Any missing gems - RPG game titles
I sometimes find myself bored and really need a new game with preferably a fresh story.
A while ago I found this hidden gem called 'Divine divinity' and it's sequel (anybody want an rpg where you can turn into a dragon? Yes it's actually there).
Even though it's quite old (the original) it still proved to be very entertaining.
So anybody else has any of those games with the RPG genre which other people might have missed?
I'm considering trying Dragon Commander from Larian Studios which should be RPG/RTS-ish but first impressions where bad. I'm also waiting for Divinity Original Sin. Project eternity of course but that'll be a while yet.
Click the spoiler tag to see the games I did and/or did not like. Made this on the fly so some might be missing.
I liked:
Neverwinter 2 + MOTB
Baldurs gate 1,2,TOB
Divine Divinity
Divine divinity 2(the Dragon Knight saga)
Kotor (Knights of the old republic)
Kotor2 (The Sith Lords)
DAO + expansion
DA2 (first playthrough was nice, second playthrough the fact that there was only the illusion of choice became apparent)
Fallout series
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
I disliked:
Toee (never got into it, turn based is just not for me)
I never tried:
IWD 1/2: Heard they where more dungeon crawlers than actual rpg's.
Planescape Torment, played it for a while but just didn't like the feel, yes you may bash me for my opinion.
I don't consider linear hack and slash to be rpg. So suggestions such as the Diablo games, even though they are fun, aren't what this tread is about.
A while ago I found this hidden gem called 'Divine divinity' and it's sequel (anybody want an rpg where you can turn into a dragon? Yes it's actually there).
Even though it's quite old (the original) it still proved to be very entertaining.
So anybody else has any of those games with the RPG genre which other people might have missed?
I'm considering trying Dragon Commander from Larian Studios which should be RPG/RTS-ish but first impressions where bad. I'm also waiting for Divinity Original Sin. Project eternity of course but that'll be a while yet.
Click the spoiler tag to see the games I did and/or did not like. Made this on the fly so some might be missing.
I liked:
Neverwinter 2 + MOTB
Baldurs gate 1,2,TOB
Divine Divinity
Divine divinity 2(the Dragon Knight saga)
Kotor (Knights of the old republic)
Kotor2 (The Sith Lords)
DAO + expansion
DA2 (first playthrough was nice, second playthrough the fact that there was only the illusion of choice became apparent)
Fallout series
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
I disliked:
Toee (never got into it, turn based is just not for me)
I never tried:
IWD 1/2: Heard they where more dungeon crawlers than actual rpg's.
Planescape Torment, played it for a while but just didn't like the feel, yes you may bash me for my opinion.
I don't consider linear hack and slash to be rpg. So suggestions such as the Diablo games, even though they are fun, aren't what this tread is about.
Post edited by Deefje on
Im not saying it dosn't have its flaws ...
but you get a cool vampire feel. And it really has some of the best (funniest, coolest) characters i'v ever seen in a game.
Try it out
oh. and a villain that you will love to hate ;D
Geneforge 1-5
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Nethergate: Resurrection
Blades of Exile/Avernum
All of the Above by Spiderweb Software
All the SSI Gold Box games, especially the ones involving The Forgotten Realms: Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades, Pools of Darkness, Gateway to the Savage Frontier, Treasures of the Savage Frontier.
Soulbringer : I realy liked its combat back then and good story too.
Nox : One of the best and the most underrated action rpgs. Still fun to play.
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader : I didn't like it much but there were ppl thinking it was the best. You may want to check)
Blood omen: Legacy of Kain : Only this one not the series. This had great gameplay and atmosphere.
If you enjoyed Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, then you might enjoy Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption. It's a very different beast alltogether but it certainly has its charm (and it introduced me to Vampire, for which I am eternally grateful).
Shadowrun Returns is new and awesome, because it's Shadowrun. It's pretty short though.
Edit: First two can be found on (the only online 'store' I will never feel ashamed for to advertise) and the latter on Steam.
I would actually suggest System Shock 2, despite it being rather different to your normally preferred games. It has a very compelling story but is a bit linear. Genre-wise it's a first-person cyberpunk RPG with survival horror elements, and it's still one of my favorite games. The 3D graphics are pretty ugly but there are several mods that overhaul them into game very playable on modern systems.
