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Phase III Wrap-Up!



  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    Will we have polish localization support in this patch? If no, then do you have in plans patch with localizations?
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    If there is no regression, this is a no-brainer. Release now and you'll still have some time to find critical engine issues before BG2:EE comes out, if there are any that is.
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    Just finished Chapter 5 yesterday (all is left is to go to Elthan); I had my quicksave before the roof of Iron Throne building, went there and wow, for the first time I realized that Sarevok threw that poor guy from this very place :o I even went to the railing there and tried to look for some remains of him down on the street. Found nothing, but at least I got a nice line about falling down.
  • oldguyoldguy Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 22
    Its great news about this patch. @Dee, I'm glad to hear you enjoy the i-pad version too.

    I am hoping for some news re the Android app as its been so long now since any official comment.

    Will I get to play BG.EE on my device before the release of BG2?
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    I voted for Yes! even though I'm not a beta tester for one reason: Most of the thousands of players who don't have access to the beta are certainly not playing Baldur's Gate:EE but waiting for the patch to be released, and honestly I would've never thought it'd happen only 14days before the release date of BGEE2.

    My hopes are high this time though.
  • heazkyheazky Member Posts: 1
    Looks like it's ready for release :)
  • onanonan Member Posts: 223
    It is ready for release. I have been trying to break the game so hard and all I managed to produce were false alarms.
  • SkagnetiSkagneti Member Posts: 31
    The count down is on! :)
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    In a flash of pure patch-lust, I clicked 'Release' despite not being part of the Beta team. Discount my vote in the total tally (I'm sure it'll make a vast difference).

    Keen to see it when it's here!
  • darrenkuodarrenkuo Member Posts: 366
    Even I had pre-ordered BG2-EE already and launched beta , I still think it's better to let people knows what kind of efforts you guys already put in the game in advance
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    and in the lead its..."just show me the results!" :p
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    LOL I want the thing released too... but didn't vote. Of the other two choices, looks like people want it released.
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    34 more hours...
  • EbbotEbbot Member Posts: 5
    No bug so far, im on chapter 5 now. I think its ready for release. And cant see any testers complaining about any game braking bugs.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Completed a nearly flawless game with a Dragon Disciple in beta. Every bug I encountered and/or reported was fixed before I finished the game, which gave me huge confidence in the developers. Way to go, guys. You're all clear, now let's blow this thing and go home.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    I'd like to promote a feature request made by @Messi
    This seems like the right place if you want to promote last-minute changes before the patch goes live.

    Insert auto-save directly after cut-scene where Gorion dies. It would suck if someone never saved and had to do candlekeep all over again.

    We aren't holding up the patch for feature requests. That idea isn't bad, but it would delay things more than I think people would like.
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    edited October 2013
    The suspense is killing me. Needless to say that in about 33 hours 31 minutes and 23 seconds, I will be doing some serious Jeff Goldblum impersonations.

    The patch is obviously portrayed by blue ray of photon energy.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    edited October 2013
    Patch seems ready for release to me. I haven't encountered any critical issues, so as long as the Neera issue mentioned by @Sylvus_Moonbow is being taken care of before the release (as you said), then I don't see any reason to hold off any longer. I'll continue playing today, but I doubt I'll find anything.

    Great work guys, the beta testing of this patch is a great example of involving the community and keeping those that don't want to be involved as informed as possible.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Aaaw, are we not getting the custom colours that the paperdolls arrive with dependant on their class? Now I'm never gonna wanna get rid of mine! That aside, so keen for the patch, and even moreso for BG2:EE
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    Aaaw, are we not getting the custom colours that the paperdolls arrive with dependant on their class? Now I'm never gonna wanna get rid of mine! That aside, so keen for the patch, and even moreso for BG2:EE

    I know exactly how you feel. :)
  • ChrisYuiChrisYui Member Posts: 94
    edited October 2013
    I am playing with the most recent beta patch.

    I just encountered a somewhat annoying bug. I have Minsc in my party, and a Berserker. When either of their berserker rage ends ( Minsc's is different than the Fighter->Berserker kit's, it lasts longer and has a different icon ), they will begin attacking the other character.

    For example, I activate Minsc's rage. The rage expires, and he takes 15 damage. He then perceives that the other Berserker has damaged him, and through his AI begins to attack. You must have an AI enabled for the character that will counterattack in order to reproduce this bug. The same thing will happen if my Berserker takes 15 damage from their rage ending, they will attack Minsc.

    The only explanation I can think of is that the source of damage for the Berserker Rage ending is somehow coming from all "Berserkers" in the party, and so instead of it just coming from say Minsc, it also comes from the other Berserker.

    This isn't game-breaking, but if I want to use berserker rage I have to deal with managing when my most powerful warriors are going to start hacking away at each other.

    EDIT: Just tested. This does not work with two player made Berserkers that have AI Scripts on.
  • VintrastormVintrastorm Member Posts: 216
    Dee said:

    We aren't holding up the patch for feature requests. That idea isn't bad, but it would delay things more than I think people would like.

    Aaight. Fair enough. :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2013
    ChrisYui said:

    I am playing with the most recent beta patch.

    I just encountered a somewhat annoying bug. I have Minsc in my party, and a Berserker. When either of their berserker rage ends ( Minsc's is different than the Fighter->Berserker kit's, it lasts longer and has a different icon ), they will begin attacking the other character.

    For example, I activate Minsc's rage. The rage expires, and he takes 15 damage. He then perceives that the other Berserker has damaged him, and through his AI begins to attack. You must have an AI enabled for the character that will counterattack in order to reproduce this bug. The same thing will happen if my Berserker takes 15 damage from their rage ending, they will attack Minsc.

    The only explanation I can think of is that the source of damage for the Berserker Rage ending is somehow coming from all "Berserkers" in the party, and so instead of it just coming from say Minsc, it also comes from the other Berserker.

    This isn't game-breaking, but if I want to use berserker rage I have to deal with managing when my most powerful warriors are going to start hacking away at each other.

    EDIT: Just tested. This does not work with two player made Berserkers that have AI Scripts on.

    I just tested it and I wasn't able to repeat the bug. Did you have the rage active while in combat or were you and minsc just standing around when you activated the enrage/berserk?

    I did however notice that Minsc is losing health whenever he rages (which is something you brought up). The berserker used to have this problem but it was fixed. Based on the description Minsc has less than 15 health just before the rage ends (So 16 health while under berserk which he then loses 15 of) he shouldn't fall unconscious. He should have 1 health left and be conscious.
  • CharanCharan Member Posts: 118
    Will this patch go live for steam version the same day as well?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    To answer some questions related to logistics:


    The iPad has to go through Apple's approval process, which can take anywhere from one to three weeks.


    We're working on streamlining the update process for Steam, so it will hopefully be a bit faster this time, but we won't know for sure until it's done.


    No Android yet, but we're getting there. We'll post an announcement when it's ready.
  • KerthalKerthal Member Posts: 68
    Well I voted in the wrong section (that's what happens when you're not fully awake ^^) but it's clear to me: release this patch please. I think it took long enough so allow us to finally see the result ;)

    Maybe a fix or two (or more) will be needed in the future but at least we can enjoy the efforts you made so far :)
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