Challenge - create party that will own through BG1:EE and later in BG2:EE
Hi everyone !
I'm old veteran of BG series, played this game since it was released. Now, with the Enhanced Editions of both titles i decided to play it one more time. I remeber that it's possible to create whole party by yourself (pre-generete chars in mplayer and then copy saved game to single player saves) There is so many character making options in the refreshed version of the game that i challenge you all to help me create one epic team i would progress through both games. Terms are:
1. Main char is Fighter/Mage (multiclass, no dual Kensai/Mage one
) - so it leaves 5 spots
2. I would play this party also in BG2:EE so it must be focused in this direction ( so items from BG2 should be taken into consideration, not only available in BG1)
3. Team should be complex (so for example there should be ranged weapons specialist, healer etc)
4. Most interesting idea wins - ill create such party and will play it through BG saga (ill upload a ss
)- you can add names and colors if you want - ill use them (ofc they must be normal, fantasy names not for example MightyPala2000, Harrydotter or Haxxoro and such 
5. If you can write in few words why current team is best
So if you want to help me, please post
I'm old veteran of BG series, played this game since it was released. Now, with the Enhanced Editions of both titles i decided to play it one more time. I remeber that it's possible to create whole party by yourself (pre-generete chars in mplayer and then copy saved game to single player saves) There is so many character making options in the refreshed version of the game that i challenge you all to help me create one epic team i would progress through both games. Terms are:
1. Main char is Fighter/Mage (multiclass, no dual Kensai/Mage one

2. I would play this party also in BG2:EE so it must be focused in this direction ( so items from BG2 should be taken into consideration, not only available in BG1)
3. Team should be complex (so for example there should be ranged weapons specialist, healer etc)
4. Most interesting idea wins - ill create such party and will play it through BG saga (ill upload a ss

5. If you can write in few words why current team is best

So if you want to help me, please post

F/M - FoA, DW, Belm
F/T - Katanas, DW, Long Sword
Stalker 9 (12 if you want bonus spells)>Cleric - Staff for BS, Crom Faeyr + DoE
Archer - XBow, Long Bow
Romance NPC of choice
Open slot for NPC quests
2.) Inquisitor - His dispel is the best in the game and will strip the whole enemy group of their buffs. This character is easily one of the most powerful in the game. Use spiders bane in BG1 and Carsomyr in BG2
3.) Cleric/Ranger - You get a good fighter and all divine spells in the game. He gets both the druids and the clerics divine spells, you can get his wisdom up to 21 from tomes. Put 2* in War hammer and Flail, have him use the war hammer +2 in BG1 and FoA in BG2.
4.) Fighter/Thief - Your main ranged character. Get him to use crossbows/Quarterstaves and have him behind your fighters and focus fire on the enemy casters. Use Light crossbow of speed and Quarter staff +3 in BG1, Firetooth +4 and staff of rynn +4 until you get staff of the ram in BG2.
Firetooth : 11 000 - 14 000 from the shop at watchers keep.
Staff of rynn : 16 000 - 18 000 from ribald.
In this party you got an arcane caster, all 4 of your characters can go into close combat and fight. They can all use full plate and shields if needed. You got all divine spells in the game, all arcane spells in the game and the Inquisitor will debuff the enemy team. You got a wonderful archer that can backstab and he takes care of all your problems when it comes to thieving.
The thing to keep in mind is that BG1 probably requires more fighting (melee and ranged) capacity, while BG2 is largely predicated on casting and dispelling magic.
With that in mind, here's my suggestions:
1. Your Fighter/mage multi.
2. Barbarian - Someone who can "rage" their way through a variety of spells and then smash a spellcaster, which is very useful in either game, especially BG2. They're also immune to a vampire's level drain when raging, which is also very useful in BG2. They also get some other off-beat advantages, like immunity to backstab, which is also helpful on certain occasions in BG2.
