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So with EE coming out soon. That means no more modding the game anymore?

XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
edited August 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
So with EEs soon release date, with what I see is fixed and included with the game, there is no more need to install most of the basic mods on Gibberlings3 and Pocketplane Group (Never really liked PPG much) like the fixpack and tweaks and spell/item revisions (not the fan based mods I found pointless and null, no offense to anyone who likes them) or even ones like Tutu or BGT since its all the same engine now and interface (was shocked they didnt just make it one game like BGT did) an there is no need to add anything at all now to the game. So it seems the mods are obsolete and we no longer have to put up with conflicting mod coding issues (due to everyone having different coding experience) I prolly think the modders will just redo their work to be compatable for EE anyways. But would there be any point to mod EE when in my opinion is already coded with the basic fixes anyways? I always thought modding of any way shape or form was concidered cheating and unfair. But this is a different story of modding. I appreciate what the fans did to continue working on BG and BG2 for patching and fixing what the devs forgot and tying up loose ends in the story, What has become of the modders as of late now that this version seems like you wont ever need to mod anymore?
Post edited by Xezmeraude on


  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    People will still mod to add new content and tweak things like stacking arrows/gems/scrolls.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    Thats already inluded though from what I hear about EE. I am pretty sure they put the increased stack numbers in. All issues were adressed based on stuff like that and from mods like tweaks and fixpacks.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Even if that's true, people will still put together NPCs, romances, and quest packs.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    BGEE will not make modding obsolete. Its very likely that the fix packs will no longer be needed, but the tweak packs will most likely remain relevant if the stuff that you like in the tweak packs is not added to the game (and its very unlikely that the entirety of the tweak pack options will be added).

    And that's not even considering the mods that add new content to the game.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    Thats what I figured may still go on. My opinions just meant that all this modding conflicts would finally end. No more having to put mass amounts of mods on just to have the perfect experience we all would have. I can possibly see Kelsey and Keto ( I never use them but due to how popular they are) could be a gift of actual NPCs to the game in years to come rather than just being mods. This is what im getting at with mods. We might not need them anymore. BUt your ideas are also a good point. There will be things the devs wont add, But will they just have them be a patch to the game instead? Theres just going to be alot of Gibberlings3 and Pocket Plane Group mods that will have to be completely revamped and I doubt they wanna tear their time and work apart for EE. Prolly just copy the code that isint included and make the EE mods. But guess as Tanthalas said. Even EE may need a mod here and there to whats not included. I just feel there wont be much need to mod. But least we dont need a mass amount of them anymore. Whew!
  • mampoamampoa Member Posts: 5
    I cannot see myself NOT modding the game. Correct me if i'm wrong on any of this but as far as I know they won't include BG1NPC Project - Baldur's gate 1 misses out on a lot of good dialogue without that in my opinion.

    Another would be sword coast strategms - again, unless that is going in too/similar AI improvements.
    I personally enjoy Spell revisions, Item revisions, Item randomiser, new quest mods - too many to name, a plethora of tweaks I personally like to make via Bg1/2 tweak pack. I'm also not sure how much, if any, of ToBEx is being incorporated. Then we have NPC mods as well.

    For BG2 the list of mods I enjoy is even greater, and includes some must-haves along the line of banter packs, Rogue Rebalancing, atweaks etc.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Whoa. Hold on, chief. Let's not give BG1 NPC too much credit, here. The writing in that is certainly not universally good. They made Shar-Teel's man hatred like the sole focus of her character.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    edited August 2012
    SCS wont be needed anymore since they patched up the engine and all the thac0 and attacking and enemies strategy codings were fixed up as mentioned in the fixes in a post by someone else. You shouldnt see anymore mages casting spells when you are protected from them etc. But I dont think they can still fix the nearest visible issue with some of the fighters and making them intelligent enough to logiclaly change targets at will. That mightve already been fixed too. From what is known, evreything that was an issue in the Vanilla game is fixed. That would also include the battles and the intelligence of the AI. Expect to see the Ogre Mage in Irenicus Dungeon no longer act like a fighter is what I mean.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    Also I should mention is im sure the Detect Evil and Know Alignment will work properly too. That was a major issue when determining who really was evil neutral or good through the game.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I'm pretty sure that SCS does a lot more than that.

