Share Your Wild Mage "Best Practices" For The Class

In all the years I've played BG I've never run a Wild Mage, until now with Neera. I just hate the idea that I could potentially lose most/all of my money any time I cast a spell, among other negative possibilities. On the other hand, a lot of players love Wild Mages and swear that they are overpowered.
So all you Wild Mage experts out there, help me (and anyone else in my position) to understand how to make the most of my wild mage.
Is it just about the fact that they get an extra spell per level, with no prohibited class (albeit with a 5% chance of spells going haywire).
Is it the fact that they can cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, and potentially cast high level spells with a first level spell slot? This spell is described as a "last resort" but is this actually a staple spell used by a lot of Wild Mage players? Do most Wild Mages run with Chaos Shield up to minimize the chance of harmful wild surges?
It seems like a Wild Mage would be a lot more effective in Shadows of Amn/ToB since their caster level will be so much higher. So is it the high level Wild Mage that really shines, and I shouldn't expect too much out of them in BGEE?
Spill please! I'm ready, at last, to really give this class a close look. And even though Neera is nearly level 7 in my game, I really don't know if I'm playing her abilities to the fullest. I tend to cast a Chaos Shield before tough fights, but otherwise just use her as a regular mage (who sometimes doesn't come through on her castings).
Class is officially in session!
So all you Wild Mage experts out there, help me (and anyone else in my position) to understand how to make the most of my wild mage.
Is it just about the fact that they get an extra spell per level, with no prohibited class (albeit with a 5% chance of spells going haywire).
Is it the fact that they can cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, and potentially cast high level spells with a first level spell slot? This spell is described as a "last resort" but is this actually a staple spell used by a lot of Wild Mage players? Do most Wild Mages run with Chaos Shield up to minimize the chance of harmful wild surges?
It seems like a Wild Mage would be a lot more effective in Shadows of Amn/ToB since their caster level will be so much higher. So is it the high level Wild Mage that really shines, and I shouldn't expect too much out of them in BGEE?
Spill please! I'm ready, at last, to really give this class a close look. And even though Neera is nearly level 7 in my game, I really don't know if I'm playing her abilities to the fullest. I tend to cast a Chaos Shield before tough fights, but otherwise just use her as a regular mage (who sometimes doesn't come through on her castings).
Class is officially in session!

I can't recommend using wild mages this way, but I have fun with it personally. And having fun is what games are all about
And what is it about Wild Mages that makes people love playing them? I still think I must be missing something.
(Since Power Word:Reload can undo any Wild Surges, you may as well not play a Wild Mage otherwise.)
Here is the lowdown of your chances:
what are you gonna do if you get a Gate in Beregost, or a
Fireball:self amid Flaming Fist headcourters. Cast only at the enemies
(and do not ever buff the charname with a wild mage!)
This is just with Neera, by the way. I doubt anyone ever finished a
no-reload run with a Wild Mage charname:
Here are the odds:
there are about ~10/100 wild surges that act as "kill the caster" at
low levels (even at high levels, "Petrify:self" will usually kill you,
even if you might survive a fireball to the face then)
If you cast 1000 spells through a no-reload run, you will have about
50 surges and your survival chance throughout the run comes to about
0.5% -- yep, just half a percent, even if you play an otherwise
perfect game.
(0.1 chance of death per surge -> 0.9^50 = 0.0052 chance of surviving 50 surges)
50 wild surges is a lot. That's 1000 spells. I definitely don't cast that many in one game of BGEE.
I really wanna try out Neera and hopefully stick with her throughout BG 2 EE, cos it'd be nice to have a pure class non-evil mage in my mostly goody-goodie party. However it sounds as if Wild Mage (along with trap-setting and pickpocketing thieves) almost encourages Save/Load by design, whereas I regard it as basically cheating.
If I take the precautions as you mentioned, is it at all possible to complete BG EE with limited reloads? I haven't decided 'how limited' yet, but I want each death to have some consequence, maybe in terms of gold loss and/or Ability Stat loss... Is Neera is gonna be a huge liability?
I guess my question is... Can you get the perks of a Wild Mage without exploiting Quick Save/Load? And is the downside manageable? I try to roleplay my games, so I will take precautions where possible, as if Neera and company cared whether she blew up everyone in the middle of Beregost.
Actually can somebody clarify if I understand Wild Mages correctly... their two special spells are Nahal's Reckless Dweomer and Chaos Shield. Chaos Shield reduces the risk of a Wild Surge, NRD increases it... But you have no control over the result of a Wild Surge... which begs the question, when/why would you ever WANT a Wild Surge?
There is HUGE difference between never reloading vs having any kind of reload, even once.
