Sorcerer spells: what to pick

Recently I’ve been reading several threads (on this topic) here and other forums as well but it seems to me the discussion about what spells can be chosen for a sorcerer is never enough.
I’m planning to make an -almost- no-reload (reloads only in the case of a fatal for the main character wild surge) insane run through SCS BG:EE and SCS BG2:EE with 6 created characters:
Wild mage
Fighter-Cleric multiclass
The reason to go with generated characters is my wish to try all these classes in one game and stop my restartis syndrome.
Taking into account all these things and also the following: my Blade when buffed will be used as a melee fighter-mage (Mirror Image, Blur, Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility) + Dispel/Remove Magic, there will be 2 arcane casters in the party besides a Sorcerer, an Avenger will focus mainly on Doom, Chromatic Orb and Web (this spell will be more than covered by an Avenger because other 2nd level Druidic spells are practically useless), my Wild mage will focus on Stinking Cloud, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Haste, Flame Arrow and Greater Malison, - I’ve chosen the following spells for SCS (and thus, smart mages) BG:EE (in terms of a Sorcerer):
1st level: Spook, Blindness, Shield, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb (the latter 2 spells have different purposes)
2nd level: Invisibility, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Resist Fear (or Vocalize)
3rd level: Slow, Skull Trap, Melf’s Minute Meteors
4th level: Emotion, Otiluke's resilient sphere
How do you find these picks? I want the spells for my Sorcerer to be useful in this particular group and not only in BG1 but also in BG2.
Many thanks in advance!
EDIT: I've changed some picks because of your assumptions:-)
Particularly thanks for Emotion. Example (from somewhere): For some reason Edwin is caught between a horde of kobolds who have him surrounded so he can't escape. Now Edwin is not a very good fighter in melee and has run out of stoneskins. He also has few hitpoints left and is not far away from a Morale Failure.
He casts "Emotion: Hopelessness". As the kobolds have bad saves most of them "lie down" and therefore stop attacking. Edwin easily kills one of the defenselessly lying kobolds and manages to escape. While doing so he is hit by an arrow of fire from the kobold captain who somehow managed to save vs. spell.
Edwin drops to 2hp but does not start running around erratically because of the secondary effect of the spell. He now proceeds a little bit farther away and fireballs on the defenseless despaired kobolds (and the Captain who's still standing). Situation solved. Edwin sighs and moves to Viconia to receive some healing.
I’m planning to make an -almost- no-reload (reloads only in the case of a fatal for the main character wild surge) insane run through SCS BG:EE and SCS BG2:EE with 6 created characters:
Wild mage
Fighter-Cleric multiclass
The reason to go with generated characters is my wish to try all these classes in one game and stop my restartis syndrome.
Taking into account all these things and also the following: my Blade when buffed will be used as a melee fighter-mage (Mirror Image, Blur, Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility) + Dispel/Remove Magic, there will be 2 arcane casters in the party besides a Sorcerer, an Avenger will focus mainly on Doom, Chromatic Orb and Web (this spell will be more than covered by an Avenger because other 2nd level Druidic spells are practically useless), my Wild mage will focus on Stinking Cloud, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Haste, Flame Arrow and Greater Malison, - I’ve chosen the following spells for SCS (and thus, smart mages) BG:EE (in terms of a Sorcerer):
1st level: Spook, Blindness, Shield, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb (the latter 2 spells have different purposes)
2nd level: Invisibility, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Resist Fear (or Vocalize)
3rd level: Slow, Skull Trap, Melf’s Minute Meteors
4th level: Emotion, Otiluke's resilient sphere
How do you find these picks? I want the spells for my Sorcerer to be useful in this particular group and not only in BG1 but also in BG2.
Many thanks in advance!
EDIT: I've changed some picks because of your assumptions:-)
Particularly thanks for Emotion. Example (from somewhere): For some reason Edwin is caught between a horde of kobolds who have him surrounded so he can't escape. Now Edwin is not a very good fighter in melee and has run out of stoneskins. He also has few hitpoints left and is not far away from a Morale Failure.
He casts "Emotion: Hopelessness". As the kobolds have bad saves most of them "lie down" and therefore stop attacking. Edwin easily kills one of the defenselessly lying kobolds and manages to escape. While doing so he is hit by an arrow of fire from the kobold captain who somehow managed to save vs. spell.
Edwin drops to 2hp but does not start running around erratically because of the secondary effect of the spell. He now proceeds a little bit farther away and fireballs on the defenseless despaired kobolds (and the Captain who's still standing). Situation solved. Edwin sighs and moves to Viconia to receive some healing.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
There doesn't seem much point to me in Protection from Evil or Resist Fear since your cleric can cover them.
I think you can make Skull Trap a later pick (even a BG2 pick). It's good because the damage doesn't cap at level 10 which doesn't mean anything from a BG1 perspective. You can get almost as good damage from a Wand of Fire in BG1.
I'm not sure of the purpose of Otiluke's (is it an SCS thing?)
