Rate BG2:EE out of 10

Based off your impressions so far.
I'm limited to 10 poll options so there is no 0 option, but if you vote for 1, I think we will get the point.
I'm limited to 10 poll options so there is no 0 option, but if you vote for 1, I think we will get the point.
- Rate BG2:EE out of 10269 votes
- 1019.33%
- 934.20%
- 827.14%
- 711.15%
- 6  3.72%
- 5  1.12%
- 4  1.49%
- 3  0.37%
- 2  0.74%
- 1  0.74%
Still I want to remind that content wise this is an amazing game(and I love the new companion!).
Pure thiefs are the weakest class in the game.
I'm pretty sure that Spirit armour is also stronger than any armour that a thief can wear, but unfortunately its a bit bugged atm and blocks saving the game for its entire duration if you fail a save against it.
Mislead and all the other invisibility spells make backstabbing far easier.
So no, pure thieves are actually the 'weakest' class in the game, it makes no sense to think that a thief is stronger than a thief / mage.
Sure, mage/thieves are strong, thanks in large part to arcanists being woefully overpowered in 2E, but they're not as good at actually being Thieves as single-class Thieves.
And everyone of hexxats backstabs miss while my swashmage is cleaving away in the front line, plus she dies in just one or two hits compared to a thief / mage being a capable front line tank.
Thieves get terrible Thaco, they only reach a max base of 10 at the same time a mage reaches 13, and that is easily overcome with tensers transformation.
And to top it off, an unkitted pure thief is worse than a bounty hunter, assassin or shadowdancer.
If you have a team with a blade, aerie, nalia and neera, a pure thief is going to be a useless addition. All you need is someone to handle traps and locks, which tbh even nalia can do with a couple of rings, but she cant get 100 open locks without modding her thief skills, only 85. But if you use EE keeper to change her thief skills to a legit 75 detect traps and 75 open locks, she can get every trap and lock in the game with the two thief rings.
Hexxat was able to disarm a few traps, open a lock or two, picked a few pockets, and backstab the henchman of the backstab-immune, all of which helped me GET to that backstab-immune enemy in the first place. She also scouted out said backstab-immune without using any spells, and is able to use her 20 Strength and Dex to either stab or throw knives at the enemy when the fighting starts.
She'll also get Thief HLAs, which she would not get as a dual-class.
Its not really an issue to give the game a lower score over either, you can always add your own thief to your party, or use EE keeper / Mods to customise or add more NPCs.
Not having to use up spell resources isn't much of a perk since the resting is so (overly) simplified in typical CRPGs but even if it weren't the thief/mage multi would be slightly less useful in the previous challenges (if he didn't use up spell resources but he could thus making him better) and then better in the final fight which would mean he at least is equalling out in terms of power all said and done. The real perk is for the people that don't mind using spells up to that point because then the character will outshine the pure class.
I agree and this is getting way off topic so I'll stop there. I am a fan of pure class thieves, I've played many myself. I am also a fan of Hexxat and I do find her very useful, I'm just saying I don't have any illusions about the power of adding /mage to a class combo.