So what time were we thinking today? I was wondering guys if I could reroll to a Barbarian? Up to you guys but im finding archer a bit boring, if not ill keep my archer, but I wanna hit something!
Alright, currently we're waiting for some BG2 Multiplayer fixes since it is kind of arse right now but we're considering another run through of BG1 EE if you were up for that. We're currently using skype, also we aren't RPers. Skype you can find me as Korialstrasz the Magnificent and I'll add you to our group. As a note also we're going to be using TCP/IP through hamachi so if you want to tag in you'll need hamachi unmanaged. Anyway hopefully I'll hear from you soon.
@Aristillius We have pretty much wiped out the entire game. Only have the Baldurs Gate City left to do. If you don't mind that your more than welcome.
Had a great time in BGEE though! Thanks for the group while I was able to join you!