3. Cavalier - A pure tank, especially useful in BG1 for fighting poison monsters (i.e: wyverns, spiders). Their lay-on-hands ability can also be a life-saver in BG1. Those abilities may not be as necessary in BG2, but they will also gain some cleric-casting ability by that time, plus their dragon-fighting bonuses will come into play. Their ability to withstand and dispel fear effects is also very useful in either game.
4. Fighter dualed to cleric - Gain a few levels of fighting ability and then develop as a cleric for the remainder of the game(s).
5. Fighter/druid multi - Useful as a healer in BG1, then as a high-level druid caster in BG2. Being a multi means they'll level up more slowly as a druid, but they'll be far more useful in combat and won't be hampered armor and other restrictions like single class druids.
6. Mage/thief multi - A thief is a virtual must in both BGs, but a single class comes to feel like the weak link in the chain by BG2 IMO. A multi-class thief will level up more slowly but still be adequate for your thieving needs (mainly finding traps and lockpicking), and will generally be more useful in BG2. As for being a mage, you can never have enough of those in BG2 IMO.
I'd recommend making your cavalier specialize in 2-handed swords foremost, and perhaps halberds later on, with perhaps a pip in 2-handed weapon style somewhere along the way. Give him/her the Spider's Bane in BG1 and any of the several powerful 2-handed swords (such as Carsomyr, which is exclusive to paladins) in BG2. There's also a fairly powerful halberd that was added to BG:EE and another in BG2 that specializes in killing dragons, IIRC.
Since the barbarian has armor restrictions, I'd recommended having him/her specialize in only single-handed weapons and carry a shield (though later in BG2, you'll find some non-plate armor that is about as protective as many plates). Besides, you'll want someone at the forefront of your party that can carry the Beholder shield in BG2.
I'd recommend having your fighter/cleric proficient in maces foremost, to use the Stupefier in BG1 and the mace of disruption in BG2.
BG2 has some very nice magic throwing axes that return to your hand after being used, so I'd recommend either your barbarian or cavalier also specialize in throwing axes by the time of BG2. There's one throwing axe that can kill an undead creature with a single hit, but can only be used by good characters, so if your barbarian isn't good then you may want your cavalier to specialize in this weapon.
Either your barbarian and/or cleric should also specialize in flails by the time of BG2, to use the Flail of Ages, one of the best weapons in BG2 IMO. Either your fighter/mage and/or thief/mage multis should be proficient or specialize in long swords, as there are several useful ones throughout BG2, many of which are available fairly early on. One of your fighter characters should also be proficient or specialize in Katanas by the time of BG2, to use the Celestial Fury, which is also one of the best weapons in BG2 IMO.
I'd recommend that your fighter/druid specialize in quarter staffs, at least by the time of BG2, as there is a powerful +4 staff available and a few creatures in BG2 can only be killed by +4 weapons. I'd also give your fighter/druid at least one pip in 2-handed weapon style on top of that.
Admittedly, using the party outlined above, you probably won't have a substantially powerful archer (bow or crossbow user) in your party. You may want to consider swapping out the cavalier for an inquisitor and giving him/her a bow or crossbow (though personally, I never liked inquisitors much as they're just as likely to dispel your own party's spell protections as much as your enemy's). However, ranged weapons are very effective in BG1 but somewhat nerfed a bit in BG2, and I suggested the party that I felt would transition the best between both games.
2)Kensai(7 or 13) -» mage (Celestial fury or/and spectral brand + Belm) human
3) Berserker13 -» mage (flails: Foa +DoE) human
4)F/Ilusionist (X-bow + halberd) gnome!
5)Sorceror (darts!) human or elf (can you have an elf sorc?)
6) C/T(Staffs + sling) 1/2 orc
Yes, 4 fighter mages, having to split up every scroll wil provide a great challenge. I've added C/T for support and Sorcerror for even more firepower so your F/M can focus on buffs and debuff while the sorc casts damaging and disabling spells.
You will rely a lot on your Berserker and F/M with ranged in the begining, dual the berserker at 13, the others will be strong enough at that point to stay alive at that point. I suggest you dual kensai at 7 so you won't dual both at the same time. The sorcerer will give you even more arcane firepower without taking scrolls.