If you've never played it then Deus Ex 1 is also worth a shot. Good characterisation, encouragement to consider non-violent solutions, consequences of decisions you make only becoming clear later and multiple endings. Again it's a first-person cyberpunk RPG, but the conspiracy theory world it inhabits is exceptionally well crafted.
each character has/ gets special items which help them the ones that arent spoilers are the ones you get first off. Jack has a wind mouse as a companion which you can use to get chests and open doors that are in accessible Cecilia has a magic tear that can open mystical doors
also there is magic customization on a 4X4 grid you can make your own magic using light and dark magic, light magic is more healing and buffs and dark magic is debuffs and damage spells. for a grand total of 32 spells to learn and you start off with 3 spells but you can choose any of the 32 to use straight from the beginning.
it has one of the best intro songs EVER and is just brilliant, there are other games in the series but ive not played them as i dont think any others were released in the UK
Nox is far more rpg like. Large cities to explore, lots of dialogue. You learn spells from scrolls rather tahn just by levelling up. There is no emphasis on loot tiers. etc.
It's really no closer to diablo than bg is to diablo
Eye of the beholder 1 and 2
Eob can be played on Sega Satern/pc/dos emulator
Edit: Shadowrun:
A instant classic is-Shadowrun Returns
Really fun and epic DnD style game for pc
From Software: The guys that made Demon/Dark Souls
Kings field 1-2
Shadow Tower
Personal Note: From Software make some of the richest worlds I have every been a part of.(bought a ps3 just for their games)
Vandal Hearts 1-2
Vandal Hearts and the From Software games can be played on original playstation only sadly so you will need a playstation emulator if you do not have a physical model sitting in your closet. If any of you have issue finding resources for the emu or game pm me and I'll send some links back.
I finished both Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2 about a year back on PC. They still work like charm
Actually Avernum was what got me into Baldur's Gate, cos I saw Baldur's Gate being advertised whilst buying the Avernum collection from GoG since I lost my CDs long ago.
The GIFTS were based on Jeff Vogel's (The creator of Exile/Avernum) real life pet, a Chilean Rose tarantula. His company, Spiderweb Software, is also named in honor of his pet.
you people maybe angry at me for this but i really loved harry potter and the philosopher's stone for the gameboy colour it was the time i witnessed importing a character to start the game again in any game and it was much bigger than you would think memory would allow on a GBC cart.
i want to name a PC game that didnt get much judging off my friends both i personally know and people i know on forums swiv 3D was an amazing 3rd person shooter where you control a helicopter or a buggy (when ever possible i went with the helicopter) both had its advantages, helicopter has massive maneuverability while the buggy didnt get shot at by turrets as they were all GAM missiles and its still hard getting it.
and my last one would be ascendancy for the PC a BRILLIANT space stratergy game where you pick an alien race and you conquer the galaxy building up planets, researching, exploring and using diplomacy to make a united treaty to win or kill everyone or get everyone to kill themselves while you hide in the corner from your impenetrable empire and laugh
VTM:Bloodlines (possibly fav game ever)
Deus Ex 1 (not 2)
Gothic 1+2
Avernum (and most of the games from Spiderweb Software)
Might and Magic series (prefer 6+7, avoid 9)
Ultima series (enjoyed 8, avoid 9)
Fallout 1
I've heard great things about Planescape:Torment and good things about Dragon Age, Mass Effect. The Longest Journey, The Last Express, Drakensang, Syberia, Alan Wake, and Witcher. Haven't gotten around to playing any of them though.
Really, anyone looking for games should head over to GOG. Their forum isn't the best, but they have a great selection of games.
Fable 1 and 3
The Last Remnant
Jagged Alliace 1 & 2 sort of count as RPGs...
Tales of Vesperia
The Quest for Glory series
Also, would like to add Might & Magic 7 and 8 (9 wasn't very good), Jagged Alliance gold.
If you don't mind playing old games, try to find Albion from BlueByte. Legendary game. (And oldschool hard, oldschool long)
Final fantasy 6: in my opinion? the BEST final fantasy in the series, its been overshadowed by the over hyped and terrible final fantasy 7 and most of my friends who think they are final fantasy fans actually didn't know this one existed. ill admit i didnt know it got a UK release either because i started at FF8 but i bought this as a 2nd hand shop for £1 and boy im glad i did.
Pokemon mystery dungeon blue / red rescue team: this is both an embarrassing and surprising little gem, im a big fan of pokemon (not overly i just like the games) and i bought this for cheap mainly to help build my library of DS games when i first got one. this game is really good, it has a challenge and an amazing story. whats better is you dont need to know pokemon to enjoy this game, nintendo could have released this game as something completely different and it would still be good, eve if you hate pokemon i suggest playing this as its a throwback to old school dungeon crawlers. with an emotional story to boot.
im out of ideas for now so i might mention some others later