    Really, don't expect BGEE to replace all mods.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    edited August 2012
    I never used NPC project. As overhaul stated. No new voicing for the content alreay in it and any new NPC banter mods were NOT getting included as they are not cannon to the game. Its just for players who get bored with the game thinking there isnt enough talking between NPCs. To think about it. why woul you wanna talk when you more likely got to focus and concentrate on paying attention to whats around to survive? Thats why the devs did that in the first place. In real life you wont be yikin and yakin all the time. It an give out cover and attract those who sense noises etc. They wanted to keep it a bit logical and more combat oriented. The NPC packs are just to give people more of a RPG feel than a real adventure feel.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    edited August 2012
    Thats what i thought too. Why I thought most of the mods are becoming obsolete. Yes SCS does more. But I feel wont intentionally be needed. Thats the point of why i made this thread. I just feel modding wont need to be as big of a deal anymore. But of course wont die out. We will have to see what could be modded for the game when it comes out. If the feel of the game is true enough. Maybe we would just make all new mods instead and move on from the old ones.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    I haven't seen any mod that's going to be made obsolete by BGEE. The only thing I anticipate being useless for BG2EE will be the BG2 Fixpack, and that's because I'm actively working towards that goal.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    What is still eligable to use from the fixpack in EE Cam? Plus. I always wondered this. But are you guys and pocket Plane ever just going to merge and just work together on making mods completely compatable for EE? I HATED the compatability issues and how many I needed for a logical adventure. Between both you guys mod teams yet both you guys have great mods, I always figured, Why be two heads butting and just work together?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    There won't be a need for BG2 Fixpack on BGEE, but that's because there's never been a reason to install a BG2 mod on a BG install. Anything that's relevant to BGEE from BG2FP, though, is being added.

    The various mod conflicts have never been about personalities clashing--I wrote the first installers for BGT when it was still at TeamBG, helped on the Tutu project and Unfinished Business over at PPG, contributed regularly at SHS, and headed up what was probably the largest cross-site modder collaboration when we wrote BG2 Fixpack at G3. The modder that spends all their time at one site is the exception, not the rule.

    What we do is technically very difficult, and the Infinity Engine is an incredibly fickle mistress. Mods work despite the engine, not because of it. We hate conflicts and install orders (we're players too!) and spend quite a but of time to avoid them--but like anyone else our time is limited, and sometimes the technical limits of what we do still bind us, despite our intentions.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    Ah that all finally makes sense now :) That should clear up why we had these issues inbetween mods. Hene the reason they need to be installed right. I always seen that on Gibberlings3 and PPGs site. Theres no proper mod order install list. Everyones are so different, but I an never seem to fin the OFFIIAL order they really should be installed. I Know Icelus had some form of a install list once. I never found a working link or he mustve took it down. Is there a list on Gibberlings3 just to be sure I had a proper install on all my mods to make sure i didnt have any major issues?

    Just an idea I always thought of to make finding mods easier. You guys ever think to just have all the mods on one site so its easier to find them without going back and forth between sites and just credit which mods are from what group. Saves all you guys working together having to manage many sites. With more people on one site. It can be maintained more. More activity for those on at different shift times etc. Seems alot easier to maintain and clean G3 than PPGs site. I like the set up of the site on G3 than PPG. Just seems more organized and alot more detailed. You guys of those mod teams ever thought about doing that share everything under one roofs site just sort out the mods from PPG into Gibberlings3 site under a PPG mod list?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Maintaining a master install list would be murder as I think we have a hard enough time just tracking mods that exist! :)

    @cmorgan might be better able to speak to this, as I still consult his omnibus Tutu mod install order for my Tutu installs. That only covers a fraction of the mods available for BG2 and I know it took him a lot of time and effort to put together and maintain.

