14 Constitution [BGII:EE Spoiler Alert!]

Anyone else notice that all of the new NPCs have a 14 CON? Is there some sort of numerological significance that I'm not quite picking up on here? As for Hexxat,
I'm surprised she has a CON score at all, since she's undead
Post edited by Jalily on
Damn, my impulse control sux >.<
I've noticed the 14 CON on new NPCs in the first game.
Kivan is the only vanilla NPC in the 2 BG games in the "14 CON club" too
I do prefer to have max con for HP rolls (16 for non fighter classes), and max dex for AC, but then thats just a powergaming thing.
And STR is might and brute force.
STR is when YOU hit, your power.
CON is when SOMEBODY hits you, your resistance.
Hell, big muscles suit your (and my) definition of strength quite fine, but they're not a measurement of endurance, which we attribute to constitution. People who lift a ton (literally) have huge muscles, but marathon runners are wiry. Large muscles can lift more in one go, but suck terribly at repetitively lifting something light.
Check http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Constitution
Let's take football (soccer) players. Which players are more endure stocky (dwarfs 19) or thin (elfs 17)?
Or STR - how hard they hit the ball. Ibrahimovich (halforc 19) vs Neymar (halfling 17).
Undeads... Well, vampires are not ordinary undeads. They can speak, feel, their brain is functioning and they use blood (what they drink) for metabolism. They do have a metabolic system. If they don't get blood - they'll die nice and slowly.
Now I'm just wondering how exactly the body builds resistance to system shock? 'cause if I understand that, hit points are gonna make sense at last.