Looking for Group

in Multiplayer
Hi, I'm just looking for a group of people who would want to play Baldur's gate sometime. Nothing fancy, nothing over complicated. Preferably before BG2: EE so we could import and carry on but that isn't required either. At least 3 People would be nice but the more the merrier, we can decide if we're Good, Neutral, or Evil and which class everyone will play when and if we get a group together.
Send me a message if you're still interested in creating a group to play.
-Edit- Not going out of my way to replace people if it comes to it, heck if I could help other groups spawn up from this thread besides the original that would bring a tear to my eye knowing that I could help other people get together to play a game we can all agree is enjoyable, but at the very least I would like to just be able to play Baldur's gate with some fellow community members.
Any thoughts on that?
And is there anyone in my area looking to start a group?
Also @ghettohoodie If you could tell us a time frame you are comfortable to sit down and play for awhile that'd be nice.
On a general note I prefer to have it so we all control 1 character as in no NPCs side for maybe taking their healing pots or other valuables (If we're power gaming) or just so that it's only PCs and not NPCs so nobody has to manage more than "themselves" or their own Character. Also when we go to play I think we should just distribute items on who it benefits most basis, Common sense but based some Pub Multiplayer matches I played earlier I guess it isn't.
I'd prefer to only control 1 character as well. As far as taking on NPC's to alleviate them of their supplies, It'd depend on the groups play style. I'm not a power gamer so I'd prefer to not mess with NPC's in that way. But that wouldn't keep me from playing if everyone else wants to.
I'd also like to point out if anyone uses Custom Portraits, if you could give a source for everyone else to get it so we don't just see the Question mark face on the player Panel to the right during game play. It's just a minor gripe of mine nothing big.
Maybe I can email whatever I decide on portrait wise. I still use my old custom portraits edited for vanilla BG because they crop just fine for me in EE.
Any ideas on party composition? If you're going to host, it seems logical that you would choose what character you want to play first. This will set the stage for the rest of us.
Does anyone have Steam and do we want to use some 3rd party Chat program? I don't mind using the in game type chat but I know some people hate it, but if crashing/dropping and ect might be a problem maybe it would be better to at least have skype or something to be able to if not speak to each just type out our issue or if we need to reconnect ect. More opinions would be welcome. Also I've been looking for the Pre-generate character button but is it gone now since v1.2 I was just hoping to get in and fiddle about with some Character types see if I find one I want to play to get the rest of the group brain storming since it looks like nobody has a real preference or at least no one has made a statement on they prefer this or that.
-Edit- Also if we have a preference on Game Difficulty. Are we doing Core rules and turning it down for max HP rolls or just staying on the lower end or just staying on the higher end?
Anyways, I own the game on Beamdog. I'd buy it on Steam again though to play.
Yeah I pre-generate characters in MP. I like the MC Ranger/Cleric, the MC Cleric/Thief, the DC Swashbuckler/Fighter, the Archer, the Swashbuckler, the Undead Hunter, the Cavalier, the DC Fighter/Mage, the MC Fighter/Mage, The DC Wizard Slayer/Thief, and the Bard. I will literally play whatever I need to fill out the party. I can however just pick what I want to play if that will help get the ball rolling.
I, generally, don't power game. That being said, core rules is fine with me and I don't mind down playing difficulty at level up for max HP if that's what you want to do. My class choice will be specific though if we decide on a higher difficulty than core.
As far as characters, I have a few pre-generated ones sitting aside that i would not mind playing. I have a Kensai/thief (to be dualed at 6), a MC Ranger/Cleric, a sorcerer, a Blackguard and a Half-Orc Kensai. Any of these would be great but if the group needs anything specific I don't mind making other characters.
And ya, the loss of the pre-gen char button is a bit annoying, it won't even let me export a character in game for some reason. But if you just start a new game and save it you can import from the save file when creating your character so its more or less the same. Just making us do a bit more work haha.
-Edit- Granted Helm kind of sucks It's better than nothing.
As Ive stated before I would like to run a Sorcerer, Mage or Cler/Mage. Any type of caster will do me fine. Even just a straight up Cler. I will also play a Paladin (Any Kit) for some reason I love them....
Difficulty wise it all depends on how confident everyone is in there characters don't wanna go hardcore if there are some players that will just steam in because that wouldnt work lol. I'd probably just stick with standard see how it goes if its too easy step it up so on and so forth.
Alignment wise. Id prefer a good aligned party. Not completely butterfly aura but not running round killing NPCs and helping out Sarevok. But if the group prefers Evil then so it shall be.
My Skype is bhaal89.
-Edit- Also I don't use custom portraits
I'm erring more towards the Swash/Thief and respectfully call dibs on the STR tome seeing as Karashi's character will start with a Warrior STR modifier, if that's the character I settle on. That is, unless there are others vying for said tome, in which case I'll concede.
And I totally agree that the tome should go to knowwheretorun if we choose this setup, as he would get more than double the dmg bonus i would depending on the stats i roll.
I'm at the point of Fighter/Cleric and if we need a Super Tank I'll be a dwarf and if we need more Melee DPS than I'll be a Half Orc. Although I think if I just roll Dwarf and if no one minds I pick up the Con tom for Regen and super saving throws than we'll be all keen and peachy.
@Soveriegn That idea of difficulty is nice but do we want Max HP rolls where we turn it down just to level up?
-Edit- Also it looks like the majority wants a good Aligned party.
-Edit 2- Another thought just struck me, I could start as a Fighter and then Dual in Cleric (if we're going to BG2 ect ect) once I hit 13 in Fighter for the extra 1/2 attacks and Grand Mastery. Only if we have enough Divine Spell casting to carry us through BG1 Essentially.
@Korialstrasz If thats what you'd like to do it'd sure help me out being a squishy I need all the HP I can get haha.
Are we going to play tonight?