    The good news is that, for the most part, mods are fairly independent of install order, and the ones that aren't try to warn you. A good rule of thumb is fixes first, followed by NPCs/quests/content, and mechanics/rules/tweaks last; within those categories try to install older to newer.

    For all the warnings that BG2 Tweaks gives about install order, really the only consequence of installing it before, say, Song & Silence would be that some of the tweaks wouldn't affect the new items from S&S. That's why you have so many 'tweak' mods trying to go last--it's mainly so that the new rules they add will also affect content from the other mods.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    Big World Setup and Big Picture were the ones that usually had the conflicts. Never used them since I knew they were bound to conflict. Its better ton install more what you want rather than the whole nine yards. So if installing newer version. Do we have to unintsall all the mods and reinstall them so they work right or you able to uninstall the one mod and just install it in? Usually I just uninstall them all just to be sure the conflicts stay minimal. Thank you Icelus for that back up of the 5 files needed for a clean install :)

    Ill keep that in mind when I install. Thats pretty much the order I used. From how EE sounds by its fixes. We prolly only will need most of the content mods with a few tweaks. I prolly wont ever have to go back to the old versions. Saves me all this trouble and having mods take up memory. I could finally get rid of some and free up space.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    Oh and another thing I should definitely clarify from you. I have the D&D Anthology Set installed. Does Tutu/BGT work well with BG and BG2 from that 8 game colletion set? Or do any of the mods have compatability with that set as well?
  • cmorgancmorgan Member Posts: 707
    Big World Setup and Big Picture were the ones that usually had the conflicts.
    True enough - these have the most conflicts, * if * you try to install * every mod under the sun * in one install! But the work the Big World Project , Big World Setup, The Big Picture, and one or two other mega-installer efforts that still are in use have an immense positive. Most of those projects allow you to chose to install only the mods you want. And they have developed a great install order. Plus, they maintain a set of "fixes" that make sure to smooth over any rough spots between mods (or fix mods no longer being maintained).

    And they give you what you were asking for - one location where you can see almost all the mods you can find on each of the games:

    There are no plans to merge mod sites that I know of. We have learned that several sites are better than a single one for the modding scene, as interest waxes and wanes; it also protects the community from becoming monolithic in terms of hosted mod types. Some people will absolutely *hate* my NPC mod. Others will love it. If I only had one committee that made the choice whether to host the mod or not, and most folks were "NPC Mods Stink; Give Us More Dungeons And Quests" folks, well, I'd be out of luck. Since we have several groups of folks each with their own interests, we get more hosted and maintained and distributed mods.

    @CamDawg has it right - Tutu is the easiest to manage in terms of install order choice, as there are only a small number of mods and a slow development process... and it is tough to maintain just those. The BWP folks have been exceedingly good at gathering information for BG and BG2, but there will always be a delay between what they report and what is available. But if you look at their tool and list and simply select what you want to install, it will set up a reasonable order for you. Just skip the BG mods and focus on BG2 mods, and use their install order.

    If you prefer an old-guard approach, PPG has a thread of WeiDU logs that have been posted from working games. If you steer clear of some of the older huge mods, put BG2 Fixpack first, then follow CamDawg's suggestion, smaller installs are very stable and fun. You can always uninstall one, or simply use your backup of override and dialog.tlk to clean it all up and start over. Personally, that is the way i like to play; Fixpack, a few specific mods, play, then clean the install and build a new loadout with new characters. Otherwise, it becomes a huge Morrowind-style impossible-to-figure-out-what-to-do-next for me.

    The GOG and Atari distributions I am less familiar with, but there are folks successfully installing mods on both of those distributions. They are simply the same game repackaged - they did not have the right to change any content or the engine. So, just like Steam distributions of Mount & Blade vs boxed retail versions, the game is the same. The distribution method is different.

