My Cast For a Baldur's Gate Movie

Director - Uwe Boll: Fantastic, fantastic director. I really think he could pull this off.
Real Knight kills moron writing thread for him and goes to write it himself.
REAL Director - Ridley Scott: Sure when you think of Scott you think of Gladiator and Prometheus, but what is Prometheus and Gladiator put together? Tales of the Sword Coast that's what.
Producer - Peter Jackson: You cannot have a good fantasy film without Jackson on board.
Executive Producer - Steven Spielberg: Chances are, we will never have a good video-game movie if Spielberg isn't on board.
Executive Producer - Tim Burton: Give it that edgy yet fantasty feel.
The Ward - Jay Baruchel: I'm sorry, but I cannot have an 18 year old actor whose only roles have been Disney crap in a movie like this. 30 or not, he still looks like 22 and could probably do very well in a movie like this. If he is in RoboCop he has a right to have a role in this as well, whether or not its the role of The Ward.
Gorion - Ian Lee: We aren't going for Gandalf, we're going for Saruman.
Sarevok - Dwayne Johnson: The only good part of Doom, was how Johnson pulled off an antagonist attitude, other than that, all of it (even HIS acting) was bad. If he had the chance to continue that trend in the Curse of Shazam, I would love to see him here. After all, isn't he the only guy in Hollywood that can actually pick somebody up without the use of a stunt double?
Tamoko - Rosamund Pike: You need somebody whose been a Bond movie to play this shitty role.
Jaheira - Sandra Bullock: Age isn't the problem, that Reynolds movie proved that, who the hell is going to play Khalid is. Wanna know why? Look below.
Khalid - George Clooney: Lets GO BAT-NIPPLES LETS GO! WOO! WOO!
Bodhi - Mariah Carey: For somebody whose 1000 years old, you need somebody of the same age... right?
Trent Oster - Samuel L. Jackson: I feel that this would work. I don't know, every movie has L. Jackson playing a role that he shouldn't play, but still does and still pulls it off.
Real Knight kills moron writing thread for him and goes to write it himself.
REAL Director - Ridley Scott: Sure when you think of Scott you think of Gladiator and Prometheus, but what is Prometheus and Gladiator put together? Tales of the Sword Coast that's what.
Producer - Peter Jackson: You cannot have a good fantasy film without Jackson on board.
Executive Producer - Steven Spielberg: Chances are, we will never have a good video-game movie if Spielberg isn't on board.
Executive Producer - Tim Burton: Give it that edgy yet fantasty feel.
The Ward - Jay Baruchel: I'm sorry, but I cannot have an 18 year old actor whose only roles have been Disney crap in a movie like this. 30 or not, he still looks like 22 and could probably do very well in a movie like this. If he is in RoboCop he has a right to have a role in this as well, whether or not its the role of The Ward.
Gorion - Ian Lee: We aren't going for Gandalf, we're going for Saruman.
Sarevok - Dwayne Johnson: The only good part of Doom, was how Johnson pulled off an antagonist attitude, other than that, all of it (even HIS acting) was bad. If he had the chance to continue that trend in the Curse of Shazam, I would love to see him here. After all, isn't he the only guy in Hollywood that can actually pick somebody up without the use of a stunt double?
Tamoko - Rosamund Pike: You need somebody whose been a Bond movie to play this shitty role.
Jaheira - Sandra Bullock: Age isn't the problem, that Reynolds movie proved that, who the hell is going to play Khalid is. Wanna know why? Look below.
Khalid - George Clooney: Lets GO BAT-NIPPLES LETS GO! WOO! WOO!
Bodhi - Mariah Carey: For somebody whose 1000 years old, you need somebody of the same age... right?
Trent Oster - Samuel L. Jackson: I feel that this would work. I don't know, every movie has L. Jackson playing a role that he shouldn't play, but still does and still pulls it off.
And The Ward - Female, Emma Stone.
I lol'd @ Samuel L. Jackson as Trent Oster.
Producers: whoever has money and won't hinder the creative process
Protagonist: male - Michael Fassbender (young enough, great actor), female - I don't know... Eliza Dushku?
