A 14 year old game is now the 2012 GOTY

And I can't freaking wait.
Did I correctly hear "maybes" about a Baldur's Gate 3 if BG:EE and BG2:EE are successful? And would the player be the Bhaalspawn - presumably with a non-godhood ending of ToB as canon, since being a god, even a minor god, doesn't make for a very exciting game.
Did I correctly hear "maybes" about a Baldur's Gate 3 if BG:EE and BG2:EE are successful? And would the player be the Bhaalspawn - presumably with a non-godhood ending of ToB as canon, since being a god, even a minor god, doesn't make for a very exciting game.
Or better yet (and far less expensive), go pre-order BG:EE if you haven't yet and then enjoy it very soon!
Welcome to the forums, your name is epic.
Because we don't want CHARNAME to end. We love the story, who wants another lame CHARNAME to step in with his self righteous ideals and chaos sewn passage, imposing his own sense of destiny upon the world?
I'm kidding man. I don't see where they can go with Bhaalspawn. A new story is good.
Ebony princess, is that Dynaheir or Viconia? Both are good.
That said, I would love to see a BG3 story line that ties in with the Bhaalspawn saga in a way that brings back some of the original characters, even if they are not playable as party members.
The only real problem, I see, is that BG1 was named Baldur’s Gate, because it took place around…. Well, Baldur’s Gate, lol. Even though BG2 took place in Amn, it carried over the name because it was a continuation/sequel.
So, if they were to make BG3 with a whole new story, and in a whole new land. They might as well just call it, Waterdeep, Dambrath, Sembia, or whatever place they choose to set it in. It wouldn’t even be considered BG3 because of the mass changes. (Which, I’m totally not against! I would love to see more lands brought to the IE games.)
In retrospect, it would be like writing about Harry Potter’s neighbor that lives four blocks down, but still continuing to call the story “Harry Potter”. No one cares about Bob!!... lol, that would be funny though… A Harry Potter book with no real link to the original series.
Anywho, my point is, I guess that’s why so many people are assuming that BG3 will be a continuation of the series. Still, Wash’s right, the Bhaalspawn story is over. They can’t really do much with it now. XD
(Edit: lmao, I can't get over that book idea)
Well there is a BG3 but they changed its name after godhood.
İt is called Black&White now :P
"It's time for more.. experiments."
Baldur's Gate 2 (considering it doesn't play in BG at all) was called like that because it was the continuation of the BG1 story and probably also because of marketing reasons.
But the story ended with ToB, so IMO the only logical way to do Baldur's Gate 3 would be to do it the same way Icewind Dale 2 was made:
-New timeline
-New characters
-New story
-Same (mostly) areas
I really dislike games which just basically ignore what has happened and act as though nothing happened.
I did read "The Black Hound" storyline and I personally disliked the way it went off too much at a tangent.
In short: They need to link it back to the original games somehow.
though all the open-endedness may make that difficult. Where would they put you?
WARD OF MINSC!?!?!?!?! lolz
Or the growing desert of Anauroch? Maybe someone should try to discover why it has started to grow once more...
While I would love a BG3 in theory, releasing a new "franchise" that is a more direct spiritual successor to BG/2 would be a wiser idea for not pissing fans off. 'cause no Nalia in BG3 = sad me. =(
Would you make a Planescape: "Torment" without nameless one?
The protagonist then of course cannot be the Bhaalspawn of BG and BG2. But for RP purposes this is an intrigue-laden world and there could be a many options to side with various factions during the Time of Torubles.
During your trip, you could encounter references to your old party, and even to the old charname as well! Then you could travel to explore new areas that we haven't seen yet, still taking the time to visit Baldur's Gate or Athkatla...
Different story, different characters, but same lore and same territory... well, not exactly the same territory, it would be nice to see something that lies a bit further away.
This is my idea of a BG3.