    Note: None of this applies to BG:EE. In BG:EE, we have a new Tutu (literally, as the name is based on "BG [content moved from engine] one to two") that is more comprehensive and contains new content. We don't know all the details, but we certainly will have a stable base on which to mod (and support from the devs to let us play about and ask questions).

  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    I've been using GOG versions of BG & BG2 since my (second!) sets of BG & BG2 discs finally got one too many scratches, and I've never had problems with modding them.
  • ElysElys Member Posts: 100
    edited August 2012
    (Oups. Answered in the wrong thread)
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    edited August 2012

    I pretty much am like you cmorgan when it comes to installing. I tend to stay away from the fan based stuff i find isnt cannon to the game. Only stuff id add is like alternatives since I play the paladin once in a while. Makes sense to install the smaller stuff for a much cleaner game. At least you and Camdawg help me alot with the confusion all these mods give. Its always a choir to find the right ones for the right player as I like my game to be as real an logic as possible. Hence the Morrowind style. I have the same mind set as you :) I guess my mods are clear. Still might have to watch the revised hell trials conflict as that and the Glacus charm and imoens minor dialougues are pretty much the only mods im still worried about. Im sure they been fixed. Do you guys have a page to know what conflicts are already adressed and are up to date as well as one where theyre still being worked on so I can pay attention on what to and what not to install in meantimes till EE is released? With so many forums posted on G3. It gets harder to find the right page to search for and a good detailed explaination of whats being fixed and whats good to go.
    Post edited by Xezmeraude on
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @Xezmeraude sometimes fan work is better than the official. Not saying that it happens here, as this project joined professionals that also love the game (i hope). But normally the ppl that code, or create the mods on companies don't have half of the lore that some fans that make mods have.
  • SamielSamiel Member Posts: 156
    If anything with renewed interest in the game it might spark a resurgence.
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    I agree with the OP, in a way. In don't want to rely on mods to have a decent experience, because in my experience mods tend to create many conflicts between them, introducing immersion-breaking bugs of their own.

    However, I'm exited to see some old mods polished now that the BG code will be clean. Maybe we will find new gems in all of this.
  • XezmeraudeXezmeraude Member Posts: 91
    edited August 2012
    Most fan work wasnt exactly anything interesting. The only ones that seemed worthwhile to download was Kelsey and Keto and BGT. Tutu is nice and all but I dont want a mod that cant get you past beregost without having a bug issue. But I dont like adding more NPCs that arent cannon to the world of Faerun and Tutu wont allow the game to be one continuous playthough hence why BGT always beats Tutu hands down. Yes Tutu is easier to work on. But why Tutu left that one element out is why I wont ever install it. Untill it becomes one single playthrough without removing disks. BGT > Tutu no matter what.

    Hence what I was saying back at the drows race post. They just dont fit in the games universe at all. Most of the fan base stuff is just people wanting to change the story and have immensively powerful charatcres right away and have stuff you shouldnt have just to make the game to them more unfair and a blast through everything kind of game. Just inst challenging at all. Its more for fun and giggles.

    Dont get me wrong. Fan based stuff is a great way to show ones creativity and love for the game. But some of the fan based if not 95% of it. Is just downright out of someones mind who didnt enjoy the game at all or didnt like how Bioware made the story and wanted to make a whole new game instead and didnt like how many characters were chooseable in the game to join with.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited August 2012
    Stop shitting on modders dude, they kept the game alive and here you're hoping EE gets rid of them because you just don't like the idea of modding apparently. You're making wild assumptions about their motives, just no. Don't mod your game, don't bother about them if you hate them. 95% of what you posted here you just pulled out of your ass etc~
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    I love mods, and I love modders for making them. That's why I've been trying hard to do my part toward making BG:EE the most modder-friendly version of Baldur's Gate to date.
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