Gorion - Ian Mckellen - old enough, gray enough, actor enough
Imoen - Emma Stone (cause someone else recommended her already)
Minsc - Vin Diesel, he's bald... has muscles... and the lines won't be that complicated
Jaheira - Uma Thurman - seems the right age, and can act like a bitch
Khalid - Steve Buscemi - why not
Edwin - Edward Norton ... oh yes, that would be great. Not to mention he kinda looks like Edwin already, imo. And even the first names fit. Edwin and Edward.
Montaron - Peter Dinklage - the hot dwarf in town, also male, so, I'll say him!
Xzar - Seth Green? Maybe not the best choice but I'll go with him for now
Sarevok - Vin Diesel again? Damnit.
Eldoth - Robert Downey Jr. - I see the connection
Hull - Bruce Willis
Elminster - Christopher Lee - standard wise old guy role
Dynaheir - Halle Berry... can't think of anyone else
Safana - Anne Hathaway - no comment
Kivan - Christian Bale ... just think of the Batman voice
Coran - Daniel Day-Lewis ... I hope he gets a lot of screentime
Xan - Jim Carrey, because I couldn't come up with anyone better
Tiax - Elijah Wood with some make-up
Kagain - John Rhys-Davies ... has experience playing dwarves
Yeslick - Brendan Gleeson, he has the physique and the accent
Ajantis - Matt Damon - I guess he could pull of this role
Alora - Jodie Foster - miscast, but whatcha gonna do
Branwen - Uma Thurman - warrior priestess, yes, maybe fatten her up a bit before
Faldorn - Winona Ryder - no comment.
Garrick - Ryan Kwanten - well, I have a feeling he could do great with this role...
Skie - Jennifer Carpenter - ok why not
Shar-Teel - Gwendoline Christie ... Game of Thrones is a good indicator
Viconia - Gabrielle Union - I have no idea... but I saw her picture and she could maybe pull it off?
Bodhi - Oprah. No comment.
Irenicus - David Warner ... well... yes
Well this is obviously not a complete list. And probably not that well thought-out. But I hope it amuses someone.
You left out such a key role...
Who plays the guy who says 'You must gather your party before venturing forth?'
But I'd still pay to see it for Oprah as Bodhi, and Seth Green as Xzar
trolololo >plane<
Oh dear... I can always hear that one voice in my head because of bad path-finding. Good one though. Need someone to do that. Seth MacFarlane should do it, or Mike Henry.
not him again.... !! although he sure does look like one who is going to charge for the eyes
The plot of BG2 is too dark and honestly not very movie-friendly.
I vote Morgan Freeman. He narrates everything.
But c'mon! This would totally work as a movie if you leave out all the sidequests, you could have a good movie, unlike the piece of shit that was The Elemental Might. Movie story: The Ward is told to leav ehome by his adopted dad, the two set out, daddy dies, we go spider-man here, he finds Jaheira, makes her cheat and boom bitch! You fight Sarevok, he wins, the two offer to join forces and boom! No.
Edwin...Not necessary?!?!?!
kinda wrong body shape i guess, but as far as acting goes, something along the lines of what she did in harry potter
i also strangely want the guy playing Joffrey in game of thrones to play a role, maybe the guy wanting you to wash his golden pantaloons
Minsc - That guy who played the big Austrian dude in "Son of the Beach"
Irenicus - Patrick Stewart
Keldorn - Sean Connery, 20 years ago.. or that dude who played Qui Gon Jin
Edwin - Robert Downey Jr
Viconia - Kate Beckinsale.
Jaheira - Uma Thurman, as suggested somewhere above.
Imoen - Emma Stone? Very difficult this one..
Korgan - That guy who played Gimli in lotr.
Elminster - Ian McKellen
Tiax - Jim Carrey
Sarevok - Vin Diesel (I even think the in-game pic looks like him.. and the voice.. the VOICE!)
Yoshimo - Jet Li? Hell I dunno
Branwen - That woman who's playing that HUGE lass in Game of Thrones, Catherine Stark's ally.
Xzar - Sasha Baron Cohen
Oh look, it's stupid o' clock and I'm sitting here comming up with names.. Good night!