Hexxat file name portrait *BGII:EE SPOILERS*

Hi guys!
I want to change Hexxat portrait by overriding the original with another of my own. Anyone of you knows the file name of the portrait? Any help would be really appreciated!
I mean, the "real" Hexxat portrait...
I want to change Hexxat portrait by overriding the original with another of my own. Anyone of you knows the file name of the portrait? Any help would be really appreciated!
I mean, the "real" Hexxat portrait...
FIX: extracted portraits with NI, renamed them and assigned those as custom portrait via SK
I've tried a lot of different things mentioned in diffrent forums, but nothing happened. The only effect I've gotten was:
When I put portraits (named OHHEXL) in the override folder (in documents/baldur's gate II enhanced edition/override) the portrait of Hexxat is assigned to the main character (!!! Gorion's ward/PC/whomever).
If I name the portrait files OHHEXX (+ S, M, L depending on size), nothing happens.
Is there a bright person out there who knows what I'm doing wrong? I'm so sad at this, Hex is smexy =D
First, delete all portraits from the override folder. Mind you, the override folder is not in documents, it's in your game folder, for e.g.,
Then make sure the portrait you want to use is a 24-bit BMP with the right size (169*266). Then name it OHHEXXM. Then put in the override folder.
To assign a portrait for you CHARNAME, put a portrait you want (a 24-bit BMP with the appropriate size named something like portM.bmp) into documents/baldur's gate II enhanced edition/portraits folder. Then in-game choose a custom portrait.
Did you find a solution for it? I know it's been 2 years but i was hoping to solve the issue...