MAC OS X: importing custom portraits from BG EE

I just started playing BG EE 2 on my MAC. Trying to import characters from BG EE final save, for characters where I used BG EE new portraits, portraits are lost!!!
Any idea how to fix this?
Any idea how to fix this?
(At least, you succeeded on importing your character from BG:EE to BGII:EE. I can't even do that)
the above thread may give some insights.
about portraits, you have to create a portrait folder in \Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition and put your custom portraits in there. then open up the game, bring up the character screen, hit customize and select the portrait you want. there are some filename restrictions on the portrait files i think it is limited to 7 or 8 characters and the pictures are limited to 1024 i think.
having said all that, i haven't actually tried to do the same on BG2, just BGEE. I will try tonight and edit this post is neccessary.
Now, is there a way to get the BG EE added portraits?
the BGEE added portraits are a different story. I'm pretty sure that is a bug. listed in the bug report several times. if you have access to EEKeeper or Near infinity there are some work arounds apparently. here is the link to one solution found in the bug reports forum:
note that most of these threads will refer to Windows systems of course. THere is a thread in the Mac section that explains how to get EEkeeper working on a mac, but i haven't tried with BG2 yet. Good luck.
You can use EE Keeper to change their portraits once they've joined your party; just use the Change Portrait button. The BG2 portraits have an "N" as the first character in the filename, i.e. NVICONM.bmp. The BG1 portraits don't have the "N", i.e., VICONIAM.bmp.