Please put Green filter back, at least as an option!

932a: Green filter has been disabled for known spells while we figure out exactly how it should work; "Write Magic" button is now hidden if the spell cannot be written, unless "All Learned Spell Info" is set to 1 in baldur.ini
Well, I know I was one of the "voices" to change it but I really got used to it! Please, @Dee (person reporting such fix) put it back! Make a 932b or something, at least for the time being, make it optional but disabling it completely is a little harsh... Even though the green may not be the best, it is still VERY relevant (aka Enhanced Edition!) to the game!
For me, at least, it is a great boost against time wasting/gp wasting/go in and out of shop just to check if I have the spell...
Note: You can put it as an option in the ini file or as a WEIDU mod (semi official or not!) if needs be! But I (and I hope I'm not the only one!) would like it back VERY VEY much! Until you are able to figure out exactly how it should work, at least! Please, Deebi One Kenobi, you're our only hope! (well, maybe not but even so...!).
Well, I know I was one of the "voices" to change it but I really got used to it! Please, @Dee (person reporting such fix) put it back! Make a 932b or something, at least for the time being, make it optional but disabling it completely is a little harsh... Even though the green may not be the best, it is still VERY relevant (aka Enhanced Edition!) to the game!
For me, at least, it is a great boost against time wasting/gp wasting/go in and out of shop just to check if I have the spell...
Note: You can put it as an option in the ini file or as a WEIDU mod (semi official or not!) if needs be! But I (and I hope I'm not the only one!) would like it back VERY VEY much! Until you are able to figure out exactly how it should work, at least! Please, Deebi One Kenobi, you're our only hope! (well, maybe not but even so...!).
Also I kinda doubtful that people will ever agree about the design. The developers just need to choose the one they thing is the best one, and stick with it. For many people the usual first reaction to any kind of change is resistance. If you give them some time to get used to the change a change of mind might happen, like it did for Vortaka.
I do agree with Messi that you will NEVER have 100% agreement (even 75% is improbable)... As an on/off option, it would be great since people who don't want it, don't see it; and those who do, well, do see it! If you want the most votes, I think the upper right small check mark (when the spell is in your book already) is one of the most popular/respected... However, understand that this is for wizards... maybe not sorcerers...
Note: If you work (or can work) with "tags" like in NearInfinity (or something like that), you can easily mark the difference between sorcerers, bards, paladins and wizards...
Just yesterday I could have easily recognized the spells I wanted to scribe, but not anymore...
I think, the green (or some other color) should be shown only if you can write the scroll.
The code is easily modified to any color/switch. We just need a consensus about this.
Also only colored if you can write it.
Edited: Personally, I don't mind the overlay (at all)! I just want them to be... different!
I'd love to see just a little feather/quill icon in the corner myself.
Its not as in your face as a lime green colour and it doesn't really clash much with the blue. Also I'm not certain symbols are the best way to go for tablet users. I haven't played the game on tablet but I can imagine intricate corner images (proposed on another thread) might be difficult to see.
I think for the time being its best to keep it out and to work on it.
But if you have to go a color, the purple is alot better than that green. Since the number seems to be a font, another simple option might just be to put an asterick next to the number? (i.e. *1)
That said, my personal preference is the small golden checkmark in the upper right or left corner for written spells that someone posted in another thread.
@elminster I like that purple also, but in-game won't the filter be applied to the spell scroll as well as the background slot? I think it will look worse in practice but that's true of any colored slot.
@Basillicum: I think the "on" thing in the ini file was (older beta) concerning the write magic button being insivible instead of greyed-out when the spell wasn't writtable...
And so, myself, and my 3 PC's fully support it! Go 932b or 932c go!
I really don't see why anyone would want to turn this off, to be honest. It pretty much signals an action you'll usually want to take immediately (i.e. scribe the spell), after which you won't see the mark on that scroll ever again.
As for deciding which color/mark/whatever, that's something Beamdog needs to decide and tweak; there is never going to be a consensus on a favorite color, but it would be really silly to have that hold back such an amazing enhancement.