewind Dale story, especially if the black hound is linked in with Kresselack.
If you could write Baldur's Gate 3, what would be the plotline? Personally, I think there should be a prequel game to develop characters into the iron crisis such as Gorion, Tethtoril, Khalid & Jaheira, Imoen and the protagonist, perhaps even a cheeky bit of Firkraag
If you could write Baldur's Gate 3, what would be the plotline? Personally, I think there should be a prequel game to develop characters into the iron crisis such as Gorion, Tethtoril, Khalid & Jaheira, Imoen and the protagonist, perhaps even a cheeky bit of Firkraag

My only real requirement is that is use something close to the Infinity Engine, with a party, and not some sort of first person view, one-character story like Elder Scrolls, or Neverwinter Nights.
One thing I learned from all the BG3 talk, everyone has their own idea and expectation for the sequel if it is made which is a scary thought.
Regardless of how they go about making it, they'll let down part of their fan base unless they go the "Baldur's Gate: Amazing Title" route and make more than one.
Come on Overhaul, we know you want to.
Alternately, show Sarevok's journey to the East to bury Tamoko. Or what happens to any child he ends up having. Perhaps while he and Tamoko were separated, she had a baby and sent the child back to her relatives in the east. Perhaps he had a child while he was there- the ending he got in BG2 left that totally open.
One where you're a new god and need to carve out your place in the heavens. It can start with your BG2 PC bartering off the murder portfolio for a new one or keeping it. However, Bhaal's taint maybe too strong for you to control, and the old god slowly creeps into your being and you must fight it off or have it consume you. (Or if you chose mortality, the essence being freed by both evil and neutral (to obtain balance) gods and made into a new lesser god)
One (or more) where you a New PC is chasing some unfinished business (quests that weren't officially finished such as FoA, Temple Sewers, etc) while meeting some familiar and unfamiliar characters.
One that follows the child of your love interest (if male) that many think carries around the taint of Bhaal. Different factions want the child for different reasons, to control it, protect it, worship it, or destroy it. You as a New PC must choose a side, or not and do your own thing and venture the world and allow others to change the destiny of Toril.
The unique thing would be that these are all separate games, however when played together (or one after the other) it will change characters or plot lines in each other.
If you guys haven't played the NWN2 mod, Path of Evil, I found it highly amusing when you come across a priest who worships the Bhaalspawn Kamal (Kamal was the maker of the mod). That mod was epic, and felt closer to BG than to nwn. Very free roaming around the realms.
And as good as the Deus Ex prequel was, I think a lot of us are sick of prequels. There's plenty of source material for the Forgotten Realms setting to keep it moving forward in time and stay interesting.
Not going to happen, could be fun though.
How about more of a Forgotten Realms story, rather than something invented by Overhaul i.e. Spellplague
So the game will, of course, be a dating sim.
...ALSO looking back the VICONIA video romance final ending (for exemple).. a big possible clue is also there ; the way the goddess **** behaves with her (no spoilers hu..but the ones knowing that ending will understand what i mean i guess^) when Charname is fighting his final battles... that is supposing fights between gods could be possible...later^ ...VERY possible even, now that 'charname' bacame a 'god' (let's say that will be the 'canon')...
NOW.. how to put that in a game (is that even possible anyway? i don't know.. not my business after all lol..and i don't even know/care about the last D&D 35th or 36th new set of rules lol..but certainly they figure out such fights -and/or between their 'minions'..^- , maybe..who knows anyway.. business is business with some, i would not be surprised some rules might exist or could be created even for that..with some!^..) ^^ All the question is there ^.
NOW.. daddy Bhaal used mortals to play his last games... ok.
why not to even remotely imagine something around that?...
not old charname himself.. but a plot form him/her to send 'his' now new humans/proteges to destroy his rival/betrayers god/goddess new denizens.. 'wars in heaven'..and on the human plan (and maybe even some others^) , the fighting 'new champions' (so the new game possible, etc)... and voilà. ^ _that_ could be perfectly possible too.. ^
just saying.. but could be a VERY nice way to put a new plot, with new chars (human/non human) in that world.. AND have a link with the old (now legendary) 'charname'... with possible totally new epic situations... a little like DA, if you consider a de facto 'canon' the 'god choice' in the end of course... ^
but what i say anyway.. we will see... just hoping the new generation of writers will not put a simple Dragon Age II-like thingy, ok totally 'minorities friendly' (Of coarse!), ok totally romanceable with everyone (and even their pets if desired.. if there is a market for that growing hey dudes lol.. certainly in the years to come anyway; put a 'new step in gaming', be the first lol!^)... etc..
joking.. but well.. BG3 could be a real epic continuation..with a little imagination i guess.
But... i wonder how far the dudes really are on it, for the scenario etc.. i fear a vulgar DA2 kind though.. would be sad if just that.. but will see^ After all, noone will be forced to buy if just pure bs lol.. but now, trying 2sec thinking about it.. could be very nice actually to see what a bg3 'for (and by^) the new generation!' (i imagine the bs marketing of nowadays already too lol..) could be.. in all neutrality here!^
just my 2 euro mini cents.. and wait & see).. & basta.. like everyone, curious about what a BG3 could be.. if writers are already on it (they should already have a few real clues, plots, global new story structure, hu? least i hope for them..*) ^), etc.. will see with interest at least.. even if only for intellectual and/or cultural curiosity..) ^
...'just seeing/realizing now that that was (kinda) exactly what the dude had (kinda) in mind too.. those kind of things of course would be grand.^ something like that SEEMS to be the absolutely logical EPILOGUE..of course so.. for some serious connoisseurs even much bigger than me of course... (never heard or even know who George Ziets is..but seems he knows what he is talking about on that one...just a guess the way he quickly draws a very rational plot and take things exactly where the real BG2 stopped too.. lol *)... ......... Ah..AND if you put Cyric dude and his legions in the equation too now.. sure, could be even more... possibly totally epic/grand..with new cinematics and story assured, that is certain.. at least, _that_ kind of totally unseen story/plans/deities/minions-like/etc possible encounters would have my interest/curiosity (you bet^).. indeed. And not yet totally 'seen before' too..and a total and direct link too^^ ; that would be really epic and logic continuation in many ways.. and the new gen would for sure love that too..) lol.
well.. that was for the rational theory (and real lore even more detailed too..).. now, we will see what our new gen will propose us... and 'activists of all kind must-be friendly' before all.. will see) *//
No wonders so... NMW2, New Vegas, DS.... a real one at last. good to see that ))
It's true though, there are lots of sidequests possible, not to mention alternative parties, such as what we see in Icewind Dale (same setting, although I think in a different historical era).
Also, it would be refreshing to play a game where the main character dying doesn't instantly end the game. I liked that about Icewind Dale, although imo the storyline paled in comparison to BG1 and 2, not to mention that there was no real character development, except for what you entertained in your mind. >_<