Please, just bring the same green thingy back, but only for spells you can scribe this time. I honestly think Overhaul overreacted to the feedback. I don't remember anyone not liking the feature per say, just the maybe not liking the color, or the fact it was set for spells you had already had in your spellbook.
I completely agree. Just bring it back for spells you can scribe and people will be happy. I think people will get used to whatever color is chosen (I liked the original green) when the functionality is so superior
If we put it back, we'll probably put it onto spells you can write, rather than the ones you can't. That was really good feedback.
Not that i am against it, but if this feature wants to be helpful for both wizards and sorcerers, wouldn't that be best to mark scrolls whose spells you've learned already?
then, when in shop, you will know what you will want to buy because you can't cast yourself (being both mage or sorcerer)
Color: YELLOW. This often means "attention". Meaning: spells ALREADY learned are marked as yellow. That way, I'll think twice before buying a yellow'd scroll, which works intuitively for both sorcerer and mages at shopping. Mages also doesn't have to try learning if they are marked that way.
@Dee: Exactly! So, green when you CAN write it (helps wizards) and nothing (or black or whatever) when you can't! (So, sorcerers wouldn't mind, would they?)
Will our prayers be rewarded? (And no, prayers on Bhaal behalf are rejected!)
The filter is there to tell you that you can write it into your spellbook.
A sorcerer can't write any spells into his spellbook.
Therefore, the filter will never display for the sorcerer.
Huzzah! I was worried this might be a hard-coded thing that would cause problems, since the filter showed up for my sorcerer in the earlier beta builds. If they can turn it off for sorcerers that makes things a lot easier.
Since 1998 players were able to recall which spells they could cast, and those which they could not cast. Players were also able to choose the correct scrolls via their unique icons. Let's not get carried away with claims that without this filter it is all of a sudden nigh-on impossible to manage spells/scrolls any longer.
This is no doubt a useful feature, but I cannot fathom folks making a habit of discarding scrolls that they can cast, nor purchasing scrolls that they cannot, as a result of becoming unable to differentiate precise icons without the aid of what was effectively a large neon sign.
I like the idea. I can see it making the game more accessible to younger players, and those with less patience. For the rest of us it was an annoyance, because every time the inventory screen was opened the "known" spells would demand attention as a result of this filter. It was akin to those frustrating quest and destination reminders featured in many modern games, the type that constantly attempts to draw your focus until you complete that specific task. I happen to dislike such reminders and always toggle them off where possible. I do not want a scroll to constantly remind me that I can cast it, or that I should or shouldn't sell it! The filter (in its original form) was the first thing my eyes would be drawn to, and would remain in my peripheral vision until the inventory screen was closed.
I could live with it, if I had to, just as we've managed without it since release. I think the problem was in the implementation, more than with the idea. The color need not be as loud. The filter need not be as intrusive. Ideas such as the filter being behind the spell icon, or simply as a border around the spell icon, if not a simple earmark in the top right-hand corner, are all fantastic suggestions.
Since 1998 players were able to recall which spells they could cast, and those which they could not cast.
actually, since 1998 I've had to keep track with pen and paper or go back and forth between store and spell book. This has nothing to do with `young players' (seriously?) or impatience. It's a *completely unnecessary* inconvenience, and the downsides you mention almost completely disappear if the filter is changed to indicate scrolls you can scribe.
Since 1998 players were able to recall which spells they could cast, and those which they could not cast.
actually, since 1998 I've had to keep track with pen and paper or go back and forth between store and spell book. This has nothing to do with `young players' (seriously?) or impatience. It's a *completely unnecessary* inconvenience, and the downsides you mention almost completely disappear if the filter is changed to indicate scrolls you can scribe.
I do agree very much! I too played since 1998 and since then, I was quite bummed by the inability to know, when shopping (for example), the spells that weren't written in the book! For me, this is an "Enhanced Edition" feature!
Note: The main reason I want this is because I have so many games to play, and so many stories and things to remember per game, that I don't need to waste time remembering what spells I can and cannot write... Do I have this or that spell or not... It's already red if I can't use the item and blue if it's unidentified, what's another color?
I don't think the opposing parts will reach an understanding of each other here. The most likely consensus is a highlight that the ones against the idea (like me) "can live with".
I mostly agree with @RnRClown, and as long as it will be possible to remove the feature by editing the INI file I'm happy.
@RnRClown Just to make sure you followed the thread - the idea of making known spells colored is killed, and revived as making unknown spells marked for wizards/bards.
This will be far less intrusive, and will help a lot when looting/shopping for spells.
MutantPlatypus casts Revive on Please Put Green Filter Back At Least As An Option MutantPlatypus: Spell Interrupted
This would be a really handy feature that doesn't seem to have been included in 1.2.
Of course I can take the time to switch over to the spell book and look through an unsorted list of spells. But I don't want to. Why not make us actually copy the arcane language from the scroll to our spell book without any copy-paste shortcuts? (Typos result in a scribe failure, or wild surge for wild mages) Or, when characters are resting, you actually can't play the game for 8 hours.
The note that appears when reading the description of the spell is useful, but it doesn't appear when right-clicking on a scroll that is in the store's inventory.
then, when in shop, you will know what you will want to buy because you can't cast yourself (being both mage or sorcerer)
EDIT: My thoughts on the matter:
A sorcerer can't write any spells into his spellbook.
Therefore, the filter will never display for the sorcerer.
Will our prayers be rewarded?
This is no doubt a useful feature, but I cannot fathom folks making a habit of discarding scrolls that they can cast, nor purchasing scrolls that they cannot, as a result of becoming unable to differentiate precise icons without the aid of what was effectively a large neon sign.
I like the idea. I can see it making the game more accessible to younger players, and those with less patience. For the rest of us it was an annoyance, because every time the inventory screen was opened the "known" spells would demand attention as a result of this filter. It was akin to those frustrating quest and destination reminders featured in many modern games, the type that constantly attempts to draw your focus until you complete that specific task. I happen to dislike such reminders and always toggle them off where possible. I do not want a scroll to constantly remind me that I can cast it, or that I should or shouldn't sell it! The filter (in its original form) was the first thing my eyes would be drawn to, and would remain in my peripheral vision until the inventory screen was closed.
I could live with it, if I had to, just as we've managed without it since release. I think the problem was in the implementation, more than with the idea. The color need not be as loud. The filter need not be as intrusive. Ideas such as the filter being behind the spell icon, or simply as a border around the spell icon, if not a simple earmark in the top right-hand corner, are all fantastic suggestions.
Note: The main reason I want this is because I have so many games to play, and so many stories and things to remember per game, that I don't need to waste time remembering what spells I can and cannot write... Do I have this or that spell or not... It's already red if I can't use the item and blue if it's unidentified, what's another color?
I mostly agree with @RnRClown, and as long as it will be possible to remove the feature by editing the INI file I'm happy.
Just to make sure you followed the thread - the idea of making known spells colored is killed, and revived as making unknown spells marked for wizards/bards.
This will be far less intrusive, and will help a lot when looting/shopping for spells.
MutantPlatypus: Spell Interrupted
This would be a really handy feature that doesn't seem to have been included in 1.2.
Of course I can take the time to switch over to the spell book and look through an unsorted list of spells. But I don't want to. Why not make us actually copy the arcane language from the scroll to our spell book without any copy-paste shortcuts? (Typos result in a scribe failure, or wild surge for wild mages) Or, when characters are resting, you actually can't play the game for 8 hours.
The note that appears when reading the description of the spell is useful, but it doesn't appear when right-clicking on a scroll that is in the store's inventory.