Arcane spells are quite powerful.
1. F/M - your predefined CHARNAME, and a rock-solid choice. F/M is very good in both games.
2. Inquisitor - mentioned before, arguably *the* best single class character (certainly the least replaceable)
3. Ranger/Cleric - divine caster with oomph, likely better multiclass than Fighter/Cleric; worse than Berserker->Cleric dual, but easier to include into both games from the get-go
4. Archer - ranged expert, high damage dealer in BG1 and early BG2, utility bombardier in later BG2 with ammo for every occasion
5. Kensai 9 -> Mage - main damage dealer. Requires more micro in BG1 than your typical fighter, but will DESTROY in BG2
6. Fighter/Thief - marginally worse than Kensai 9 -> Thief and a lot easier to use
That party should cover all the angles, and leave you in a good spot at every point of the game. Proficiencies may be a bit fiddly, you should definitely plan ahead and count your points. Some recommendations: Archer goes for xbow, Army Scythe is available in both BG1 and 2 and is one of the best xbows in the game; Inquisitor can do a variety of weapons, might want to start ranged in BG1 then transition to 2h swords in BG2 - switch around as needed, make use of the flexibility; the best weapons in BG2/ToB are all blunt (Flail of Ages, Crom Faeyr, Club of Detonation), don't give hammers to CHARNAME or the Ranger/Cleric though because Crom Faeyr loses bang with high STR - give it to the K->M, give FoA to CHARNAME, and give Clubs to the R/C; give the F/T one point in staves, there's highly enchanted staves available early and easily in both games and they make the best backstabbing weapons.
If you plan on modding BG with sword coast strategems or other difficulty enhancing mods, then my party would be this.
1: Dwarven Defender (dwarf) - Axe of the unyielding +5/Crom Faeyr +5
2: Sorcerer (elf) - Staff of the Magi +5
3: Fighter/Mage (half elf) - Gram the Sword of Grief +5
4: Fighter/Thief (half elf) - Ixil's Spike +6
5: Cleric/Ranger (half elf) - Storm Star +5/Flail of Ages +5
6: Cavalier (human) - Carsomyr +6
Dwarven Defender being charname because if (s)he dies, you lose the game and reducing damage is more practical then avoiding it.
Sorcerer so you can bring out the heavy artillery and debuff.
Fighter/Mage for additional arcane power and to make use of that +4 elven chainmail in ToB. Improved haste alone makes the kensai dual class worthless.
Fighter/Thief to disable traps & locks as well as remove illusion spells, and of course, to get the "use any item" ability which effectively gives you a third mage that can cast spells while wearing heavy armor.
Cleric/Ranger to cast cleric & druid spells in addition to having thac0 comparable to a fighters.
Cavalier to use that paladin sword and have some backup healing and cleric spells.
2.) berserker9/mage foebane/kundan 2nd dps
3.) f/m/t half elf celestialfury/scarlninja to 3rd dps
4.) inquisitor bow -> joke ofc 2handed 4th dps dispeller
5.) ranger9/cleric club of detonation/other good like for destroying undead or something 5th dps buffer
6.) anything you want or nothing - good characters would be other x/mage / barbarian
3 mages = 3 x more breaches in bg2 = 3x spells per round = 3x indestructible characters
inquisitor for great dispell
ranger/cleric for druidic/cleric spell combo
GG it is so good that the game would be too easy without mods
fmt coz it is bg1/bg2 party and he is 3rd mage party thief trap remover and still very good fighter/mage
gram is bad? he is not even top10 weapons i think
foa>storm star so it should be main hand
fighter/thief weapon wth?
c/t is for utility and support, not for combat except for backstabs and traps, while sorcs can be, when being levelled properly, a very op class, almost more powerfull than losing in versatility what it gains in power, but you have your 4 other f/m to fill the gap in versatility.
f/c f/t + really powerfull team of fighters coz f/c f/t are good fighters too
There have been a few suggestions of Inquisitors or Cavaliers. Both are good and taking one if the two along is a good idea. While 2-handed swords are great for Carsomyr, also consider Bastard Swords and dual wield for the Purifier and additional offhand goodness.
