Arcane Discussion: What were the two most powerful offensive spells in the BG Series?

I'd have to go with Aba Dazims Horrid Wilting and Time Stop infinite chain combo, when not dealing with undead or magic immune enemies at least.
roll 63 (roll 4 more times) and then get the rolls 73, 88, 88 and 63
73 Spell cast normally and caster recuperated as if rested
88 Cow falls from sky on the target
88 Cow falls from sky on the target
63 roll 4 more times
63... And so on :P
Its as powerfull as its likely to get ^^* Not very practical though :P
Other than that, Chain Contagency (helpless) with 3x project image. Then cast project image... Needs some other spell to use like summon Deva/Planetar (when the projected images cast them, you can have as many as you want, without draining your spells per day).
If you have the Robe of Vecna and amulet of power then 'improved alacrity' is an absolute blast.
In terms of pure damage, I'd probably go with "Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting" or maybe "Sunray" when facing undead. For single target spells if find "Implosion" to be rather neat. It bypasses magic res, does crushing damage, holds without save, and only has casting time of 5, which means insta-cast with Robe of Vecne+Amulet of Power. Never really used imprisonment... I like my loot, and I like to make sure things are actually dead.
At around 55 damage per creature per casting this can typically deal 275+ damage per creature in a single round. Marred by the fact it deals fire damage, but ignoring magic resistance more than makes up for this.
Let's not forget the all important Ctrl + Y.
In BG2 probably Horrid Wilting and dispel/remove magic.
Imprisonments weakness is the casting range. The single most overpowering spell is Hold Person (lv 2 priest, hold means death) and Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilthing in BG2. Party friendly AND magic damage?
I have to agree that Hold Person is one of the most efficient spells in BG1. Too many good spells combos in BG2 but if I have to choose one spell then it's Improved Alacrity.