No-reloads means you don't ever take chances that kill you.
(Think about the real life analogy there.)
For a Wild Mage: you can probably finish the game still after your mistaken Pit Fiend slaughters Beregost. Maybe. But the possibility will likely keep you from trying silly things often. (Seriously, buffing charname with Neera is just asking for it. *You* wouldn't do it if it was your life at stake.)
... unless you know you are about to die and it is a true last resort:
Charname is incapacitated; all other party members dead; Neera has a memorized Chaos spell (lvl 5; needs char lvl 9) even though Neera is herself lvl 3. As a last resort you may try Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to cast Chaos -- in the event it goes out you may still win the encounter.
At high levels (say in BG2EE, with Neera at lvl 20 and under Improved Chaos Shield, this can become viable reliable strategy -- not in BGEE.)
But yeah, still not hearing from the "Wild Mages are Overpowered" crowd that I've seen posting around the Net for so many years. Funny that they seem to disappear when I start asking for strategies. So far the OP claim seems to be largely baseless, due to the huge drawbacks the class has.
Whenever a wild mage casts a spell, her caster level can vary by up to +/-5 from her actual level. So, at 7th level, Neera might cast 5d6 fireball or a 10d6 fireball!
Wild mages also have a 5% chance of a Wild Surge with any spell they cast. The Wild Surge table generally has the "bad" surges at the low end of the table and the "good" surges at the high end of the table (see link below), with "spell casts normally" being result 100 (or above).
Chaos Shield/Improved Chaos Shield don't reduce the risk of a wild surge, they improve the chances of a good result on a wild surge by adding a modifier to your wild surge check.
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer allows the wild mage to attempt to cast any spell in her spellbook, but it guarantees a surge. However, it adds the caster's level to the wild surge check, meaning that a high level wild mage has a real chance of getting the "spell casts normally" or other "good" result (especially if she's got Chaos Shields up).
The best use of a wild mage is AoE spells cast at enemies. Since many of the wild surges affect the target, that reduces the chances of harming party members directly. I wouldn't take a wild mage on a no-reload game, but you can do a minimal reload game (e.g., no reloading unless Neera kills the protagonist).
Some recommended spells for Neera: Chromatic Orb (random caster level = random effect!), Spook (Spook + wild surge to 60' radius = fun!), Glitterdust, Web, Fireball (of course!), Slow. Stay away from buffs! Get her the Shield Amulet.
Have fun storming the castle!
I wouldn't call it overpowered, though, and I've not seen anyone else claim it either - while her theoretical power is immense, as you've noticed it comes with certain drawbacks. You can mitigate them but many people still find they outweigh the benefits.
That as much as anything has turned me off to the class over the years. Maybe it was really bad luck that I had that effect.
I usually never reload when playing a wild mage. The only time I do is if charname dies (which is often D=)
It's really entertaining in BG:EE since the low levels mean higher chances of madness occurring. My first level spell slots have only NRD =p
Wild Mage isn't a class that I'll likely ever run for my protagonist, but I'm enjoying having Neera as a way of giving it a try, likely the first and only time I will do so, I expect.
Anyhow, once again, my appreciation to the "instructors" who stepped up to provide their wisdom on this topic!
24 Bad results
46 Good results
6 Spell fail, but beneficial after combat results
24 Spell fail, otherwise neutral results
Many of the potential "Bads" can be guarded against via proper party/character prep, and proper tactics.
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer+Improved Chaos Shield+lvl 10 (+35 to WS table roll) reduces Bad results to ~12, none of them directly lethal.
Further note. The Lose Gold effects, party or target, are now 20% gold. Further, you can protect a lot against this by never cashing in your best gems, etc, until you need the cash, and - well - caching them.
From about Level 10 on up, this class is a powerhouse, if managed correctly. Below that definitely requires restraint and tactical planning of spell selection, protections, target selection, and caster positioning.
Like many have said, I wouldn't buff with a low-level WM, but pre battle buffing at Level 10 and above should be pretty safe. (Except - see below :-D .)
BTW, the demon summoning result is #54, so in high stakes late game you should be safe from it. That result currently reads, "Summon demon to attack target". Not sure if that means free action for the demon after the target is down or not, but at least there should be a little time to run. :-)
For those who have complained in this thread about how many immediately fatal results there are on the WS Table, please be aware that there are no IMMEDIATELY lethal effects on the WS Table, and no petrification. There are 8 POTENTIALLY lethal results, depending mainly on the Wild Mages HP and spell level roll, and only 2 of those are north of #31.
FWIW, despite the orientation of Adoy's Belt, fire resistance is wa-a-ay more important for a Wild Mage than protection from petrification/polymorph, especially if the party includes another caster.