Fighter/Mage Multiclass
Hi all 
I've searched the forum but couldn't find satisfying answer. Saw also that the community in this forum is extremly helpful so i decided to post my question in seperate topic. I'm an old BG player (still got working copies of BG and BG with addons
) The release of Enhanced Edition in few minutes after launching made ma go through this adventure one more time. Decided to play as fighter/mage multiclass. Read bunch of articules about it but like i wrote earlier - didn't find all anserws.
In short - I want to play through BG1:EE and BG2:EE when it comes out with this char. Help me choose which race, proficiencies and mostly weapon style etc. to pick - if possible please write why that choice is best
Thx !

I've searched the forum but couldn't find satisfying answer. Saw also that the community in this forum is extremly helpful so i decided to post my question in seperate topic. I'm an old BG player (still got working copies of BG and BG with addons

In short - I want to play through BG1:EE and BG2:EE when it comes out with this char. Help me choose which race, proficiencies and mostly weapon style etc. to pick - if possible please write why that choice is best

Thx !
Another combination that is hailed as one of the best character builds in the game is Kensai/Mage. You'll have to be human and start out as a Fighter with the Kensai kit, and then later on you dual class to Mage. Most people dual class at level 9 or 13, I think, which means you would be a single-class Kensai throughout all of BG1.
If you want to be a ranged fighter/mage consider the Elf fighter/mage. Elves get (effectively accuracy) bonuses to using bows. They also have a high resistance to charm/sleep spells. You can also use them for melee as well of course (in the current version they get bonuses to using any sword).
As for proficiencies Longbows are a good choice for ranged characters. Warhammers, Maces, Long Swords, Flails, Quarterstaves, Two-Handed Swords, Halberds and (in BG2) Katana's are good for melee fighting (you can pick anything really I'm just nitpicking).
Since you haven't played in awhile and plan on exporting to BG2 I would recommend playing as a Gnome (fighter/illusionist) and going with ** in Flails and ** in Two-Weapon Style. Your first proficiency point you acquire (fighter level 3) should go towards increasing the Two-Weapon Style to ***. After that (level 6) put a proficiency point another single handed weapon you saw that you were interested in (Katanas would be a good long-term choice if you are looking at BG2).
In terms of stats the closer you can get to rolling a 90 (or above) the better. Have 18/xx strength, 18 dexterity, 18 constitution, 19 intelligence, and then whatever left can go towards charisma and wisdom. You probably won't want to be party leader since your charisma is probably going to be fairly low (unless you get a spectacular roll or reduce your wisdom down to 2).
Gnomes, on the other hand, do not have a reason to prefer one weapon over another, so a lot of people are recommending weapon types with BG2 in mind. Flails, because of the Flail of Ages, and katanas because of Dak'kon's Zerth Blade (not to mention Celestial Fury). In this light, war hammers are also a reasonable pick, as Ashideena is one of the better weapons in BG1 and acquirable early, and the Crom Faeyr is one of the best weapons in BG2. Consider also bastard swords: if you want the Elven Chain (not a requirement, but handy if you have another mage with the same alignment in your party), you'll need to do Dorn's quest, which will also get you the best bastard sword in BG1, and there are some very good ones in BG2 as well. Long swords are still a good option, but you're not wedded to them like the Elf is. Having a ranged weapon in BG1 is still desirable, but you can consider the Army Scythe crossbow in addition to the long bow options.
Maybe a Elven T/M, they lack up in utility and they can't ve worst in battle, but, since there are no C/T/M, there is nothing more useful in the game. In BG2, you can always get Tenser's Transformation and Improved Haste.
Hammers are also a good pick. As there's a warhammer even easier and quicker to get, that's basically the same, just a different elemental damage type.
There's also a ridiculously overpowered Mace that can simply be picked up with no fight, that can make short of work of damn near anything. Though maces tend to be lack-luster in BG2. Not bad...just not a lot of variety or useful effects (aside from IMoD).
Katana are pretty strong but EXTREMELY rare in BG1 and not that much more common in BG2.
Clubs are generally pretty bland. Gnasher in BG2 is sweet, and Blackblood is ok...but that's about it. The Suicide-Stick (a.k.a Club of Detonation+3/5) doesn't rate very high on my list of nice weapons, even though it's the only club that can hit above +3 and can potentially do a lot of damage...though more often then not it just blows me and my party up and just isn't worth the trouble. And fire damage is THE most resisted type of elemental damage so it generally hurts the enemy less then you anyway.
There is no right answer to race. Gnomes get great saves and bonus spells per level but no necromancy. Elves get higher Dex and Longbow and Sword THAC0 bonuses as stated. Go with what you prefer.
Weapons again - just about anything is fine. Your biggest consideration is probably the party you'll be using and avoiding duplication. You get 6 proficiency points overall in BG:EE, enough for ++ in 2 weapons and a weapon style. Dual-wield is usually agreed to give the highest damage output, but 2-handers can be fun. Scimitars and Shortswords both offer +attacks per round weapons in BG2 and have easily available +2 swords in BG:EE.
We don't know what weapons BG2:EE will add yet, but BG2 vanilla did not have many great Clubs or Bastard swords. Katanas are rare enough that choosing them in BG:EE doesn't make sense, though it can do in the sequel.