1. Fighter / Mage, start with
Flail (++)
Bastard Sword (++), don't spend more points in this.
Flail / Bastard Sword for BG1 (not dual wielding, one of them & a shield while in BG1)
Flail of Ages & Belm for BG2
2. Inquisitor, start with
Two-Handed (+)
Longbows (++)
Two-Handed Weapon style (+)
Composite Bow / Longbow of Marksmanship will be the best weapons most of BG1.
And you will have maxed out Two-Handed before BG1 ends for the use of any of the better Two-Handers if needed.
Obviously Carsomyr for BG2
3. Ranger(9) -> Cleric, start with
War Hammers (++)
Maces (++)
Stupifier + Ashideena in BG1 (although I would begin with just using Stupifier and a Shield (proficiencies in shields are waste of points, you can use them anyway) until you have got a couple of levels and are done with Bandit Camp)
in BG2 you will have enough proficiencies to use any blunt weapon you'd like.
BG2 goal: Club of Detonation & Crom Fayer
4. Kensai(9) -> Mage, start with
Long Sword (++), get (+++) in BG1
Halberd (++)
Varscona in BG1
there are decent Long Swords in BG2 before you get Ravager
Ravager in BG2
5. Berserker(9) -> Mage, start with
Bastard Sword (++)
Crossbow (++), don't spend more points in this.
Light Crossbow of Speed in general and Bastard Sword for Werewolves in BG1
Foebane & Kundane in BG2
Last depends a bit, will you allow yourself to use traps (I ask since they are stupidly overpowered and some ignore them because of that)
If you don't want to use traps, then go for a multi class Fighter/Thief since you don't need to get points and thief levels as fast.
If yes, then I'd say you want a high level thief asap.
Fighter (3) -> Thief
If you allow yourself to dual into a kit (must be done through modding or EEKeeper) I'd say dual into a Swashbuckler.
Get 5 stars in Scimitars while in BG1 and use Drizzt's weapons.
Celestial Fury & Scarlet Ninja-To in BG2
(You will be running with half a party early in BG2 but should be doable)
dualed are kind of a pain to play 7 level of fighter and dual in bg1 unless there is other thief in the party making overall power level of the party lower
level 3 fighter -> thief will be inferior to multi f/t and others later in the game
there is probably 2 variants f/c or r/c or f/d
dualed at 7? will you play whole game without cleric so you can have level 7 inactive fighter with 1 level cleric? 2nd cleric or early dual from fighter -> see thief
pure mages kind of sucks early in the game and are less powerfull than multi mages
like inquisitors archers stalkers assassins have special role in game so having them is nice but not necessary (dunno about non-inquisitors lol)
i think full fighters are kind of bad compared to cavaliers rangers and ofc half fighters with buffs
Slot 1: Elf FM 3 pips in DW and using weapons of choice.
Slot 2: Half Orc Barbarian specialized in 2H weapons.
Slot 2 Alternate: Dwarf Berserker 3 pips in DW and rest in hammers and axes for Crom + Azuredge/Axe of the Unyielding.
Slot 2 Alternate 2: Human Inquisitor or Cavalier, 2H weapons for Carsomyr.
Slot 3: Sorcerer
Slot 4: Cleric of *Insert Kit of Choice*
Slot 5: Thief *Insert Kit of Choice* dualed to a mage.
Slot 6 (Optional): Elven Archer
1. f/i gnome FoA kundane stolen from below coz gnom>all!
2. inquisitor 2handed sword
3. assasin/mage female (better outfit) crossbow for fire crossbow with poison from assasin and bolts of lighting (lol dunno if it works but this is my fantasy assasin/mage ; P) from WK dual in bg2 so he can regain abilities fast (level 7 for disarming traps would be good rest into)
4. barbarian DWARF HALABERD (see what i did there?)
5. ranger/cleric multi with club of detonation/anti-undead weapons etc.
