does Hexxats temperament improve? obvious *BG2EE SPOILERS*

ok so I just did dragomirs tomb and with out going into details I was pretty underwhelmed,
the new character is someone i'm just not going to like it seems and on top of that
she seems very focused on a particular style of party
so my question is; is this pretty much just how she's going to be/act across the entire game ?
I must admit that I was hoping to use her with my female cavalier as her love interest as it stands this is basically going to be pretty impossible from an rp perspective and from the perspective of me just not realy wanting to use her
I know im kind of asking for spoilers but try to avoid any details were possible, I realy just want to know if I should stick it out or just leave her in chunks on the ground
thanks in advance
the new character is someone i'm just not going to like it seems and on top of that
she seems very focused on a particular style of party
so my question is; is this pretty much just how she's going to be/act across the entire game ?
I must admit that I was hoping to use her with my female cavalier as her love interest as it stands this is basically going to be pretty impossible from an rp perspective and from the perspective of me just not realy wanting to use her
I know im kind of asking for spoilers but try to avoid any details were possible, I realy just want to know if I should stick it out or just leave her in chunks on the ground
thanks in advance
(some of them may not necessarily fight her and it may depend on what your main character says)
it may just be easier to go with someone else.
Otherwise she's evil so reputation becoming too high is going to be a problem.
You should just be able to play her as you would any thief. Most of the areas with the big challenges are indoors anyways so the fact that she loses stats while wearing her cloak isn't as big of a deal as it sounds...its just a pain.
ill abandon this play through then and go back to my male bard or thief. A little disappointing but oh well, sucks ill be missing out on a chunk of new content though
after Elminsters comment I just gave up with her and that play through
the point I was driving at in particular though was the fact she is quite overtly evil and was curious as to whether or not this was how she would remain so through out the story. If by some chance she could for example change alignment or 'soften' up I would perhaps have persevered to see if I would like her more.
cool well that's some what re-assuring at least, maybe ill come back to her on a later run through and perhaps re-appraise her for now i'm happy enough with my bard and his merry fellows
I meant no disrespect from earlier comments of course
as I noted on my first post I wasn't really after significant spoilers I was more interested in whether or not my problems would be alleviated at a later date or if I should just call it a day with hexxat.
*particularly an issue given the nature of my PC