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Release Date is a bit Troubling

LediathLediath Member Posts: 125
From the discussion currently going on in the forums, I'm probably in the extreme minority here. I'm a 30 year old gamer with a small family and limited free time. My gaming tastes are very broad (RTS, MMORPG, Shooters, Puzzlers), which means that I'm fairly picky about which games I play. BGEE is going to be released in September for all platforms besides android.

Here are just a few big titles being release at around the same time as BGEE
Guild Wars 2 - 8/28
Borderlands 2 - 9/18 (exact same date)
Mists of Pandaria - 9/25

Personally I will be playing only Guild Wars 2 out of that list, however, it's mainly because of Guild Wars 2 that I won't be picking up the PC version of BGEE. I have a long commute, so I will be getting BGEE for the iPad, but when I'm in front of my PC i'm most likely going to want to play something fresh and new. I can only assume that other gamers will feel the same way, and may just pass up BGEE all together ...

Does this concern anyone else? Do you guys think Beamdog should try to push BGEE out the door a bit early, perhaps early August? I really want BGEE to succeed and I'm afraid that the currently planned release date will hurt initial sales.

The fact of the matter is that BGEE is going head-to-head with some crazy competition.



  • LediathLediath Member Posts: 125
    @Cuv haha, I'm pleasantly surprised that BGEE can bring together all types of gamers from all walks of life, very cool.

    Tangent, if you're at all interested in role play games I highly suggest Guild Wars 2. If nothing else it has absolutely incredible world and character design.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    Even though both are rpgs I don't think mmos are much of a competition for BG, ever more so when it comes to shooters (Borderlands).

    An isometric rpg fan will almost always pick BG over an mmo. Yes, there are specific situations like yours (the OP's) but is's pointless to try to account for such minute scenarios imo. GW2 is the only significant thread out of the 3 imo but there's always something, c'est la vie.

    In the end the devs have a deadline so they can't delay and from what I see they're pretty hard pressed to actually meet that deadline so I don't see them finishing the game to good effect before the announced date.
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    If you are still playing WOW, you don't need to worry about this game anyway, your taste are null and void. That said Borderlands 2 is the only game on that list that interests me, I am kinda burnt out on MMO's until they change the system established WOW. There needs to be a true shake-up of MMO's including a progressing world that involves permadeath to eliminate the elitism established as MMO's go on for years.

    Back on subject, I don't really see the conflict as all through the fall season there are games coming out that you might want, you will just have to decide what is more important.
  • gmazcagmazca Member Posts: 60
    Guild Wars 2 is gonna take up a lot of my time as well...I have stopped playing WoW in anticipation for it though. There will always be time for baldur's gate!
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Can't say it worries me. I'm playing skyrim right now, and I know I'll drop it like a hot potatoe as soon as BGEE comes out. BG is the game i compare all other rpg's to... And so far, none measure up.... Bring on September!!!!
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    ^Agreed, hopefully I have Legend of Grimrock finished by then.
  • ArndasArndas Member Posts: 42
    I don't find the timing that great. Like stated in the OP, other "Big-name" games are coming out. In addition, school begins around that time, and that might cause some issues for people.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    I don't find the timing that great. Like stated in the OP, other "Big-name" games are coming out. In addition, school begins around that time, and that might cause some issues for people.

    I never thought school ( at least High school ) is an obstacle for playing games :-p

    Every month new games getting released, I think its a good time as there are no top-expected games such as shameful Diablo 3 which getting released at this time...

  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424
    wariisop said:

    If you are still playing WOW, you don't need to worry about this game anyway, your taste are null and void.

    MMO's are as great as the number of friends playing the same game.

    If you have a bar across the street and a bar around the corner, but all your friends visit the bar around the corner, you're more likely to visit the bar around the corner than across the street. It's the same thing.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    I think this is a good problem to have. ;)
  • DelvonDelvon Member Posts: 77
    mch202 said:

    I never thought school ( at least High school ) is an obstacle for playing games :-p

    I'm finalizing my thesis and continuing with university research in September. This will ruin my career, as I can't leave and NOT play BGEE.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2012
    Delvon said:

    mch202 said:

    I never thought school ( at least High school ) is an obstacle for playing games :-p

    I'm finalizing my thesis and continuing with university research in September. This will ruin my career, as I can't leave and NOT play BGEE.
    Well by school I ment more for high school.... For me the semester at the Unv. start at November, so mid september is fine by me :) though I wont play bg2:ee untill next summer/
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    These days, great/interesting games are coming out all the time, it seems. I'll probably buy the new Hitman atleast.
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    As I no longer use Windows for personal use, I won't be getting Guild Wars 2 :( .