6. anything from kensai/mages to avengers and monks
Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Backstabs, massive melee damage, great saves. Give them the dex tome and laugh all the way to the bank. They will dominate BG1 and poke holes through much of BG2 also.
Gnome Thief/Illusionist - Backstabs, thief skills, magic, detect illusions and extra spells. Also great saves. Some might go for the Fighter/Illusionist instead (which is a good option too), but I think backstab and extra skills are more useful in BG1 than being a fighter is in BG2, plus Thief HLAs are better.
Elven Archer - Dominates through to end of SoA. The Elven archer is simply a demon.
Human Inquisitor - Massively overpowered dispel makes this a must have for any powerful group. Fighter toughness and damage dealing is a cherry on top.
Human Berserker(4/6)->Mage - The fighter->mage dual is super powerful. Berserker is best option for the whole series, though a Kensai(9)->Mage is playable, even if it needs babysitting in BG1.
Elven Sorcerer - For fun you can't go past a sorcerer. Extra mage power is never a bad thing, and the sorcerer gives you a little extra.
This group will yawn through both games, and still be very powerful come end of ToB.
Half-Elven Blade. Blades are great fun to play with and though weakish early on become decently powerful in the later game.
Half-Orc Swashbuckler. Swashbucklers are good as they are, and this combo gives you extra hitting power on top. They can cover your thieving needs and still pack a punch.
Human Cavalier. Because why not? Ranged weapons are for hacks, real fighters get in the thick of it.
Dwarven Barbarian. Because rragghh!
Half-Elven Avenger. Because shapeshifting and spellcasting - why not?
Elven Sorcerer. Because they're fun.
#2 Gnome Cleric/Mage - With proper stats, this guy is absolutely insane at high levels, and an incredible support character throughout the game.
#3 Human (or Elf) Sorcerer - The magical heavy artillery.
#4 Halfling Bounty Hunter - for all your Thieving needs, you can't do better than a Halfling. The special traps from level 11 on are pretty fantastic.
#5 Half-Orc Berserker - The ultimate in no-preparation necessary characters, Berserk provides incredible immunities on top of excellent natural STR/CON.
#6 Dwarf Dwarven Defender - This kit is so ridiculously overpowered, I had to pick it. 90% physical damage resistance available multiple times per day even in lategame SoA. 100+% available dozens of times per day by the middle of Throne of Bhaal.
2 arcane, 2 divine casters. Both of the Clerics are multiclassed which will slow down access to high-level Cleric spells, but all the bases are still covered. Two of the most powerful casters (Gnome C/I and Sorc) in the game, 2 incredible front-line fighters, a flanker (the BH) and the Ranger/Cleric holding the middle down.
2) Human Inquisitor or Cavalier. Two-handed swords. You know it makes sense.
3) Dwarf Fighter/Cleric. Dual-Wield, Maces, Hammers and Flails. Your first Divine caster. Shorty saves, uses all those blunt awesome weapons we love.
4) Human Berserker->Druid dual. Dual at 7 or 9 to get Berserker levels back quickly. If you dual at 7 you get to Druid 9 before the BG:EE XP cap. Dual wield, Scimitars for Belm offhand and Clubs. Our second Divine caster. Ironskins and high AC will keep him alive, Insect swarm shuts down enemy casters and he's still a melee powerhouse. The only difficulty is rolling the crazily high stats to make the dual possible.
5) Human Swashbuckler->Mage Dual. Dualled at level 10 for +3 AC and THAC0. Shortbows, Crossbows, Staves, Daggers. While less overall powerful than a Sorcerer or Kensage this character provides your utility thief and quickest access to high-level spells. Will be a pure Swash throughout BG:EE.
6) Literally anything else. All roles are covered and the 5 already mentioned will destroy anything you click on. A Cleric/Mage multi could add a bunch more spells, or you could go Kensage if you feel the need for yet more melee-arcane chicanery. Maybe a Blade for further casting and rapid access high caster-level spells, HLA traps and UAI.