Dorn Romance bug? (BGII:EE spoilers)

We sparred, he said I was attractive, eventually had sex, but then he said I was a poor leader and attacked me. He changed his mind and rejoined (actually didn't leave the party), but he hasn't mentioned the romance since. The variable DORNROMANCEACTIVE is set at 1, and DORNLOVETALKS is 17. Is everything alright or is this a bug? Does he always complain like that? My reputation was actually really low at the time.
Oh, Dorn. Sigh.
I really like that several of the Dorn romance conversations have been about him asking you what you intend to do with your heritage and what it means to you. It makes sense given his focus on power and his fascination with Charname due to his/her heritage and consummate skill at, well, Murder.
One of my favourite little conversations was when he tells you that you're now known as the 'Butcher of the Sword Coast', and you get a little snarky back-and-forth about maybe one day being as famous as he is.
i agree with some of the points @Eudaemonium made, BUT on the other hand i think talks are a bit short, romance progress is too fast and there is nearly not enough material to elaborate on anything meaningful in regard to his relationship with PC. i feel like relationship kind of develops from nothing and continues to exists with no solid reason (or at least, power and sex reasons never evolve).
i agree talking about feelings too much would be perhaps out of character for dorn, but i feel a lot of dorn's quirks were just slightly touched upon but never really expanded. like trust issues, betrayal, loyalty, his personal history, more of opinions about future, some power unrelated stuff might be REALLY refreshing here etc.
not to mention a missed opportunity to make dorn grow from simple desire for power grab into a more diabolical corrupting influence or something similar. he fails to learn despite his decent wisdom score i think.
i didn't feel there was real conflict with PC and in the end i can safely say i have no idea who dorn is or what is his background (at least, i would have no clue if not for a short stories posted a while ago), i didn't get to know him at all and he is a romance option for a PC.
i liked the intensity with which he treats PC and in the end, despite him being evil he IS in a relationship and he seems to take it seriously, so some considerations are appropriate, no? especially if dorn likes/loves PC, since love does not need to be a redeeming force.
also, PC responses are great and dorn really deserved his charisma score, he is eloquent and pleasing in his own evil way.
i guess i'm a bit disappointed with dorns romance for now, since it looks really promising and seems to show a lot of potential but never quite realizes it. dorn remains underdeveloped and a bit shallow. we'll see if TOB will change my mind.
on the end i really hope beamdog will expand upon NPC-s, or that some talented modder will decide to extend romance tracks.
I'm guessing not. Still enjoying it so far, and can't wait to see what happens in ToB.
Since this thread is already titled "Dorn Romance Bug," I thought I would list some of the bugs/text edits that I've experienced thus far.
2. Just before Azothet appears, the game crashed (this happens the first time with any new dialogue, it seems, which is resolved by reloading the saved game).
3. In Azothet's first conversation with CHARNAME and Dorn, the game text says, "The Great Druid who drew the circles..." where the voice actor says "The Great Mage who drew the circles..." Since it's easier to change the text than to edit the voice recording, it should be changed to "Mage," although I think "Druid" seem much more appropriate, given that it's in a wilderness setting.
4. Ur-Gothoz appears after Dorn's initial conversation with Azothet, where he asks Dorn about how the line of communication was temporarily broken with him. In the following dialogue, Dorn's name is listed as the speaker in a line that is spoken in Ur-Gothoz's voice: "I assumed it was your doing." The name should be changed to Ur-Gothoz to reflect this (it was confusing at first).
5. The text dialogues could use a fine-comb editing, as there are a few typos here and there.
Again, I'm having a great time with the new dialogues, romances, and quests. I'm very pleased with BG2EE!
and btw, are romance talks voiced at all? so far i've seen 2-3 talks voiced, others were silent. when dorn started talking there was only his random selection response and that was it. is this a bug...?
i'm sorry, but is there any good reason for not properly voicing romance talks? it seems to me that was one of the bare minimums to make new NPC's integrate seamlessly into bg2. i honestly thought it was some kind of a bug.
every romance talk from old NPC's has voiced FIRST LINE of conversation (no exception). dorn doesn't, he (mostly) has selection response instead of voiced first line. so, we can't talk about proper integration.
i don't know how other new npc's fare in this area.