I assume your Wild Mage has Sleep covered?
*Edit* as with @ryuken87 I'm confused by Otiluke's resilient sphere. Is there a reason to take it over stoneskin?
But what I often do is edit the NPCs (via shadowkeeper) to turn them into my chosen party. That way I get the best of both worlds.
As for the sorceror picks, I'd suggest getting sleep for level 1. By replacing either spook or PfE. Sleep is just so awesome in BG1 that you don't want to miss out on it. By the time you get to BG2 it's no big loss to effectively lose out on one of your level 1 spell slots.
I'd also definitely go for stoneskin at level 4. It's just so useful.
If you are using some mods then I'd recommend getting Resist Fear, there are just far too many dispel magics flying around to be able to rely on single caster for it.
MMM might not be the best thing in the world, but there aren't that many great lvl 3 spells. It allows you to throw few projectiles between castings.
SCS caps skull trap at 15d6. It is still a lot better than Fireball because it is magic damage. There are very very few enemies with resistance to magic damage (magic resistance is different) while there are a lot of those resistant to fire. Plus you can use wands and potions if you like fireballs a lot.
1st: Magic Missile, Grease, Shield, Spook, Blindness
2nd: Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow (from its description, it doesn't have a damage cap)
4th: Stoneskin, Spider Spawn
You know how I killed Baeloth the Entertainer? Phase spiders.
So right now (level 3) I have Sleep, Burning Hands, and Identify. Next level I may get either Magic Missile or Spook.
Level 2: I'll probably go with Agannazar's Scorcher, Stinking Cloud, Blur, and Horror.
Level 3: Fireball, Haste, Slow. I thought about Melf's Minute Meteors and Flaming Arrow, but neither seemed very dragon like.
Level 4: Stoneskin, Emotion:Hopelessness. I would have liked to have had Greater Malison as well but alas I only can pick two choices and I wanted to have Stoneskin.
But for a regular sorceror SCS run these may not work well
Finally, if it works anything like Magic Missile, each Flame Arrow counts separately to break Stone Skin, gets resisted separately by Magic Resistance, etc. This also makes it better than Fireball in some ways.
I'd like to have both spells, because they serve different purposes. If you find Flame Arrow too fiddly, you might go with Melf's Minute Meteors for a similar purpose, although MMM doesn't have the immediacy of Flaming Arrow's damage.
And no matter what kind of spellcaster you play, stoneskin for level 4 spell is always mandatory
By the way, I don't think Magic Missile interacts with Stoneskin at all, it's Mirror Image that it drops. Wouldn't the fire damage of Flame Arrow bypass Stoneskin as well? But Flame Arrow has the piercing component so that might hit the skins... I should remember to test that.
As for Horror, you guys should get it as a Bhaalspawn ability instead. Near-instant cast and doesn't take a spell slot. I suppose if you're a goody two-shoes it's not an option, but that's not an issue in my games - see "collateral damage".
I'm not sure how you like to play your spellcasters. I like to adventure with a group until we're truly out of resources before I stop to rest. That means I can easily run a mage out of Magic Missiles and Acid Arrows on a host of encounters and then being able to call in my 3rd level spells for damage sounds pretty good. Admittedly I might drop either Fireball or Flame Arrow from that list to include Haste, since the effective damage you can deal with Haste buffed across a group of adventurers (and minions) makes even a Fireball look pale by comparison.
Resist Fear is useful since fear (especially with SCS) is prevalent through BG1 and BG2. When the sorcerer has it I can not rely on only one source of fear protection. Having the multiple casts in case the effect of fear is dispelled or enemies re-debuff your characters is handy. And because it's a sorcerer, the party -always - has this spell regardless of what spells are chosen by other characters.
Stoneskin keeps the sorcerer alive through physical attacks but it seems that with a party of 6 characters it would be a mistake to let the situation when the sorcerer is attacked by fighters. This is a great spell and I'd take it but there are only 2 spells available and I consider Greater Malison is a must to win SCS battles while Otiluke's resilient sphere is a life-saver for any party member with few HPs left (or in any other hopeless situation) during the fight (it makes the target immune to everything - priceless to use on a character who will almost guaranteed die and you don't have time to heal him) and it also allows to control long fights by using it on enemies. I'd take Stoneskin as a third spell but it's impossible in BG1. Moreover, with SCS mages are more dangerous enemies than fighters and Stoneskin can do nothing when confronting a mage in BG1.
BTW, flame arrows do remove stoneskins, because part of the damage is piercing, only 1 stoneskin is removed per use of this spell however, because all the damage is resolved simultaneously.
Usually I have 2 Arcane spells caster, one is for melee fight (a fighter/mage dual or multiclass or a sorcerer) and a buffing/debuffing caster.
This means that with your party the sorcerer would be the melee fight one, and I'll focus on spells that gives him protection from damages or similar.
I can't play without protection from evil and remove fear, but if you have a cleric, I'll let him do this job.
