Hexxat, Possible Origin

With the release of the concept art for Hexxat I get the distinct impression that she is going to be a Yuan-Ti Pureblood. The reason being her snakeskin style dress, as well as her very reptilian looking eyes.
This shouldn't pose a problem as far game mechanics goes as the purebloods look similar enough to humans to use their avatars, and their abilities aren't all that powerful.
I may be wrong, but whatever she is, she doesn't look purely human. Tiefling is also an option I guess. What do you people think?
This shouldn't pose a problem as far game mechanics goes as the purebloods look similar enough to humans to use their avatars, and their abilities aren't all that powerful.
I may be wrong, but whatever she is, she doesn't look purely human. Tiefling is also an option I guess. What do you people think?
Another guess: Maybe she's the daughter of Sarevok who traveled through time to get revenge? That would at least explain her glowing eyes.
She doesn't really look like a Yuan-ti pureblood or a Tiefling. Even Shadar Kai seems a little out there, judging by the portrait.
Of course, succubi have Alternate Form as a special ability...
There are a few races that have the big yellow eyes thing. Doppleganger would be one (and they are known to be hired as spies, assassins or to recover artefacts from ruins). She could also be a human werepanther, or even a shade, both appropriate races for a stealthy rogue. Tiefling is already coded as a race in the game, so that seems like an obvious possibility, but that's part of why I don't especially want it or think it'll be the case (also 2 tieflings in BG2? What is this, Planescape?). Doppleganger appeals to my sense of humour, seeing as she's spent the last few months/weeks being 'all things to all people'.
Yuan-ti Pureblood would be pretty awesome, but it doesn't fit the portrait we have of her (and thus relies on the portrait being a 'hoax', as it were, which is always possible). @Mortianna suggested Shadar-kai, which I think would be interesting and fits her appearance better than, say, a full shade would.
I think Shadar-Kai would be awesome, but it's more probable she's a doppleganger i think.
My secret hope is she's a succubus, then again the wings would be a problem.
P.S. Dopplegangers have no sex
Damn I'm original.
What he really meant though is no gender ruling her out because she is female.
The portrait-formerly-known-as-Hexxat would make a good Charname portrait, as she could definitely pass for Imoen's half-sister.
At first it was just a random race I chose, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I don't know anything about Zakhara, but I've been doing some reading in the Forgotten Realms wiki and it's all coming together.
Genies of all sorts are numerous in Zakhara. Djinn and Efreeti genies, the genies of Air and Fire, are part of this family. They are relatives of Air Genasi and Fire Genasi respectively; therefore, it stands to reason that all kinds of Genasi live in Zakhara as well. This would help explain Hexxat's otherwise unusual race.
I'm more inclined to believe she's an Air Genasi Shadowdancer because combining an Air Genasi's free spirit with the mobility and grace of the Shadowdancer make it a perfect fit. With the skills of a Shadowdancer, larceny and murder are another good match.
It's been said that we'll be visiting Zakhara in BG2EE. I'm assuming that's where we'll meet Hexxat.
If the trend of BG borrowing from 3e continues, even though its AD&D 2e (see sorcerer, dwarven defender), I would have to say that Hexxat would be a 3e version of an Air Genasi. That said, my only experience with Genasi is with NWN2 so I could be wrong and I most likely am.
But let's compare, shall we? Keep in mind that the appearances of the 3rd edition Genasi can vary by individual. Maybe another Air Genasi wouldn't have blue skin, but their hair would always seem to flow in the wind. Or a fire genasi would look like a normal human, except for skin, eyes, and hair that would glow red when angry.
3e, from left to right: Earth, Air, Water, Fire.
4e - what looks to be a Genasi struggling to manifest a different element.
Hmm... Hexxat being an air genasi might actually explain how her hood stays up.
I don't agree the lady in the portrait is not Hexxat.
On all the screenshots available there're:
1) parties with one PC and other NPCs
2) parties consisting of 6 PCs
It is hardly imaginable the screenshots with two new portraits mean a party with 2 PCs and other NPCs.
Also, if we're talking about Mad Bee, UI/Concept/Character Artist at Beamdog, here's the 100% evidence that the lady in the portrait is Hexxat: "Also painted the portrait I point out in the picture of a certain new character" - and we know the only new character now is Hexxat.
BTW, Avenger_teambg (http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/381392/#Comment_381392) fuels speculation Hexxat is not evil.