    Borderlands 2 will be purchased on one of my consoles to play after I get through KoA: Reckoning, The Witcher 2, and some Lego Games.

    Mists of Pandaria I have no idea about, but if its a WoW expansion i have no need for it. BG:EE is the only one I'm eagerly waiting for though.
  • GridianGridian Member Posts: 50
    Baldur's Gate is Baldur's Gate.
    'nuff said :)
  • beerflavourbeerflavour Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2012
    What prevents you from buying the game at the release date and play it at some later time?

    If you follow discussions on MMO forums then it looks like the "average player base" races through new MMOs at neck breaking speed (and misses out on the low and mid level content) and a month or two later they are already bored. Eventually there will be some time to replay Baldur's Gate. ,)
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    GW2 is a game Im really looking forward to.
    Having said that, BG has always been my "Goto" game when I am bored. I might not play it right away on its release date, but I will play it many times over, whenever I'm feeling bored of most other games
  • LediathLediath Member Posts: 125
    edited July 2012
    Jean_Luc said:

    An isometric rpg fan will almost always pick BG over an mmo. Yes, there are specific situations like yours (the OP's) but is's pointless to try to account for such minute scenarios imo. GW2 is the only significant thread out of the 3 imo but there's always something, c'est la vie.

    @Jean_Luc you sir have probably hit it on the head! :)
    As I said in my original post, I have a very very specific situation but some parts are still fairly relevant.
    Releasing ANY game in between such huge players in the gaming market today is very risky, but then again BGEE is a very niche game designed for a core audience.

    The final decision is really up to the devs, and I truly hope they've made the right one on BGEE :)

  • GarmGarm Member Posts: 67
    I don't like MMORPG and I couldn't find any appeal in Borderlands (I tried!) so I'm good. But I can understand that people interested in those games are going to face a hard dilemma.
  • TalvraeTalvrae Member Posts: 315
    I don,t see any of thouse games as competition to baldur's gate... particularly because Baldur's gate EE won't be a major release anyway.... And to be honnest none of thouse games interest me least of all GW2
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I don't see the September releases as a big threat for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, but more for the RPG lovers. Now, don't get me wrong - I never, and I repeat, NEVER laid my hands on an MMO (and I intend to keep it that way), however I realize people do.

    Overall though, I don't see how it could be troubling for Overhaul games. It's a cheap games, by all means and nowadays' standards. It's the price of a high quality indie if you wish (which BGEE partially is) so I don't see why people couldn't afford such a milestone title.

    Besides, the game is available for pre-order already, I can't see why it would be that much of a big deal - people that REALLY want to play it will buy a pre-order if possible. People that aren't sure, will wait for reviews (and those won't come THAT early will they?). People that would like to support Beamdog, will buy the game at any time of their life.

    I mean, competition can be serious, but I don't see such a case here. I might be ignorant though.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Same, I will play gw2 at home. BG:EE and BG2:EE (and hopefuly the others that will come up after; bg3?... iwd, iwd2? ^^) will be for my laptop/tablet.
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    I personally think it's coming out too soon, I would love two additional sidequests or something like that.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    I thought it was pretty funny that the Borderlands 2 pre-order started on the same day as ours.

    I've been doing a lot of console gaming and MMOs have never really gotten their hooks into me, so I don't really have a conflict. I do feel your pain though. There are only so many hours in a month.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    PC games have a bad reputation these days due to technical limitations and crappy gamepla/plots. I doubt non-BG fans would spend 20 bucks to download this.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    but this game will have no bugs at release!
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    Going to play em all :), except Mists. WoW became plain boring after Lich Kings defeat. Regretfully my best RP experiences were at WoWs RP servers.

    And after playing all of Guild Wars 2s betas i cant recommend that game enough, they created such a beatiful, rich and living world.

    But ofc i will first conquer Sword Coast ^_^
  • LediathLediath Member Posts: 125

    but this game will have no bugs at release!

    oh man this made me laugh HAHA =P

  • seekaseeka Member Posts: 53
    I don't think this is going to hurt BG. My husband is an avid WoW and ToR player and was telling his guildies about BG:EE being released. All of them were completely stoked to pick it up for their tablets and Ipads.
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