1) Magic Missile - Shield - Reflected image - Spook - Identify (very optional)
2) Blur - Horror - Mirror Image - Web - Melf's acid arrows (very optional)
3) Remove Magic - Haste - Spell Thrust - Slow - dispel magic (if I have an Inquisitor I usually pick Ghost armor)
4) Stoneskin - Minor sequencer - Minor globe of invulnerability - Fire shield red - fire shield blue
level 4 is the most difficult, i would miss Greater malison (but it's for the other wizard) and Polymorph self
It sounds like we have pretty different styles. I use my spellcasters for support, which I guess is odd because my group is often caster-heavy and everyone ends up with a support role. I lead everywhere with summons and most of my damage comes from melee and archery. I focus a lot on buffs because there's no saving throw for casting on yourself and you don't need to break through spell protections and magic resistance. If I need a tank a buffed mage handles it. Debuffs are great too; if something gets webbed or held and isn't immune to weapons, that's a death sentence making it effectively save-or-die. It's very effective but maybe I'll play with some different styles and see how they work out.
1 - Shield, Charm Person, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Spook
2 - Glitterdust, Web, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Blur
3 - Slow, Melf's Minute Meteors, Remove Magic, Skull Trap, Flame Arrow
4 - Stoneskin, Greater Malison, Improved Invisibility, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Teleport Field
5 - Breach, Sunfire, Lower Resistance, Spell Immunity, Spell Shield
After that it varies too much, level 6 in particular has lots of good spells and it really depends on how you play the game and which NPCs you have as to which ones to take. I play a very resource-heavy sorcerer, I try to hoard scrolls and wands as much as possible and only choose spells which can be consistently applied through the games. Spells like Haste I'd rather dump on a Bard or Mage NPC.
Anyway here are my picks for bg1:
1st-Blindness (essential save or die) Charm person (has many uses) Shield (good defense) Magic missile (pick last when it starts to get useful) Chromatic orb (killer at high levels)
2nd-Mirror image (best low lvl buff) Web (very useful in bg) Invisibility (emergency escape for wounded party members and pc) Glitterdust
3rd-Slow (excellent debuff) MMM (very very useful spell against EVERYthing) Skulltrap (high damage at high levels, while still useful at low levels)
4th-Emotion (mass save or die) Stoneskin (obvious)
Spells to avoid: All the 'bad touch' spells, Sleep (buy the wand!) Grease (web is worlds better) Color spray (pathetic, its area of effect is bugged too!) Blur (I find its bonuses too little to be useful) Horror (doesn't work against undead and many other things, has an easy saving throw, scs clerics nullift it easily) Fireball (use the wands they are plenty) Haste (a secondary mage or a bard can cast it daily) Minor Globe (duration too short)
-Anything you can cast from a wand/amulet/ring should not be taken. Fireball, Fear, Shield, Sleep, Invis, etc.
-Anything that doesn't scale well or has a better pick higher up should not be taken (Blindness vs Glitterdust as an example).
-Every spell level should have a offensive spell.
Here's my solo elf sorc build for BG1 that can go on to BG2 if desired:
Str: 18, Dex: 19, Con: 15
Slings, Dagger
Slings are your backup. High Str = more damage. Max Dex for A/C and THAC0 for your sling. Con 15 + tome = max HP/level.
1st - Magic Missile, Spook, Charm, Protection from Evil, Chromatic Sphere
2nd - Mirror Image, Melf's Acid Arrow, Glitterdust, Blur
3rd - Haste, Skull Trap, Dispel Magic
4th - Stoneskin, Fireshield Red
5th - Sunfire (if the level cap is removed)
Equip a Robe of Archmage, Evermemory, The Guard's Ring +2, Cloak of Baldurian and Amplifier.
2nd level: Invisibility, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Resist Fear (or Vocalize)
3rd level: Slow, Skull Trap, Melf’s Minute Meteors
4th level: Emotion, Otiluke's resilient sphere
outlike - why? get another malision
level 3 good you can add FB it is only level 3 and doing 60 dmg for a level 3 spell AOE is pretty good like weaker sunfire
level 2 blur is neat
level 1 chromatic orb is kind of a waste early on can not do much later on they have better saves
i think 2 mages is really good coz of malision/X combo doing TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DAMAGE like malision/emotion (my favorite), malision/glitterdust, malision/web
almost sequencer malision/malision/web
Greater Malison does NOT stack. If you cast it twice, your enemy still has only a -4 TOTAL reduction, if you cast 50 of them, his saving throws will still be lowered with 4 TOTAL. There is absolutely NO reason to cast more than one Greater Malison, untill it runs out.
BTW Doom (1st lvl priest-spell) DOES stack, giving -2 at a time.
Greater Malison and Doom stack.
Greater Malison + Doom + Spook does mean a saving throw penalty of -12. Nasty huh?
Due to a little bug in some versions of the vanilla game, Greater Malison DID stack but this was later fixed with the official patch, a baldurdash patch, and TOB.