Elves do get +1 THAC0 with Longswords, (which is an excellent weapon choice), but their other bonuses aren't really worth writing home about. The extra Dex and Longbow bonus aren't important IMO - F/Ms are melee characters first and foremost in my mind, and that's really all the extra point gives you. Charm and Sleep resistances are nice too I guess.
If you want the Viconia romance in BG2, you'll want to go Half-Elf, which is definitely the least powerful choice. (They may have changed this for BG2:EE, but I don't know)
Katanas are definitely the power choice for Shadows of Amn - Celestial Fury is just a sickeningly good weapon. Pretty much every weapon type has at least one truly awesome option in Throne of Bhaal - though many of these weapons are upgradeable IN Throne of Bhaal, so how much use you get out of them will vary.
I personally actually like Short Swords - two of them obtainable fairly early in SoA make excellent off-hand weapons (though they made have made item changes to at least one of them, which was nearly TOO good in combination with Web), and the Watchers Keep merchant sells a nice +4 one that you can get even while still in the SoA portion of the game (it's upgradeable in ToB to something even better, too!).
You do know about the Kensai / mage being one of the most powerful combos in the game right?
*Anduin reads the op again*
Aaah! You want to go multiclass... WHAT!
Multiclass *Anduin shakes head sadly*
I suggest my friend to go GNOME.
First of all they get the Illusion specialism automatically when they multiclass. Meaning you get those extra spells. Secondly they get shortie bonuses to saves making them difficult to hit with spells and even dragons breath... Lastly they are cool.
Illusionist / Thief and Fighter /Illusinionist's are both very powerful.
I would place profiency pips two weapon fighting two and two in Scimitars for belm... If thief I would give definitely one pip in quaterstaff and one pip in two handed weapons as well for a wicked backstab or errr... backwhack...
Now... Have you heard of EEKeeper?
It is great for tweaking the characteristics of your character. Well, for more fun I would change you starting class to Kensai, you will still get the extra spells for your specialisation due to you Kensai specialisation (honest!)
Hope this helps... And remember.
May The Gnome be with you... Always...
If you mean the various breath abilities used by dragons in BG2 then I'm afraid you are also out of luck. Those are a save vs breath.
If you are desperate to multi, though, it's your choice. The only real advantage is HLAs and racial bonuses; all the rest are drawbacks in comparison. Avoid gnomes, there are great necromancy spells. Skull traps when used effectively make fireballs pale in comparison, abi dalzim's is one of the most useful spells ever, and so on... Avoid half elves. You cannot roll half orcs. Or dwarves. Or halflings. So, elf will have to do just fine. Stats, you might ask? Your call, boss, sorry. I only do the dual thing.
Your dual berserker mage can get a two handed weapon proficiency, and choose between one of them (or more if your points allow): 2H Sword, Halberd, Staff. They are all deadly with outstanding representatives. Dump your remaining points in the ranged weapons of your choice, much like a bow, crossbow, sling or dart. The multi can get many weapon proficiencies, but none of them higher than 2 points.
Gnome fighter/mage is a consistent spellcaster throughout the series. Illusion spells complement the fighter half extremely well (mirror images, blur, improved invisibility/shadow door, Mislead, Simulacrum) and unlike a dual class (especially a dual class you dual so late with) you can cast spells throughout the series. In addition you end up being extremely well protected against spells that use save vs spells, to the point where with 18 constitution, Blur, and a ring of protection +2 you have a save vs spell saving throw of 2 by mage level 6.
From 0 to 1.25M xp, your dual character is only a mere Berserker. No ranged weapons for BG1, no spells, no racial bonuses from Gnome, I could go on for an eternity.
From 0 to 1.25M xp your multi is a badass Gnome Fighter/Mage with very good saves vs spells / death, far better melee ability (Mirror Image / Haste / Stoneskin which will be more than enough to compensates for GM) plus you can use a Composite Longbow right from the start to destroy BG1 with ease.
Then from 1.25M to 2.75M xp
The dual is now a very weak low level Mage. He can't fight, he is just a pure mage with very high HP, and he has a low number of spells per day because he isn't even specialized in any school of magic.
The multi is even more awesome, with now access to Improved Haste, Spell Immunity, Stoneskin, he is invincible to everything and destroy everything with ease with dual wielding.
From 2.75M XP to 3M
The dual recovers his Fighter abilities, he has something like 1-2 hours of gameplay to shine before getting outpowered by the multi once again. The dual is now effectively a multi Fighter/Mage, but with a kit (Berserker or Kensai), better HP and GM.
The multi is still as awesome as ever, he is slightly weaker than the dual, he loses on some melee damage (like 5% ...) and a few HPs. But he has one more spell per day for every level compared to the dual, so he is still as powerful overall.
From 3M xp to 4.25M
The dual has no HLA, because when you dual, you delay your HLAs until your second class gets to 3M xp.
The multi start getting HLA, which means even more spells, Critical Strike, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Hardiness, etc. He is of course now far stronger than the dual, once again.
From 4.25M xp to 6M
The dual get his Mage HLAs and his level 9 spells, so he is going to get his Time Stop or Improved Alacrity earlier than the multi, but overall he is weaker. His THAC0 starts to be too weak, and he will never have any Fighter HLA.
The multi is still as awesome as ever.
From 6M xp to 8M
The dual is now a sort of improved Mage. But he has no Fighter HLAs, his THAC0 is weak. He is still pretty powerful because anything part Mage is powerful, but he is significantly weaker than the multi.
The multi gets access to the level 9 spells and become a god. He is already one from level 1 right off the start in Candlekeep though.