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Rate BG2:EE out of 10



  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    edited January 2014
    it would be 9 or 10 apart from

    -Hexxat bugs me

    -translucent text box irritates me a times

    - what few bugs I ran into really frustrated me luckily I am reasonably familiar with the console so I didn't get too screwed

    - that memory leak thing that was present at release really screwed me over at one point

    -no new Halfling npc or cleric kits I know these were never a thing but they are what id need to make bg2EE a 10

    it was good but I got a lot more from BG1EE
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    see... the way I think is the original game is my favorite game ever made, and pretty much the only videogame I'd be willing to play at this point. Then the Enhanced Edition comes out. It is an *improved* version of my favorite game, with some extra content. Some extra content is good, some I'm not so fond of. They also added the Black Pit, which is fun to play through once or twice.
    If the original game is so great, I can't see why I'd give this game anything below what I would give the vanilla BG2
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    yeh that's a cool way too look at it. personally I prefer to judge the EE based on the improvements and new content it offers rather than the game as a whole(which goes without saying is pretty awesome).
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    mine is a 9.5 (but when dealing with maths you round up) the ONLY flaw in the game that's enough to warrant half a point (IMO) is there seems to be some sort of limit as to how much loot can be on the ground at any given time as neera died during her quest and after raising her i couldn't find the corpse with all her stuff in it, after picking EVERYTHING up and putting it all down again, her super mage robes and staff etc etc were just gone, oh and the whole Clara fiasco (i loved the storyline, it was amazing) but! i liked Clara. but those two things to = .5 i think is pretty good as that's it, (and yes i know the devs aren't going to change the quest but honestly i put alot of work and reloading to keep her in the party only for....well if you've played it you know what happens....all the work for nothing was a slap in the face, my fault i know but a slap nonetheless)
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Well, you can become a god in this game and that's not something I approve of ^_^
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    Unfortunately, multiplayer is still a mess.
  • RaltarRaltar Member Posts: 35
    It is more or less the same game I fell in love with all of those years ago. The greatest RPG to ever be released and I don't have to jump through hoops to get it to run on my PC like I do with my original CD version.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    There's a lot to love and in general I enjoyed the new content. Unfortunately, some of the new areas did not feel like they were tested enough. A special potion that didn't work, dialogue coming from the wrong person, a ritual sacrifice that failed completely once out of the 3 times I did it, causing the quest to be permanently broken (of course I had a previous save), broken dialogue (some error message), duplicated dialogue (two lines above each other that are exactly the same), NPCs repeating themselves.

  • TaearTaear Member Posts: 90
    I guess for me (since the thread has been resurrected) after playing through the whole game again the only thing I dislike is how BIG the new characters seem compared to the old.

    I understand that the new areas can only be added as part of them, so I get why they've got so much. But it feels so wrong that Neera gets her own questline in ToB that takes you all over the show, whereas Jaheria (for example) gets nothing at all.
    There's a definite and real difference to them and it makes the other characters pale in comparison. I'll not go into the fanfictiony side of Hexxat (it's been done to death) but they all just have so much MORE to them that it makes me wish for quests for everyone else in the same vein.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Apparently I bought a different copy of the game, since I haven't encountered nearly as many bugs as other claim there are. One would get the impression that there is bug upon bug when reading some of the comments here and there.

    Having said that, of course most of my vote should be credited to Bioware's original product. I would rate BG2 for a score of 8. +1 for EE which might rise to +2 after additional content is released :)
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    Lathlaer said:

    Apparently I bought a different copy of the game, since I haven't encountered nearly as many bugs as other claim there are. One would get the impression that there is bug upon bug when reading some of the comments here and there.

    Even if you haven't seen a bug, it doesn't mean it's not there. I'd also like to say that almost all of the bugs I mention are dialogue issues. They're not really gamebreaking, but I still think it's disappointing that they're there and that I saw so many of them on the relatively short new missions.
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