Vampire weapons (SoA and Dark Alliance 2 spoilers)

Do vampires use weapons? I remember in SoA the vampires used charm spells and just punched you to death. I haven't played Dark Alliance 2 but Mordoc is the king of vampires, surely he'd have an incredibly powerful weapon.
If vampires use weapons, what do they favour?
If vampires use weapons, what do they favour?
Trust me if there was a magical dagger that drained 2 or more levels per hit, every fighter would get grandmastery in it and use it exclusively, it is a that powerful effect!
One trick is, have a low wisdom character casting limited wish and say 'I wish to be protected from undead right now' and the genie will summon a swarm of vampires, Viconia then can turn undead and control them and you can lead them to other kinds of enemies. Fun!
Any time a undead creature drains a lvl, it's supposed to recover 1d8 hp (granting temp hp if at full health), and a bonus +1 hit/saves, PER LEVEL DRAINED, for 24 hours by temporarily strengthening themselves with the drained levels. So...yeah...vampires (or Wights or other level draining draining undead) tend to use unarmed melee A LOT.
It could be a powerful mage who willingly infected himself with vampirism, for instance, or it could be a fighter or thief who survived a chance encounter with a vampire, either winning or running, but got bitten.
Bodhi for instance had a life before she became a vampire, and I believe your love interest in BG2 can become infected if the story develops enough. There are actually vampire versions of Jaheira, Aerie, and Anomen that you can summon with the CLUAConsole.
Just a thought anyways.