Good VS Evil Party.

Its really a random and "What's your opinion?" post.
I've always played Good party. So high reputation, no killing innocent, did some stealing... thats about it.
What is the fun of Evil party? I want to konw! I plan on play Evil on BGII.
The only thing i remember is if you kill an innocent all the fucking people turn hostile to you in this area.
Its really a random and "What's your opinion?" post.
I've always played Good party. So high reputation, no killing innocent, did some stealing... thats about it.
What is the fun of Evil party? I want to konw! I plan on play Evil on BGII.
The only thing i remember is if you kill an innocent all the fucking people turn hostile to you in this area.
Killing innocents doesn't neccessarily turn guards hostile, only if you kill too many. I only kill a random commoner if my rep got too high (14 is my house rule max) to adjust it to appropriate levels for evil. Plus you can get creative with charms to kill certain innocents without rep loss, just for the fun/loot of it. Oublek has a lot experience with that.
1.) The evil NPC's are much more powerful.
2.) The good playthroughs give you better rewards, more experience and even more gold in the long run.
So in the end it kind of evens out.
5. Viconia
4. Edwin and the quest to kill the annoying Dynaheir
3. Flooding the mines with the slaves (and Quayle) in it
2. Tiax Rules ALL!!!
And the Number 1 top reason to play Evil is
1. You get to Kill Noober without a guilty conscience.
1 Viconia
2 Edwin
3 Kagain (now with dex gauntlets and str belt is even better - 19 18 20 warrior with high saving throws)
4 Beleoth
And i'm always killing drizzt - his scimitars suits well on my swashbuckler level 5 dualled to warrior level 8 with 3 points in 2 weapon style 5 on scimitars and 100% detect illusion(SCS) all in bg 1 ^^ He is my favourite charname for bg1ee
Besides that playing as evil team is limited to kill innocent commoners when your rep rises to much
Killing innocents is often a recipe for disaster though. Burglary and taking evil quest options is the way to go.
I started off Good-aligned, though I probably played closer to Neutral. I slowly turned to the dark side as I gradually realised that my parties were largely composed of exclusively Evil-aligned people. Edwin was my favourite character the moment I met him, and Viconia quickly became my go-to Cleric in BG1. I have no idea why. After that I just realised that I must just want to be evil in my heart, so I started rolling evil Charnames. Mostly, the party members just appeal to me more on an interest/personal level, though I have a soft spot for characters like Keldorn and Mazzy (the latter whom I spent pretty-much all my initial BG2 run with, up to ToB).
I guess that much like Crowley from Pratchett and Gaiman's Good Omens, I was an angel who did not so much 'fall' as 'saunter vaguely downwards'.
evil making dead bodies
also if you have low rep you will be chased by flaming fist/mercaneries so it must be fun
In BG2 the reputation hit can be a real nutbuster, so I do recommend staying "sneaky" evil until you've bought some choice items at a reasonable price. But once you're confident about your party's strength, go nuts being evil. Drop that rep as deep as you can.
Because when your rep is absolutely terrible, you can't walk the streets of Athkatla for a minute without a law enforcement party warping in to kick your ass. As I recall, they consist of 2 cowled wizards and 6 fighters of some sort. The wizards can drop high level spell scrolls (if memory serves) just like the ones coming to kill you if you use magic in public. The fighters each drop a full plate mail, and these babies sell for [something significant that i apparently cant remember]. Plus you get a bit of exp for the kills. And the authorities never get tired of sending them!
So what's the downside to being evil, huh? Ain't economy. Ain't exp. Ain't rare spell scrolls - wait, that's not even a benefit for being good. And if you tire of killing these parties, just walk away before they can start talking.
In conclusion, from a powergaming PoV there's no reason to not be evil. Admittedly you're gonna be selling a lot of full plate mails (and they're heavy to lug around) to buy an item when your reputation is 1 (or 0, however far it drops), but I could live with that; my evil party was handmade, with many fighters. However from an RP PoV maybe it's not right for an evil party to do certain quests at all, but perhaps you could motivate it with building hope just to destroy it. But don't let the reputation system hold you back from being evil if you wish it.
Also there's no shame about it. Most PC's end up acting Neutral Evil anyway (surmised from that IWD2 exp tome), doing everything that gains them power or money without antagonizing anyone. Looting homes, killing friendly NPC's because no one else will care and they have good loot, etc.
2.) You can pickpocket the rare scrolls from normal guards, and get them from summoning cowled wizards.
3.) You get more experience from playing as good, thanks to quests rewards and such. And no it's silly to say you get more experience as evil thanks to farming city guards.
4.) It's fun to fight the guards the first few times, but after that it gets bothersome and i wouldn't play an evil party with reputation under 6.
5.) You also end up giving up some of the most powerful items in the game (Carsomyr, Purifier) and you get the Human Skin leather armor, but it really doesn't compare in power to the two above mentioned even if it's good.
6.) Evil parties can't have an inquisitor.
7.) Your turn undead sucks, sadly.
I belive that this is the reason for the evil NPC's being so powerful, because the game isn't as easy for them. So it kind of balances out in the end, atleast this is my opinion.
2) Annoying the wizards only works 8 times or so, then they stop sending enforcers. And frankly unless these guards are loaded with scrolls to a point that's eluded me all this time, I would say that stealing rare scrolls from guards instead of angering these enforcement parties would be comparably effective to questing vs killing those parties for exp.
3) If you're going to be so evil you don't quest at all then yeah it would be a lot of guard farming. I believe I mentioned quests. I only meant to say that the reputation system is no reason to hold back your evilness.
4) Matter of opinion. I had a blast.
I don't suppose I can make a brilliant comeback by claiming sleeping in the streets is the ultimate expression of evil?
Thanks for your opinion!
When I went after Bodhi the first time, it was a cake walk primarily because most of her team became my team. Just sayin.
I have always played the good side of the coin. Although, I have grown to become more of a neutral as time goes by.
Dorn- you're helping him get revenge on those who stabbed him in the back, as long as you're aiding him in this endeavor i see no reason why he up and leaves.
Kagain- lives to make more coin, and honestly helping people tends to give you gold( killing bassilus anyone?) as long as he gets a fair share of the loot he really cant complain about how the party goes about business .
Edwin- now this one REALLY irks me as he's lawful evil and in exchange for killing dynahier, he puts himself in your service for a year, now why after doing that would you leave, it kinda goes against alignment.
Viconia- ok this one is slightly trickier, you simply save her from a flaming fist goon and allow her to join you, other than that theres kinda not much of a reason for her to stick around in terms of high rep
and while killing bassilus doesnt give you any rep 5000 gold is nothing to scoff at, its well worth anyones time to put that lunatic down.
evil does not equal kill everything in sight regardless of who or what they are, its all about whats best for you, and well if whats best for me helps someone out on occasion good for them i couldnt give a crap, i got what i wanted and or needed
Keep your rep low-to-average, hang around with evil people, do things for selfish reasons. I find it funner almost because you're fighting against the game the whole way.
Also the darkside has all the best characters, by which I mean Edwin and Viconia (and now Dorn, and possibly Hexxat, who might be awesome), because Korgan sucks.