Cleric/Ranger in BG:EE
Member Posts: 208
If this has been asked, please inform me of the answer as I couldn't find any topic regarding this.
I wonder if they will be fixing the "bug" of the Cleric/Ranger getting all cleric AND druid spells. I understand many liked this class as it is insanely powerful, but I always hated this. The class combo should only get the RANGER spells, not druid spells.
I wonder if they will be fixing the "bug" of the Cleric/Ranger getting all cleric AND druid spells. I understand many liked this class as it is insanely powerful, but I always hated this. The class combo should only get the RANGER spells, not druid spells.
If you like to ROLE PLAY Ranger/Cleric, I guess you just don't ever pick the druid spells above level 3. If you like abusing possible bugs, then you simply enjoy the R/C to the fullest I guess. No need to get it fixed if you can play with a clear conscience
Charm animal not that great outside BG1
Low level druid spells aren't that much of a big use. It's the latter ones that are (Iron skin, insect plague, etc)
Two points in dual wielding is good, but clerics are very restricted with weapons. Chances are a fighter/cleric can get 3 of those dual wielding points anyway by early-mid SoA anyway.
Racial enemy is really the biggest advantage, but that counts only for ONE specific enemy in the entire game (and I really either go with Vampires or Dragons when it comes to that subject)
I think that the idea proposed by @Arrakis is really the best solution. It angers none, aside from an annoyance for those that want to play legit I guess. I myself like overpowered
In BG1 and 2 you were always restricted to one racial enemy per game. Which kinda sucks.
But it's a pretty big plus, I have to admit.
@Schneidend rangers gets at max level 3 druids spells. But the ranger/cleric access both. At any level.
Well, Druids will gain access to those spells before the Cleric/Ranger.
2) While no game can be perfectly balanced, they should at least attempt to approach it. This is not a radical redesign of the entire druid class that would require an enormous investment of development resources. This is a simple bugfix that would allow the Druid to retain a unique and at least somewhat useful role. The Druid would still have a niche role in the party, but the difference in power between them and a R/C would at least be relatively small instead of the gaping chasm it is now.
3) Say a new player who is familiar with AD&D or BG picks up the EE. They are totally unaware of the R/C bug. She thinks the druid looks like a fun class and plays it. After a while, She goes online to find an effective array of spells and equipment. While looking up that information, She discovers the vastly superior R/C build. She would be justifiably pissed that their character was so subpar through no fault of their own. After all, it isn't like the game told her about this bug that takes away the most powerful and unique part of her class and gives it to another.
4) Since this is a bug, it is understandable that this was in the game. The devs likely didn't realize it. Now they know. If they leave it in, it is by design. New players who are unaware of this bug are just important as more experienced who are aware of it. Allowing new players to become so justifiably frustrated due to the game not informing them of this is bad design. Period.
@Millardkillmoore I used to play a thief. Then I saw on the internet how vastly superior the kensai/thief was. I didn't get mad, and I finished the game with a thief, no bigdeal. And I don't think it is a bug. It's a feature ! Druids are still pretty good, they have awesome HLA with the prince of elemental that isn't available to C/R. The only "true" bug here is that C/R had HLA too soon with the R. But it has been fixed. So you could say, in a way, that it already has been balanced but that it probably won't be balanced any further.
Overall, I'd consider this a bug, and try to get it fixed.
For those of you who do not know of the glitch: if a character is either a dual or multi classed ranger/cleric then they have the ability to select both druid and cleric spells for their spells per day. It doesn't combine spell slots but instead combines their spells known list.
If this bug doesn't appear on the Fixed subforum, you guys can probably assume that it hasn't been fixed.