Help me decide who to take in my party - Korgan, create my own NPC or other

Last night I learned that the party composition that I had planned on using in BG2EE was not possible due to... differing viewpoints between two of the NPCs.
So now I have a dilemma in deciding who will fill my 6th and final party slot. This is an evil party, so I'm inclined to stick with like minded individuals, but a morally questionable chaotic neutral character might fit.
I have:
-PC - Dual Class Berserker 8/Cleric X
I'm pretty sure that I want another arcane caster and a ranged/archer type character, as currently only Edwin is using ranged attacks regularly (the front lines start to get crowded).
I'm considering Korgan, as he definitely fits the bill for evil, but of course, he's a hardcore melee character. I suppose that I could switch Viconia to more of a ranged focus to balance this out, but I still end up with only one arcane caster.
Haer'dalis is another option I'm considering. He covers the backup arcane caster role, but his kit is very melee oriented also. Jan is pretty much right out, as his personality doesn't really fit this rather dark, brooding group and I just don't need a second thief.
Another option I'm considering is rolling up my own character. I'm considering something like a dual class fighter 7/mage X, with grandmastery in bow.
What would you all do in my position. I certainly welcome any well thought out comments and feedback!
So now I have a dilemma in deciding who will fill my 6th and final party slot. This is an evil party, so I'm inclined to stick with like minded individuals, but a morally questionable chaotic neutral character might fit.
I have:
-PC - Dual Class Berserker 8/Cleric X
I'm pretty sure that I want another arcane caster and a ranged/archer type character, as currently only Edwin is using ranged attacks regularly (the front lines start to get crowded).
I'm considering Korgan, as he definitely fits the bill for evil, but of course, he's a hardcore melee character. I suppose that I could switch Viconia to more of a ranged focus to balance this out, but I still end up with only one arcane caster.
Haer'dalis is another option I'm considering. He covers the backup arcane caster role, but his kit is very melee oriented also. Jan is pretty much right out, as his personality doesn't really fit this rather dark, brooding group and I just don't need a second thief.
Another option I'm considering is rolling up my own character. I'm considering something like a dual class fighter 7/mage X, with grandmastery in bow.
What would you all do in my position. I certainly welcome any well thought out comments and feedback!
That said, I could have her focus more on archery. It's something to consider for sure.
Hmm, not really sure how to make the screenshot display. I'll have to look into that.
Adonis was raised by the Talosians, though she knows not when or how she came into their care. She has a natural aptitude for wielding arcane magics and is a true shot with a bow. The Talosians recognized her many talents early, and helped her develop them that they might be put to use for the Stormlord's will.
Most recently Adonis has been asked to look into a new cult that has taken hold in Athkatla. She is willing to join up with like minded adventurers to accomplish her goals.
Adonis says little, and when she is asked why she is called "Of the Night" she says even less. She is a beautiful and deadly warrior, and with the right group, a powerful ally.
A man's got to stick to his principles unless somebody has a better idea.
I don't believe there was a glitch here. 7 levels in fighter was enough to become grandmaster in bows. Then I dualed to mage, and retained those abilities. I fail to see the "glitch".
The issue I have with sticking with Korgan is that I will be left with only one arcane caster (a concern I mentioned earlier in the thread). At the end of the day, I want that second caster, especially considering that my primary arcane caster can't cast any divination spells
I just consider it a perk of dual-classing in the BG house rules.
3E also requires you to level up each class one at a time, rather than 2E allowing you to reset yourself on the level table and gain three levels by completing a single quest.
The problem in 3E, however, is that most of the classes are so front-loaded that there's no reason to not take one, two, or three levels in a bunch of different classes. Pathfinder more or less fixes this by making single classes have really great high-level abilities.
At any rate, getting back to BG2EE, I can appreciate that you personally have issues with the choice I made. But personally, I'm already finding Adonis of the Night to be infinitely more interesting than Korgan, as I develop her backstory and consider how I can roleplay her through the game.
And while its true I can cover True Sight with either of my clerics, its much harder to cover Identify with a cleric. And because I'm a cheapskate, I have a real issue having to pay merchants to identify stuff for me.
And it's more than just divination. I just like to have a backup arcane and divine caster in all my parties. Perhaps its a poor choice for you, but personally, I'm having no regrets thus far. I'm sure it's going to work out great.
At the end of the day, I liked the name, so I went with it.
I understand that there is some consternation as to how I could use this character over the muscle that Korgan provides, and again, I can understand that on a purely micro level. Looking at the macro level I simply don't need the extra muscle, at least, not as much (in my mind) as I need a good backline character and a secondary mage.
Adonis fills both of those rolls beautifully, as she is quite an effective archer. Her THAC0 is going to fall behind later in the game, sure, but it will always be light years better than Edwin's with his sling, and she'll typically have 3.5 attacks per round with her bow! And... she'll be an amazing mage, though I will have her focus mostly on utility and crowd control type spells. Edwin will be the mighty conjurer and direct damage caster.
With Hexxat running as a dual class fighter7/thiefX she is a monster. And Viconia is a multi-class fighter/cleric with her strength boosted to 19 from a belt, so she's deadly too, though her hit points are admittedly somewhat low. Eventually she'll wield Crom Faeyr, and will be nigh unto unstoppable! Of course, Dorn is a total monster and my dual class Berserker 8/Cleric PC wielding Flail of Ages +3 is extremely deadly as well.
So my front lines are extremely well covered. If I were to bring in Korgan I'd more likely drop Viconia to make room than Adonis. I wrestled between Korgan and Viconia for weeks (I really tend to plan my parties out in advance), but ultimately decided that Viconia was a) hotter and b) her cleric spells would be a serious boon.
So it's working for me. I do appreciate the feedback given. But at the end of the day, I have to make my own choices for my own game.