Most used spell: Cure Light Wounds Favorite Spell: Horrid Wilting, nothing quite like draining the life force out of everything in the area!
In PnP D&D I personally like the spell combo: Zone of Respite (locks down dimensional travel), Cloudkill with a second mage prepped to drop a windowless forcecage! Go ahead and sit in there for the next 30 minutes sucking down that poison!
I've always had a soft spot for Otiluke's Resilient Sphere and in BG it didn't have a save. Useful both for saving helpless party members and as a poor man's Maze. It's also nice to combine with contingency. The best time to use it is to hold the demon in Ulgoth's Beard, whilst you killed the cultists.
The jelly is also great, it has 100% magic resistance, but after you get the silence clickie shortsword, spider all the way! 10 levels of swashbuckler = super low AC, attack bonuses and thief skills on top, you can actually disarm traps while your a spider too lol. I didnt even get to trying out Tensers Transformation, that spell is just brutal on a Swash / Mage and makes you as good as a Kensei.
I really really want to do another playthrough, but I'm waiting for the enhanced edition first, I'm going to try a Fighter / Mage / Thief solo next. I've already done Cleric / Mage, Kensei / Mage and Swash / Mage solos so far.
"Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!"
On a serious note however, one word. "FIREBALL" The old version where you cast it and this massive flame wave roars out. It was the cheesiest spell in the game seeing the range of it was beyond aggro and if you had 2 mages, game over.
Favorite Spell: Horrid Wilting, nothing quite like draining the life force out of everything in the area!
In PnP D&D I personally like the spell combo: Zone of Respite (locks down dimensional travel), Cloudkill with a second mage prepped to drop a windowless forcecage! Go ahead and sit in there for the next 30 minutes sucking down that poison!
and summon skeletons (lvl 15 ones^^ who knows why?
Falling Cow? Why not? Pretty Sparkles? Maybe that Cullen pillock was a wild mage...
In BG1 : Sleep, Mirror Image, Hold Person, Haste, Emotion.
BG2 : Melf's Minute Meteor, Stoneskin, Lower Resistance.
Works all throughout BG1 too.
Cheesy as hell but it's glorious. :P
I really really want to do another playthrough, but I'm waiting for the enhanced edition first, I'm going to try a Fighter / Mage / Thief solo next. I've already done Cleric / Mage, Kensei / Mage and Swash / Mage solos so far.
* dispeling personal: breach
* dispeling area: dispel magic
* defensive personal: stoneskin
* defensive area: protection from evil rad. 10
* offensive area: glitterdust
* offensive area dmg: skull trap
On a serious note however, one word. "FIREBALL"
The old version where you cast it and this massive flame wave roars out. It was the cheesiest spell in the game seeing the range of it was beyond aggro and if you had 2 mages, game over.
This is of course all within BG1.