What would your Non-Adventurer job in the Baldur's Gate world be?

I could see myself running a bookshop in BG city, probably good hours, lots of time for coffee and catching up on Volo's latest 'travel guide', read up on the latest lore, perhaps pick up a new cantrip or two. At the end of the day, lock up shop and swing by the Three Kegs and kick back a few. A weekly pilgrimage to the Undercellar would be a must, for err, research purposes. My what a boring existence that would be, but it beats getting slimed by a mustard jelly. Holidays would be spent helping out at the archeological site to excavate abandoned crypts (as the safest way to riches is to loot the already dead... So long as they aren't undead....).
Post edited by Space_hamster on
But no! I am not. I wouldn't be a travelling mage all sacking dungeons and blowing up ogres. I wouldn't be an adventurer mage. I'd just want to study the stuff.
Especially since there are so many nifty little spells that suck in BG but would be great in real life. Got a date or job interview? All you have to do is cast Friends and Strength and you'll be the most attractive man there! Worried about security? Cast Detect Evil before you go to bed! Those robbers and assassins will have no idea how you saw them coming! Infravision makes nighttime like daytime! Got a roach infestation? Not after a good Burning Hands spell, you don't!
I find it funny how the best spells in BG are ones that you probably would rarely use in the course of daily events. A Fireball spell, for example, just seems like a terrible idea in almost any social situation.
But maybe I have too dark view of the past. There probably was a lot of family support for the handicapped.
@millardkillmoore: well, maybe you would have an anti-depressant potion for me to make life bearable. I'd surely buy that anti-anxiety potion as well!
But in all seriousness, I would study magic like @MilesBeyond
Nothing like perfecting your craft and gaining a reputation for it. Perhaps some off-the-wall adventurers would come to my forge to see if I could make something useful out of a fang or hide of some beastie they slew. Believe me, I would not be content just making mundane arms and armor.